Browse Items (150 total)

  • Collection: The Dean Hansell Collection of Historical Legal Instruments

1825, 1832

Set of three laminated documents from the Arkansas Territory: two promissory notes and one quittance.

1929 October 29-30

Receipt of payment for serving on a jury.


Three legal document jackets. These materials are fragile.

1865 December 20

Warehouse bond for $5,906.40 with Robert B. Crouch as principal and William Blackburne and Edward H. Bunker as sureties. On the back, it is noted that the bond was cancelled due to the "withdrawal of Oil for exportation and consumption."

c. 1748

This instrument notes the entry of a barrel and a quarter of malt in an action of trover, which was the result of a bankruptcy petition against John Raymond.


Final agreement made in the court of Common Pleas for a transfer of property in Sussex between John Lanham, plainant, and William Pierce, Jane Pierce, Peter Agate, and Jonathan Agate, deforciants.

1841 May 24

Probate of the will of Elizabeth Mesnard, a widow from Crayford in Kent.

1681 April 7

Manor of Eye: an instrument in which John Read surrendered his tenancy and Thomas Vesey and his wife, Elizabeth, were admitted as tenants.

1684 April 7

Manor of Eye: Instrument in which Jonathan Wilson surrendered his tenancy and John Cole was admitted as tenant.

1685 October 5

Manor of Eye: Instrument in which Thomas Vesey surrendered his tenancy to the use of his widow, Elizabeth, who was admitted as tenant.
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