Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1963-1964
1963 April 15

Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1963-1964

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Description: The annual bulletin (vol. LXIII, no. 20) for the 1963-1964 academic year.

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1963 April 15


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Vol. LXIII No. Published Northwestern University East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois. Second " Chicago Ill. BULLETIN OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR PUBLISHED BY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAGO AND EVANSTON ILLINOIS CONTENTS OFFICERS FACULTY AND STAFF LAW STUDY AT NORTHWESTERN THE LAW SCHOOL Location Professional Campus Law School Buildings Classrooms Seminar Rooms Courtroom Library Studen Facilities Faculty Offices THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Classes Three Year Curriculum Faculty Methods Instruction Case Method Problem Method Seminars Practice Courses Required Courses Course Load Limited Enrollment Curriculum Supplemental Programs Rosenthal Lectures Linthicum Foundation Program Corporate Counsel Criminal Law Program Program International Legal Studies THE STUDENT BODY Legal Publications Moot Court Competition Junior Bar Association Honor Code Student Activities Recreation Social Activities Student Wives Student Residence Student Health Service ACADEMIC PROGRAM Admission Transfer Summer Session Pre Study Tuition Fees Expenses Scholarships Grants Financial Assistance Examinations Grades Honors Prizes Degrees GRADUATE STUDY IN LAW Admission Graduate Study Degrees Tuition Fees Expenses Graduate Fellowships International Legal Studies Criminal Law Teaching Associates PLACEMENT THE LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION REGISTER OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES CALENDAR SCHEDULES AND HOURS DIRECTORY FOR CORRESPONDENCE INDEX . Research . Class . Public ' . OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY J. RoscoE MILLER PAYSON S. WILD WILLIAM S. KERR FRANKLIN M. KREML ARTHUR T. SCHMEHLING WILLIAM C. BRADFORD Session JENS NYHOLM ALBAN WEBER FRANK S. ENDICOTT FACULTY JOHN RITCHIE JOHN EDMUND CooNs JEFFREY ANDREW FILLMAN HAROLD CANFIELD HAVIGHURST FRED EDWARD INBAU JOHN KAPLAN VANCE NATHANIEL KIRBY BRUNSON MACCHESNEY WILLIAM MONTGOMERY McGOVERN NATHANIEL Louis NATHANSON ALEXANDER NEKAM WILLARD H RAM PEDRICK JAMES ANDREW RAHL HARRY BROWNE REESE WILLIAM ROBERT RoALFE VicTOR G. RosENBLUM DAvrn STURTEVANT RUDER HOWARD RAYMOND SACKS DANIEL MERRICK SCHUYLER KuRT SCHWERIN Librarian CLAUDE RAYMOND SowLE WILLIAM MAYOR TRUMBULL JoN R. WALTZ JoHN C. McCoid II JEFFREY O 'CONNELL MALCOLM D. TALBOTT GLEN EARL WESTON HAROLD GWYN WREN BRAHM BAITTLE PAUL J. BOHANNAN WILLIAM WEBB BRADY ALEX ELSON GEORGE E. D ELEHANTY RAY GARRETT IRVING GOLDSTEIN ROBERT F. HANLEY LUCILLE LIEBERMAN JULIAN A. MILLER WALTER VINCENT SCHAEFER HAROLD D. SHAPIRO KATHRYN D. SowLE JoHN M. TEEVAN ERNEST S. WOLF SPECIAL LECTURERS VIRGIL PETERSON TEACHING ASSOCIATES STEVEN F. FRANKINO CHARLES LINDER GEORGE F. RENWICK JAMES H. YAGLA PUBLICATIONS STAFF WILLARD H. PEDRICK University Law R CLAUDE R. SOWLE Police Science KATHRYN D. SowLE GRESHAM M. SYKES Police Science ORDWAY HILTON MARIE D. CHRISTIANSEN MICHALENE A. LASALLO ELEANOR B. WILLIAMS A. LoUISE TURTON DIANA M. DENISON MARY L DONAHUE L NDA E. OVENS JOAN E. KuMOR IRENE S. BERNSTEIN KRYSTYNA . OBUCHOWICZ DOROTHY M. VAN KIRK DOROTHY L COLLINS SUSAN W. BAKER SARAH F. HALPER SHYAM CHARAN MAJHI LIBRARY STAFF WILLIAM R. RoALFE KURT SCHWERIN DOROTHY SCARBOROUGH ELAINE E. TEIGLER IRIS J. WILDMAN DOROTHY KLOFKORN IDA M. OLSON ROMAN DMYTERKO ELIAS VYTANOVYCH SELMA KRAHN ESTHER Y. QuIROL MARIA C. CHASE PAUL J. LUKASIEWICZ PHILIP T. KALAYIL JOHN W. CAMPBELL IRENE A. HoHENSEE LAW STUDY "Where ... " David Dudley Field Law School . AT NORTHWESTERN School Law . Law School . Professional ' . Early Law School . Today Northwestern . School. Law School . Those . Instruction . School . Law School JO . . Northwestern . . School' . Long Law School ' . ' . With University Law School . THE LAW SCHOOL ." Sir William Searle Holdsworth Law School . Unlike . . More . . Professional . There . There . . LOCATION Law School Lake Michigan Chicago. To Grant Park . To Gold Coast . Near ' . A Chicago Loop . Here . Law School United States Court Appeals. Situated Law School . Frequent . PROFESSIONAL CAMPUS Law School Northwestern University. Surrounding Law School Graduate School Business Administration Medical Dental Schools. Also Thorne Hall Abbott Hall . Living . Twelve University Evanston . Law School . Physically Law School . University . Outstanding Law School . Bounded Lake Michigan Law School . LAW SCHOOL BUILDINGS Law School Chicago Avenue Superior Street. Levy Hall Elbert H. Gary Library . Robert R. McCormick Hall Owen L. Coon Library School . Gothic English . Law School . Bordered . Law School . Medallions . Some Dean John H. Wigmore United States England Continent School . . Both Robert R. McCormick Hall . CLASSROOMS Law School . These . . . Such Northwestern. . ' . . Lincoln Hall British House Commons . . SEMINAR ROOMS Law School . Here . . Notable School Wigmore Room . Installed Wigmore " Counsellor' Chorus " Law School Dean Wigmore . MacChesney Hal . Williams Room . Two . COURTROOM School . Of Getz Courtroom . LIBRARY ' . Law School. Northwestern Law School Elbert H. Gary Library Owen L. Coon Library. Law School Chicago Avenue Superior Street . Chicago . More . . . Included . . . School . To . . . During School' . ' Un States Great Britain Commonwealth English Ian Student . Study . . Anglo American . English . More . European Japan Latin American . Furthering . . Holdings . Roman . Law School University . A Hardy Scholars Treasure Room . These . Many . A . . They . Although . A . . To . Comfortably . STUDENT FACILITIES . To ' Law School . Lounges Levy H . Lowden Hall School' Illinois Law School. Its . On . A Law School . Here . Each . These School . Separate . Junior Bar Associa Law R R Student Book Exchange S.J.D. . FACULTY OFFICES Law School . T Law School . T . THE COURSE INSTRUCTION Law School . . Anglo American . . Rather . Human . Law . Every . Effective . Refleciing Law School . . Beyond . . . . CLASSES Law School' . Class . Two . Time . . Law School ' . Some . Course Criminal Law Property Contracts Torts Lord Coke Blackstone. . Today Torts . Property . Criminal Law . Contracts . . Law School . . · ' . So Labor Relations Taxation Administrative Law Civil Rights Trade Relations Law School . Courses International Law Scientific Evidence Comparative Law International Business Transactions . THE THREE YEAR CURRICULUM Northwestern ' . Beginning Law School . By . During . Here Property Tort Contract Co Law Crimi Law. . A . Some . " " . . T ' . A . Lawyers . Law School . . An Law Industrial Society Corporations Labor Relations Trade Relations . Problems . University . . Small . . FACULTY Law School . Each . Many . Their . Such . School . Several Teaching Associates School. These American British . THE METHODS OF INSTRUCTION ' . No . To Northwestern Law School . First Law School . . Seminars . Instruction . School . Law School . . THE CASE METHOD . Law School . . . . Casebooks Law School . Through . Although . Under . . Northwestern . Socratic . Questions ' . . Through . Although ' . . From . With . Since . With . . THE PROBLEM METHOD Law School . Here . ' . ' . Perhaps . Perhaps . . Consultative School . Characteristically . . Discussion . . . Nor . . SEMINARS Opportunities . Here . . . Emerging . And . Experts . Often . With . Some Law School . PRACTICE COURSES One American . ' . . Law School . Prominent Legal Clinic. Northwestern . Under Clinic . Clinic . . During Moot Court. Practicing ' prevailiJ. . . . . . Most ' . To Law School . . . REQUIRED COURSES Juris Doctor . Law R Seminar Accounting Professional Responsibility International Law. Although . COURSE LOAD Courses opm . On . LIMITED ENROLLMENT Trial Technique Trial Practice . School Trial Technique Trial Practice . CURRICULUM FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER CONTRACTS * MR. HAVlGI IURST . Havighurst Cases Materials Law Contracts . . . CRIMINAL LAW MR. INBAU MR. SOWLE Concepts • . . Inbau Sowl Cases Comments Criminal Justice. LEGAL WRITING AND RESEARCH MR. RoALFE TEACHING ASSOCIATES Exercises . . Emphasis . Lectures . Roalfe How Find Law . . PROPER TY MR. SCHUYLER MR. COONS Introduction . Historical . Fraser Cases R Property . . TORTS MR. PEDRICK ]\. . SACKS Protection . Green Malon Pedrick Rahl Cases Torts. . SECOND SEMESTER AGENCY AND PARTNERSHIP MR. R UDER MR. SHAPIRO Consideration . Seavey R Hall Agency Partnership. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW MR. NATHANSON \ifR. SACKS . Casebook . TRACTS II \ifR. HAVIGHURST . FUTURE INTERESTS MR. SCHUYLER Future Shelley' . Leach Cases Future Interests Carey Schuyler Illinois Law Future Interests. MOOT COURT \/ . FILLMAN MR. WALTZ AND TEACHING ASSOCIATES . Stated Supreme Court Northwestern School . Appellate . Individual Teaching Associates. TORTS II MR. "WALTZ . Additional Green Malone Pedrick R Cases Injuries Relations. ACCOUNTING SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER MR. BRADY Principles . Not . ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGISLATIVE PROCESSES MR. NATHANSON MR. ROSENBLUM . Jaffe Nathanson Administrative Law Cases Materials Gellhorn Byse Problems Administrative Law. CORPORA TIO NS MR. R UDER MR. FILLMAN Relations S.E.C. Baker Cary Cases Materials Corporations. CIVIL PROCEDURE MR. REESE MR. KAPLAN Structure . . Scott Reese Cases Civil Procedure Federal Rules Civil Procedure United States District Courts Mr. Reese Field Kaplan M Civil Procedure Mr. Kaplan . . DECEDENTS' ESTATES AND TRUSTS MR. RITCHIE MR. McGOVERN Intestate . Ritchie Alford Effland Cases Materials Decedents' Estates Trust . . SECOND SEMESTER CIVIL PROCEDURE MR. REESE . COMMERCIAL LAW MR. TRUMBULL Sales . Honnold Cases Sales Sales Financing Farnsworth Cases Negotiable Instruments Uniform Commercial Code Text Comment Edition. EVIDENCE MR. WESTON MR . FILLMAN . McCormick Cases Evidence Mr. Weston Mr. Fillman . FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT TAXATION ]\!JR. KIRBY iV!R. '!\IREN Federal Estate Gift Taxes . . Pedrick Kirby Problems Cases Materials Federal Estate Gift Taxation . A Federal Estate Gift Taxation Federal Taxation . REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS MR. COONS iV!R. KAPLAN Transfer ' . Bade Cases R Property Conveyancing Dunham Modern R Estate Transactions . SEMINAR S Second . MOOT COURT II T . Messrs. Ruder Waltz . . A . Lowden Wigmore . T School Nationa Moot Court Competition . T York City. ADMIRAL TY THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER MR. MACCHESNEY General . Jurisdiction . Morrison Stumberg Cases Materials Admiralty . DEBTOR CREDITOR RELATIONS MR. NEKAM A . Federal Bankruptcy Act . Moore Deb ' Creditors' Rights Cases Materials. FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION MR. PEDRICK MR. KIRBY . Pedrick Kirby Problems Federal Taxation Surrey · Federal Income T Cases Materials Student Tax Service. LABOR RELATIONS MR. FILLMA N NLRB . Cox Bok Cases Labor Law . PROFESSIONAL R ESPONSIBILITY MR. T RUMB ULL Essential America . Discussions . R . R . T Ma Lawyer' Professional R . R EAL ESTATE SYNDICATION M R. K APLAN Sp . These . T R AD E R ELATI O NS M R. W ESTON Federal . Oppenheim Cases Federal Antitrust L R Supp Cases Ma Trade R . T RI AL PRACTI CE M R. HANLEY A m . T . T RI AL T ECHNIQUE M R. G OLDSTEIN Methods ' 'lati <! . . Goldstein Trial Technique Goldstein T Practice Cases. SEMINARS Advanced Commercial Law MR. TRUMBULL Advanced . Uniform Commercial Code Text Comment Edition . Criminal Law MR. NBAU A . Development Legal MR. SCHWERIN Studies A America Continental . Selected . Estate Planning MR. KIRBY Alternative D ' Estates Trusts Corporations Future Interests Insurance R Estate T Income Estate Gift Taxa . Practical . Northwes ' . Fiduciary Administration MR. KIRBY An ' . Sa Deced ' Estates Trusts . Government Land MR. REESE Problems FHA . Pro/ MR. WESTON Group Jaw. D . Business Transaction MR. NEKAM . Mimeographed . Internationa Law \ R. JVIAcC H ESNEY An . . Pamphl . ]urisf MR. SACKS A . H & Sacks Th L Process Basic Problems Making Af plicatio Law. Law Industria Society MR. R UDER An . A . Assign . Legislation MR. TRUMBULL Primarily . . . . Exploring . TransjJortation Communications Public Uti MR. NATHANSON A . Auerbach Nathanson Federal Regulation Transportation . SECOND SEMESTER Courses . CONFLICT OF LAWS AND INTER ATIO AL LAW " MR. MAcCm sNEY Legal Constitution "Act State" . FAMILY LAW * MR. NEKAM . Jacobs Goebel Cases Materials Domestic Relations . . FEDERAL JURISDICTION * MR. R EESE History Supreme Co . Hart vVechsler Th Federal Courts Federal System Th Code Rules Procedure Federal Courts. FEDERAL TAX POLICY MR. KtRBY An Federal Income Taxation . A . NSURANCE LAW * MR. HAV!GHURST Formation . Goble Case. Law . . LEGAL CLINIC MR. SACK S T Legal Aid Bureau Un Ch Chi \Tes Madison Stree . Topics . Th Legal A Bureau . T . Mimeographed . A . PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY MR. TRUMBULL . R ESTITUTION * MR. McGOVERN . Durfee D Cases R . SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE MR. lNBAU T . Scientifi . TRIAL PRACTICE MR. HANLEY . T RIAL TECHNIQUE MR. GOLDSTEI N T . SEMINARS A Litigation Study \lIR. FILLMAN A . T . Mimeographed . Ana Solution Selected L Problems MR. TEEVAN Primary Illino . Antitrust Law \lIR. W ESTO N Applica . Discussion . T Trade R . Civ£ Lib M. D So MR. ATHANSON A . ComfJarative Law MR. NEKAM An ' . Corporation Finance \tIR. R UDE R MR. GARRETT Selected . . Stress . T . .J Marsh Se Regulation Baker Cary Cases N[ Corporations. Criminal Evidence Seminar MR. !NBAU Selected . Estat Plannin M R. \ V REN . Government Contracts MR. COONS An . Consideration . Int Law MR. MACCHESNEY . Labor Law MR. ELSO N Coll . Labor R . Law Emerging Societies MR. COONS MR. BOHANNAN Exa " " . Hoebel Th Law Primitive Man . Law R INSTRUCTOR TO BE ANNOUNCED Special Editorial Board Northwest University Law R . Legal Histor ' \!JR. McGovERN Th . Problems Ta Business Incom MR. KIRBY An . . Enrollment . Stat Local Government * MR. KAPLAN Deals . U States . Materials . SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAMS Law School . Lectures United States . Law School' . Through . Many Law School . Others School. . THE ROSENTHAL LECTURES Julius Rosenthal Foundation Law School Chicago . Rosenthal Lecture Series . Pre . School Foundation Sir William Searle Holdsworth Vinerian Professor Law Oxford University. These "Some Lessons From Our Legal History " Macmillan Company. Antonio Sanchez Bustamente University Havana Permanent Court International Justice. John C. H. Wu Chief Justice Court Appeals Shanghai Law Codifica Commission China. These " Legal Systems Old New China Comparison" " Art Law Essays Juridical Literary " Commercial Press. Jean Escarra Faculty Law University Paris. Charles Warren " Supreme Court United States History " . These "Bankruptcy Un States History " Harvard University Press. Walton Hale H Professor Law Yale University. H T. Lummus Associate Justice Supreme Judicial Court Massachusetts. T " Trial Judge " Foundation Press . Lon L. Fuller Professor Law H U . These " Law Quest Itself " Foundation Press Inc. Un Nations United Nations. Adla E. Stevenson Un States Ambassador United Nations. Mr. Steve R Intern Law. J N . Hazard Professor Russian Institute Columbia University " Soviet Union Internation Law" Paul A. Freund Professor Law H University "On Understanding Supreme Court " Little Brown & Co. John P. Dawson Professor Law Un Michigan " Histor Unjust Enrichment " "Unjust Enr A Comparative Analysis " Little Brown & Co. Abraham H. Feller Gen Counsel United Nations "World L \ Community United Nations " "U N World Community " Littl Brown & Co. Charles Horsky Distri Columbia "T Lawyer Government " "Th \ \' Lawyer " Littl Brown & Co. "Liability Air Carriers Rome Conference " Eugene Pepin Legal Director International Civil Aeronautics Orga " Essentials Sound Judicial System " Arthur T. Vanderbilt Chief Justice Supreme Court New J " Nuremberg Trials " R H. Jackson Associate Justice Supreme Court Un States. A Conference Revision Illino Criminal Code Walter V. Schaefer Justice Supreme Court Illinois H W Professor L Columbi Un . Adolf A. B Jr. Professor L Columbia University " Century Capitalist R " Harco Brace. James Wi Hurst Professor L U Wisco "L Liberty Ce " "Law Co Freedom Nin Century U States " U · Press. L B . Sohn Professor Law H U Ernest A. Grnss Legal Adv Secretary Ge U Na J } . Parker Ch Judge U States Co Appeals Fo Circu . " Ind Rule Law U New .Japa Co " Nobushige Ukai Professor Law Pol Science Tokyo U "Judi E D Its Pro L " A. E . Papale Dean Sch L Loyola U New Orl "Murder Prin Pun " H L.A . H Professor Jurisp Oxford U . Leon Green Dea Law School D Professor Law U Texas "Tort Li Loss Insura T Victims " "Traffi Victims Tort Law " Northwestern U Press. Louis Eisenstein District Columbia " Ideologies Taxatio " R Press. R Honorable Lord Radcliffe Lord [ Appeal Ordin U Kingdom "T Law Its Compass " Northwes U Press. J H Canfield H D Law School "T Nature Priva Contract " Northwes U Press. Rt. R . James A. Pike Bishop Episcopal D California " Ethic Beyo Legal Ethics T R E Vocation Lawyer " "Beyo T Law " D & Compa . Wi G. Katz Pro Law U W " R America Co ." THE LINTHICUM FOUNDATION PROGRAM T Charles Claren L Fo Professor L Law School . T . From Public . American European . Foundation . Round Table Linthicum Foundation "Is Bigness Offense Sherman Act?" Participants Edward R. J Chicago Eugene V. Rostow Dean Professor Law Yal U Thomas C. McConnell L F. Tierney Chicago James A. Rahl Trade Relations. Round Table "'Feather Bedding' Symptom Disease." Principal Carroll R. Daugherty Professor Business Economics Northwestern University Paul R. Hays Judge United States Court Appeals Second Circuit Professor Law Columbia University. Participants Stanford Clinton Alex Elson Chicago W. Willard Wirtz Secretary Labor Labor Relations. Foundation Academic Conference "Individual Group Government Modern Economy " U Centennial. J Conference "Arbitration · Stab ." Forum "Countervailing Power Economy Concept Criticism." J. K Galbraith United States Ambassador India Professor Economics Harvard University. Conference "Chicago' Fight Against Slums." Co " Antitrust Laws Attorney General' Committee Report." Conference "Revised Civil Practice Illinois." Law School Conferences " St. Lawrence Seaway Law" "Chicago' Housing Code." Conference "Freedom Responsibility Industrial Community." Foundation Confere "Freedom Modern American Economy " Law School' . Arthur ] . Go Associate Justice Supreme Court Un States School. Law School' Conference "Individual Freedom Public Debate." Among Adlai E. St United States Ambassador United Nations School. Conference "Freedom Responsibility Broadcasting." Among Newton N . JVIinow Chairman Federal Communications Commission Roscoe E. Barrow Dean University Cincinnati College Law School. Conference " Illinois Professional Association Law." Among Crane C. Hauser Chief Counsel Internal Revenue Service Un States Treasu School. Confere " Un Commercial Code Illinois." Conference " Law Space Sa Comm ." CORPORATE COUNSEL INSTITUTE T Law School Corporate Counsel Institute Northwes . Institute . T Institute Law School IO . Professor David S. Ruder Director Institute. THE CRIMIN AL LAW PROGRAM Ford Foundation $ Law Schoo . Criminal Law Program Law School . . . Library . Informal . Outstanding School' . A Right Hon. Lord Radcliffe Lord Appeal Ordinary United Kingdom. Rigorous Low Review . THE PROGRAM OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STUDIES Ford Foundation $ Law School International Legal Studies. School' . School International Business Transactions International Organization Comparative Law Admiralty Civi Liberties Family Law . . . THE STUDENT BODY Dean Law School Abraham Lincoln. Recollections Alumnus Class . A . Like . Law . Beyond . Law School . Northwestern Law School' . . . . His United States . . Students . . More Law School . . A Law School. Law . Law School . LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Foremost Law School' Northwestern University Law R ' . R . . !\Tork Law R . A Northwestern Law R . Publication Illinois Law R . University Chicago U Illinois. Northwestern Northwestern University Law R . Rev . Selection Law School . Law R School Order Coif. Because Law R . Northwestern Law R . Although Law R . Th .Journal Criminal Law. Criminology Police Science. Products .Journal Criminal Law Criminology Police Science. .Journal School . Claude R . Sowle Associate Dean Professor Law Northwestern University. He Gresham M. Sykes Professor Sociology Dartmouth University Criminology Editor Associate Editors . Police Science Mr. Ordway H New York City Associate Ed . Professor Freel E. Inbau Law School Managing Director. .Journal . Student Journal. Law R Journal Law School . MOOT COURT COMPETITION To Moot Court School. · . . . · Justice Arthur J. Goldberg Supreme Court U States Law School. School National Moot Court Competition. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY THE JUNIOR BAR ASSOCIATION Law . . Law School ' Junior Bar Association. All Association School . Its . Board Governors Association . HONOR CODE An Law School' Honor Code Junior Bar Association . Honor Code th . . ' Law School . Honor Code Board Governors Association. After Board . Code School. Junior Bar Association Law School . . STUDENT ACTIVITIES School. Junior Bar Association Law School . Informal Lowden Hall School. A Junior Bar Association . Association . Association University Bookstore Abbott Hall . To School Law School Reporter . Law School' Northwestern Junior Bar Association American Law Student Association American Bar Association. Law School School } ' . RECREATION AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES & " ." He . . Nevertheless . Organized Law School Junior Bar Association . Association . Chapters Phi Alpha Delta Phi Delta Phi Tau Epsilon Rho Kappa Beta Pi Law School. Members . Above Working . Right Faculty Law Review . . T . And . No . A . T U ' Evanston. Many Chicago . STUDENT WIVES A Junior Bar Association Law School . A . L Wives ' ' . To ' . Occasionally Law School . STUDENT RESIDENCE Living . Casual ' . . English Inns Court ' . Abbott Hall Law School . . School Abbott Hall. . Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Huron Superior Street. Indiana . . . On . . Athletic . Floors School Law. There . Double . Rooms . All . Each . Trunks . Bed ½ . Abbott Hall . Bulletin. Frequent School. Right Chief Justice United States Earl Warren. Below United States Ambassador United Nations Adlai E. Stevenson Law School. ' Dining Hall . A $ . $ . . $ . . Before . Division Student Finance Abbott Hall. Rental J . Bills Cashier' Office Abbott Hall. Applications $ . . Manager Abbott Hall North Lake Shore Drive Chicago . Abbott Hall . Apartments $ . . There Law School . Abbott Hall. STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE Through Student Health Service University Law School . University Medical School Students Service . Student H Service Information Bulletin . THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM "Old Northwestern! " ' ." " Counsellor' Chorus " John Henry Wigmort Dean . Law School . Law School . Its . School . ADMISSION Since Law School . School . Applicants . School . Application Office Admissions Northwestern University School Law East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois . Students School . Before ' . . Except . ' . ' Law School Admission Test. Law School ' . Information Educational Testing Service Princeton New Jersey . . Educational Testing Service ' School Law. An School . An Committee Admissions. Prospective School. . Early . . $ . . Applications . Determinations ' Law School Admission Test . Each . . Every . An $ . . Upon . No Jaw . TRANSFER Juris Doctor ' Jaw . Generally . Transfer $ . . A . Transfer Law School Admission Test . . Dean School. Association American Law Schools C . SUMMER SESSION A . PRE LEGAL STUDY A ' Law School . . Since ' . College . Accordingly . Courses . Studies . . . English . . . Apart . He . . . Ordinarily . Law School . Robert R. McCormick Hall Law School . . He . TUITION FEES AND EXPENSES . $ . Abbott Hall Law School . Of $ . . TUITION ' . Short . Law School . ' . A Northwestern. Tu Undergraduate Full T First Semester . ... ..... .... .... ... . .... . .. .... . .. ... ... . ....... $ . Second Semester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undergradua Part Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graduate F Tu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graduate Part T . . ..... . ..... .. . ... .. ... ..... .... R R Fee Each Semester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U Students Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auditor' Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Candidates Juris Doctor . Cand Master Laws LL.M. Doctor Juridical Science S.J.D . Bachelor Laws Juris Doctor . All . Candidates S.J.D. LL.M. University R R $ . . Unclassified R R . FEES Application Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A [ . . Graduation Fees Juris Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doctor Juridical Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Student H Fee R . First . ... . ..... .. . .... . .. .. ...... .... . ........ ........ . Second .............................................. . Summer ... .. . . ................. .. . . ... ... .... .. .. .. ..... . . . . Mimeograph Fee" First . Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Late R Fee . . . . . . . . . C R Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Late Physical Examin Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duplicate Diploma Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duplicate Transcript R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS PAYMENT OF TUITION AND FEES Tuition . Payments . Cashier' Office Abbott H . Division Student Finance Abbott H . WITHDRAWAL AND REFUNDS Official Gen Office School Law. Students . Students . Students . Students . R . . . REBATES TO FACULTY STAFF AND INSTRUCTORS Undergraduate Un . • . . No . A fuU . . Application Student Finance Office Abbott H . Students Division Student Finance Abbott Hall . R . STUDENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNT University Cashier' Office Abbott H . Studen . There . SCHOLARSHIPS GRANTS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE School . Through Northwestern . SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS Approximately School' . . Ordinarily . All . . Interest . Awards . Each ' Generous ' . . . These . Application Office Admissions Law School. Special Clarion DeWitt Hardy Scholarships . An . Clarion DeWitt Hardy Scholarships Law. Scholarships [ $ . . . Professor Clarion De"\ Vitt Hardy School Speech Owen L. Coon " " . . Requirements . Funds Owen L. Coon Foundation Hardy Scholarship Committee . Francis S. Kosmerl Scholarships. A Francis S. Kosmerl . Preference Kosmerl Scholars . Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Fund. $ Northwestern University Mrs. Anna Coburn Fund School Law President University Dean School Law . Jacob Newman Scholarship Fund. $ Mrs. Minnie G. Newman Jacob Newman . Charles Weinfeld Scholarships. A $ Charles Weinfeld Law School . Dean School . Ware Scholarship. $ Mrs. Fannie M. Ware Lieutenant Manierre Barlow V\Tare Argonne Sector Battle . Frederic R. De Young Scholarship. Frederic R. De Young LL.B. LL.D. Supreme Court Illnois Herbert C. De Young Ruth De Young Kohler Mrs. Herbert V. University $ . School Law Illinois. Julius]. Hoffman Scholarship. A Judge Julius J. Hoffman Class . Class Scholarship. From Class . Anna Louise Raymond Scholarship Fund. $ Anna Louise Raymond . Wellington Walker Scholarship Fund. $ Wellington Walker Chicago . Elmer A. Smith Scholarship Fund. From $ Elmer A. Smith . Chicago Title Trust Comp. Foundation Scholarships. Since $ Chicago Title Trust Company Foundation School Law. Rufus H. Sage Scholarship School Law. From Mrs. Ellen Sage $ . Tau Epsilon Rho Scholarship. Chicago Graduate Chapter Tau Epsilon Rho $ . School Law . University Scholarships. There University . Mahlon Ogden West Book Fund. A Mahlon Ogden West Class School Law Dean. Class Scholarship. Class . Farm Insurance Group Scholarships. Farmers Insurance Group Los Angeles California Northwestern . $ . Ernest U. Schroeter Scholarship Fund. From Ernest U . Schroeter Class . Thad M. Talcott Jr. Scholarship Fund. From Thad M. Talcott Class . Floyd E. Thompson Scholarship. $ Floyd E. Thompson Mrs. Floyd E. Thompson Mrs. P. Goff Beach Jr. Illinois Wisconsin . Judge Thompson Supreme Court Illinois President Illinois Chicago Bar Association. Board Governors American Bar Association Law School . Ednyfed H . Williams Memorial Scholarship. Ednyfed H. Williams Chicago School Law Mrs. Ednyfed H. Williams . David T. Campb Fund . From David T. Campbell Class . City Products Corporation Scholarship. City Products Corporation Des Plaines Illinois $ Law School . John Henry Wigmore Honorary Scholarships. Students Wigmore Scholars John Henry · Dean Law School Treatise Evidence ' . . Jewish Students Scholarship Fund. $ J Students Scholarship Fund Inc. Law School . LOANS Among Law School Raoul Berger Law Loan Fund Mrs. J. N. Raymond Law School Fund Edward P. Summbers Law Loan Fund Law School Foundation Loan Funds. Charles Shapiro Morris Robert Shapiro Fund. Charles Shapiro Morris Robert Shapiro $ Law School . Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity Endowment Fund Fraternity . .$ . EXAMINATIONS AND GRADES Regular . ' . Although ' . . Law School J . . No . However ' . Students Dean . . A . Grades . Credit . No . A School School. A . Grades . P Pass F Failure . HONORS AND PRIZES Since Law School . Order Coif Northwestern . Order Coif School. Exemplifying Law School' . THE ORDER OF THE COIF NORTHWESTERN CHAPTER Northwestern Order Coif . Law Review School Order Coif. THE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW Selection Board Editors No University Law R . JV[ School Law. WIGMORE KEY Established .Junior Bar Association School . Selection Board Governors Junior Bar Association Editorial Board Law Review . THE LOWDE LWIGMORE PRIZES Frank . Lowden Class $ . . BARNET AND SCOTT HODES PRIZE Barnet Hodes Class $ . THE HYDE PRIZE $ Professor Charles Cheney Hyde Faculty School Law . HOMER F. CAREY AWARD Booth Inn Phi Delta Phi Homer F. Carey Professor Law . Under Illinois Law Future Interests Carey Schuyler . A WARD OF THE JUNIOR BAR ASSOCIATION An . University . After Levy Hall . . Frequent . To Law School . CLASS OF PLAQUE To Class Law School . School Law. LAWYERS TITLE FOUNDATION AVVARD Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation Richmond Virginia Foundation $ . AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE AWARDS American . These . THE UNITED STATES LAW WEEK AWARD A ' Law Week . INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE COUNSEL JOURNAL A\ \TARD A ' Insuran Counsel Insurance. DEGREES Degrees Trustees University School Law. Before . University Juris Doc LOr JD. . School Law . . Northwestern Univers School Law anoLher School. ' "' \Tith Distinction" "With Highest Distinction." Degrees Graduate Study . GRADUATE STUDY IN LAW Law School . One . School . American . Inquiries Office Admissions Law School. No . ADMISSION TO GRADUATE STUDY AND TO CANDIDACY FOR ADV AN CED DEGREES Master Laws Doctor Juridical Science Graduate Committee. Although English ' . Experience English English. DEGREES Two Master Laws LL.M. Doctor Juridical Science S.J.D. . Master Laws LL.M. . Master Laws University . Also School . During . Eae ' ' . Also Jurisprudence Comparative Law . To Graduate Committee . . ' Northwestern University Law Review Journal Criminal Law Criminology Police Science. . Doctor Juridical Science S.].D. . Doctor Juridical Science Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws School Juris Doctor School. ' . . . Dean . . . Candidates . They . TUITION FEES AND EXPENSES Full Bulletin. $ $ . Accommodations University' Chicago . Law School Fulbright . GRADUATE FELLOvVSHIPS FELLOWSHIPS IN INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STUDIES Ford Foundation Law School International Legal Studies. $ . Applicants Ford Fellowships. Law School . Dean Wigmore Law Library. School International Law. International Organization Comparative Law Admiralty Civil Liberties . School Family Law International Business Transactions European Economic Organizations. James Nelson Raymond Fellowship International Legal Studies. $ . From . . General Electric Foundation $ International Law. A . FELLOWSHIPS IN CRIMINAL LAW A Law School Ford Foundation . . Two . Generally Master Laws. A . . ' . Consideration ' . Although ' . $ $ . From . . GENERAL INFORMATION CONCERNING GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS Additional Office Admissions Law School. Normally . Also . None . Students . Successful . TEACHING ASSOCIATES Several Teaching Assoc School. Each . . PLACEMENT Northwestern JOms Law School . A . To Law School Placement Office . Through Placement Office . T Placement Office ' . . . Each Placement Office . Naturally Law School' . Some Chicago United States. Northwestern . American . Not . Furthering Northwestern' School Law. Dean John Ritchie . Informal . . Others . Law School United States Senators . Northwestern Law School . Northwestern . . Openings . Through Northwestern ' . Its United States Northwestern . An Law School . Law School . Attractive Law School. Alumni ' . From . Law School Placement Office . Each United States Law School . Government School . Law School Placement Office . . Working . After A . Beyond Law School Placement Office Chicago ' . THE LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Over Law School . Commemorating Law School' Robert R. McCormick Hall Owen L. Coon Library Law Alumni Fund School. Many . A Moot Court . . They . Each American Bar Association . Chicago . Also Chicago . Officers Law Alumni Association OFFICERS President C. IvEs WALDO JR. First Vice President PAUL W. CUTLER Second Vice President W LLIS D. NANCE Third Vice President JOSEPH H. WRIGHT R Vice Presidents JOHN BODNER .JR. LOWELL HASTINGS HARRY R. Ho HELMER JOHNSON LAURENCE OLIPHANT PAUL ZIFFREN Secretary EDGAR VANNEMAN JR. Treasurer CHARLES L. KAUFMANN Immediate Past President STUART S. BALL BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUART S. BALL HERBERT C. BROOK P. DAWN CLARK JOHN J. CROWN BERNARD M. EPSTEIN JEROME L. ETTLESON PAUL J. FURLONG CRANE C. HAUSER BARNET HODES Julius .J. HOFFMAN GEORGE M. KEANE ESTHER . KEGAN HENRY KENOE TIMOTHY G. LOWRY WILLIAM W. McKITTRICK WILLIS D. NANCE RICHARD .J. NELSON PATRICK . O'BRIEN HAROLD D. SHAPIRO JoHN PAUL STEVENS HOWARD J. TRIENENS JOSEPH H. WRIGHT REGISTER OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES CALENDAR FOR SCHEDULES AND HOURS DIRECTORY FOR CORRESPONDENCE Inquiries . SCHOOL OF LAw Northwestern University East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois Admission Office Admissions General Administrative Assistant Dean Part Placement Secretary University Placement Bureau Wieboldt Hall East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois Placement Placement Secretary Scholarships Office Admissions Student Division Student Finance Abbott Hall Lake Shore Drive Chicago Illinois Transcript Registrar Veterans Veterans Education Office Abbott Hall Lake Shore Drive Chicago Illinois INDEX Abbott Hall Activities Student Admission Admission Graduate Study Alumni Association Application Admission Bookstore Buildings Calendar Campus Professional Case Method Classes Typical Schedule Classrooms Coif Order Coon Owen L. Library Courtroom Criminal Law Program Curriculum Degrees Degrees Graduate Study Directory Correspondence Doctor Juridical Science Examinations Facilities Student Faculty Faculty Nature Fees Fellowships Financial Arrangement Fraternities Cary Elbert H. Library Grades Graduate Study Law Health Service Honor Code Honors Prizes Hours Credit Maximum Amount Instruction Course Instruction Method Legal Studies Program Criminal Law Criminology Police Science Junior Bar Association Juris Doctor Legal Clinic Legal Publications Libraries Linthicum Foundation Program Loans Location Law School Master Laws Levy Hall McCormick Robert R. Hall Moot Court Northwestern University Law R Officers University Placement Practice Courses Pre Study Problem Method Rebates Faculty Staff Instructors Refunds Register Colleges Universities Required Courses Residence Student Rosenthal Lectures Schedules Hours Scholarships Grants Financial Assistance Seminar Rooms Seminars General Discussion Staff Student Activities Student Deposit Acco Student Health Service Student Wives Teaching Associates Three Year Curricu Exp Traditions Transfer Applications Trial Technique Trial Practice Limited Enrollment Tuition Tuition Graduate Study Withdrawal Refunds NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Chicago Three Juris Doctor. By . Also Master Laws Doctor Juridical Science.
“Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1963-1964,” PLRC Collections, accessed April 25, 2024,