Browse Items (150 total)

  • Collection: The Dean Hansell Collection of Historical Legal Instruments

1675 April 16

Manor of Eye: surrender of tenancy by (John Balderstone?) to the use of Jonathan Wilson, who was then admitted as tenant.

1734 December 2

Manor of Eye: surrender of tenancy by Edward Cole and his wife, Mary, to the use of John Blackwell as a mortgagee.

1735 April 10

Manor of Eye: admittance of John Thurlby as tenant according to the will of and testament of William Thurlby, his late brother.

1806 December 24

Manor of Potton Rectoria: surrender by Philip Monoux and his wife, Martha, to the use of Martha's will and testament.

1873 August 13

A quitclaim, or transfer of land, from John P. Plummer to Samuel Plummer for a piece of property in Sweden, Maine.

1886 June 11

Certificate for ten shares of the Cincinnati, Washington, and Baltimore Railroad Company for William Russell Wise. On the back, Wise transfers these shares to George H. Watson and Co.


Certificate for 100 shares of The Pennsylvania Railroad Company to Main Line Sales & Service, Inc., and documents relating to the sale of 300 shares of the same company.

1799 March 15

Manor of Leiston: this deed details how, upon the death of William Rust, Phyllis Weeding, Rust's daughter, was admitted as tenant.

1830 April 13

Farnham Manor: Grant by copy of the court roll of property previously held by Thomas Matthews to the trustees named in his last will and testament: Elizabeth Matthews (his widow), Henry Matthews, and John Matthews.

1759 October 24

Streatham Manor: this deed details the admission of Nicholas Burt as tenant after Stephen Woolgar surrendered his tenancy to Burt's use.
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