Northwestern University Bulletin: School of Law, 1930-1931
1930 July 28

Northwestern University Bulletin: School of Law, 1930-1931

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Description: The annual bulletin for the 1930-1931 academic year.

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1930 July 28


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Vol. XXX No. JULY SCHOOL OF LAW UNION COLLEGE OF LAW FOUNDED McKINLOCK CAMPUS LAKE SHORE DRIVE AND CHICAGO A VENUE CHICAGO ILL. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Northwestern University Chicago Illinois. Entered Chicago Illinois Congress Acceptance Section Act Northwestern University EVANSTON AND CHICAGO SCHOOL OF LAW Published University Annual Announcement School Law CONTENTS Calendar Sessions Revised List Faculty Administrative Assistants Founding Purpose Location Law School Limitation Numbers Admission Graduation Combined Degrees Grades Scholarship Required Subj Limitation Work Promotion Pre Course Curriculum Individual Research Legal Clinic Foundations Affiliated Institutions Publications Elbert H. Gary Library Law Honors Prizes Scholarships Officers Alumni Association Law Alumni Trustees Fees Expenses Young Men' Christian Association Register Students Calendar Sessions Administrative Officers Walter Dill Scott President University. Leon Green Dean. Frederick Hamilton Chetlain Secretary. *Faculty Leon Green Dean John Henry Wigmore Dean Emeritus andProfessor Law Frederic Beers Crossley Professor Law Librarian Albert Kocourek Robert Wyness Millar Andrew Alexander Bruce Edward Franklin Albertsworth Fred D. Fagg Jr. Professor Law. Harold Canfield Havighurst Associate Professor Law. Newman Freese Baker Associate Professor Law. Frederick Hamilton Chetlain Associate Professor Law. Alexander N. Sack Visiting Professor Law. Charles George Little Professor Law. Louis Greeley Professor Law. Charles Byrd Elder Professor Law. Herbert Lincoln Harley Professor Law. Elmer Martin Leesman Professor Law. Stephen Love Professor Law. Frederick Thulin Lecturer Federal Taxation. Morton A. Mergentheim Professor Law Conflict Laws. Louis Goldsborough Caldwell Lecturer International Law. * School University Faculty . FACULTY George M Weichelt Lecturer Law Insurance. DeWitt Wright Instructor Criminal Clinic Raymond Foundation. Otto Raymond Barnett Lecturer Patent Law. Henry Minor Huxley Lecturer Patent Law. John Maxey Zane Lecturer Anglo American Legal History. Frank J. Loesch Lecturer Practice Law. Calvin Goddard Professor Police Science Director Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory. Minier Sargent Director Student Publications Illinois Law Review Journal Criminal Law Criminology Journal Air Law Journal Police Science Journal American Judicature Society VISITING MEMBERS FOR THE SUMMER SESSION Fred H. Blume Justice Supreme Court Wyoming Lecturer Roman Law. William Reed Arthur Professor Law University Colorado Lecturer Real Property. Sinclair Daniel Professor Law University Louisville Lecturer Private Corporations. Fowler Vincent Harper Professor Law University Indiana Lecturer Analytical Jurisprudence Negotiable Instruments. Thomas Edgar Atkinson Professor Law University Kansas Lecturer Code Pleading Federal Procedure. Pendelton Howard Professor Law University Idaho Lecturer Criminal Law Administration. Walter Wheeler Cook LL.M. Professor Law Johns Hopkins University Lecturer Legal Method. Sinclair Daniel S.M. LL.B. Professor Law University Louisville Lecturer Insurance. Richard Priest Dietzman A.B. LL.B. Associate Judge Kentucky Court Appeals Lecturer Real Property. *Lecturers Illinois Law J F. Rommel B.S. LL.B. Business Trusts. Thomas Garth McBride B.S. J.D. Municipal Court Practice. *All Alumni Law School. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL David H. Jackson Public Utilities. Arthur Goldblatt Divorce Legitimacy. Thomas A. Matthews Municipal Ordinances. Thomas S. Fitzgerald Public Records System. Owen Rall Debtor Creditor Process. Robert M. Woodward Criminal Procedure. Charles Mishkin Conditional Sales. Kent G. Chetlain Mechanics' Lien. Carl H. Zeiss Landlord Tenant. Arthur Dixon Conflict Laws. John W. Kearns Mortgages. James G. Holbrook Probate Practice. Nathan David Schwartz Corporation Practice. Harold J. Clark Trust Companies. Charles Wayland Brooks Evidence. Cranston Charles Spray Private Corporations. George A. Mason Special Assessments. Daniel D. Carmell Workmen' Compensation. Assistants Einar Fabian Soderwall Cand. Phil. University Lund Sweden Cataloguer Elbert H. Gary Library Law. John Bargmann Assistant Cataloguer Elbert H. Gary Library Law. Dorothy Scarborough Assistant Cataloguer Elbert H. Gary Library Law Mary Ersa Goodhue Recorder. Anne Hansen Secretary Librarian. Sarah Beard Morgan Secretary Professor Wigmore. Therese Crawley Secretary Faculty. Cecilia Deppe Secretary Dean. Emily Barr Watkins Assistant Manager Northwestern University Press. Raymond Foundation Staff DeWitt Wright Managing Attorney. Nellie MacNamara Instructor. Grace Powers Investigator. Nellie Swensen Clerk. FOUNDING PURPOSE AND LOCATION OF THE LAW SCHOOL Founding Purpose Location Law School T HE LAW SCHOOL Thomas Hoyne Allegheny Mountains. Henry Booth School University Chicago Northwestern University Union College Law. University Northwestern University School University Graduates. School Special Illinois. School Elbert H. Gary Library Law Law School School McKinlock Campus Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Chicago Avenue Chicago Levy Hall Mrs. Levy Chicago Bar. Limitation Number Students Admission Requirements School NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Auditors Graduation Degrees Trustees University Faculty Law School. Before Faculty Degree Juris Doctor Four Arts Science Except DEGREES "Grades Scholarship." Where Faculty Juris Doctor Regulations Applying Above Requirements Detailed Degree Master Laws Master Laws Bachelor Laws Master Laws Bachelor Laws Bachelor Laws Illinois Law Review. Review Degree Doctor Juridical Science Doctor Juridical Science Scientiae Juridicae Doctor S.J.D. Faculty Law School Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws School Juris Doctor. Doctor Juridical Science Juris Doctor equiva NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Faculty Faculty Faculty Dean Faculty. Combined Degrees Seven Years Bachelor' Arts Science Law School College Liberal Arts University Law College Liberal Arts Law School Bachelor Arts Science University. Law School Faculties. Law School Faculty Faculty Law School deg Bachelor Arts Science Law School Law School Faculty GRADES OF SCHOLARSHIP University Bachelor Science Law College Liberal Arts University Master' Arts College Liberal Arts University Bachelor' Arts Science Master' Juris Doctor Board Graduate Studies Faculty Faculty Law School. Juris Doctor' College Liberal Arts Master' Students Master' College Liberal Arts Law School Master' Law School Grades Scholarship Five Excellent. B Superior. C Average. D U F Failure. Only B C NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Subjects Required Courses Juris Doctor Professional Ethics. History Bench Bar General Legal Literature. Legal Clinic. Office Briefs Transactional Documents. Codes Revised Statutes. Not International Law International Law II International Law III Legislative Drafting Analytical Jurisprudence Historical Jurisprudence Contemporary Legislation Philosophy Law Comparative Civil Procedure Conflict Laws World' Legal Systems. Limitation Work Dean Secretary. Faculty Committee Registration. Any Dean Secretary Promotion CURRICULUM School School Faculty Pre Legal Course College Liberal Arts Faculty Law Law School. College Liberar Arts University Bachelor Science Law . THREE YEAR COLLEGE COURSE. First Year Mathematics French Latin English History. Second Year Any Physics Chemistry Zoology Botany Geology Astronomy English Public Speaking Philosophy History Economics Political Science. Third Year Public Speaking Economics Accounting Philosophy Psychology History English Political Science. IL FOU R YEAR COLLEGE COURSE. First Year Same Second Year Same Third Year Same Fourth Year Economics History Political Science Curriculum GENERAL STATEMENT. J.D. Faculty Law NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Faculty . FIRST YEAR CONSTITUTIONAL GovERNMENT American Constitutional Federal State Local. Albertsworth' Cases Constitutional Government Professor BusINESS AGENCIES Fagg' Cases Business Agencies Professor Fagg. CoNTRACTs Sealed Williston' Cases Contracts . Professor H CRIMINAL LAW ADMINISTRATION Constitutional Law AdminCOURSES OF INSTRUCTION Law Equity Criminal Law Criminal Procedure. Mimeographed Professor Bruce Professor Baker GENERAL SURVEY OF THE LAW One Robinson' Elementary Law Federal Constitution Willis' Introduction Study Law. Attendance World' Legal Systems Professor Wigmore. GENERAL SURVEY OF THE LAW II Elements Kocourek' Introduction Science Law. Lectures. Professor Kocourek. LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY One State Federal Legislative Conducted Professor Crossley. PROCEDURE Common Law Equitable Remedies. Origin Keigwin' Cases Common Law Pleading Professor Millar. TORTS Green' Cases Judicial Process Tort Cases Professor Green. SECOND YEAR AGENCY Not Keedy' Cases Agency. Professor Fagg. CHATTELS Origin Bigelow' Cases Property. Professor Kocourek. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Not American Constitution United States Federal States Federal Hall' Cases Constitutional Law. Professor CRIMINAL LAW ADMINISTRATION Not Same DAMAGES General Crane' Cases Damages . Professor Love. EVIDENCE II Four Wigmore' Select Cases Evidence . Professor Wigmore. HISTORY OF BENCH AND BAR Legal Biography One Assigned English American be Professor Wigmore. INSURANCE History Vance' Cases Insurance. Mr. Weichelt. INTERSTATE COMMERCE Interstate Commerce Act Act Commission Act. Elder' Syllabus Interstate Commerce Act Frankfurter' Cases Interstate Commerce Act. Professor Elder. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS Problems Professor Crossley. NEGOTIABLE INSTR UMENTs Anglo American COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Uniform Negotiable Instruments Smith & Moore' Cases Bills Notes. Professor Greeley. PERSONS Parent Infants Husband Kales' Cases Persons. Professor Fagg. PROCEDURE II Common Law Equity Pleading Common Federal Equity Rules Keigwin' Cases Common Law Pleading. Professor Millar PROCEDURE III J Process Trial Judgments Appellate Proceedings Under Illinois McBaine' Cases Trial Practice Instructor' Syllabus. Professor Millar. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS One History Costigan' Cases Legal Ethics. Professor Crossley. PUBLIC UTILITIES Nature Federal Uniform Public Utility Act Smith Dowling' Cases Public Utilities. Professor Elder. REAL PROPERTY ! Titles Not Introduction NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Aigler' Cases Titles Real Property. Professor Leesman. REAL PROPERTY II Rights Land Rights Bigelow' Cases Rights Land. Professor Leesman. SALES Subject Llewellyn' Cases Sales Uniform Commercial Arts. Professor Kocourek. TORTS II Interests Green' Cases Judicial Process Tort Cases Professor Green. WILLS h Disposition Mechem Atkinson' Cases Wills. Professor Chetlain. THIRD AND FOURTH YEARS ANALYTICAL JuRTSPRUDENCE Persona Kocourek' J Relations. Professor Kocourek. BANKRUPTCY J United States Brittan' Cases Bankruptcy. Professor Crossley. CODES REVISED STATUTES AND COMPILED LA One Federal State Municipal Professor Wigmore. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE CIVIL PROCEDURE One Germanic Roman Romano Canonical Continental Anglo American Engelmann Millar' History Continental Civil Procedure. Professor Millar. CONFLICT OF LAWS J Lorenzen' Cases Conflict Laws . Professor Meergenth CONTEMPORARY LEGISLATION Wigmore' Reference List Problems Contemporary L Professor .Love. CONVEYANCING Instructor' Syllabus Abstracts. Professor Greeley. CORPORATION PRACTICE One Illinois General Corporation Law Instructor' Mr. Schwartz. FEDERAL TAXATION Instructor' Syllabus. Mr. Thulin. ILLINOIS LAW Four Designed State Anglo America State Each NORTH WESTERN NIVERSITY LA Sc HOOL Four Various Faculty INDUSTRIAL LAW Employer' • Each Illinois State Industrial Commission Commission. Albertsworth' Cases Industrial Law. Professor INDUSTRIAL LAW II unc Albertsworth' Cases Industrial Law. Professor INDUSTRIAL LAW III Omitted Sherman Federal Trade Commission Clayton Webb Esch Cummins Albertsworth' Cases Industrial Law. Professor INTERNATIONAL LAW Public International Law Dickinson' Cases International Law. Professor Sack. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL LAW II International Law Mr. Caldwell. INTERNATIONAL LAW III Public International Law League Nations. League' Professor Wigmore. LEGAL CLINIC Civil Branch. Six Given Legal Aid Bureau United Charities Chicago Fall Due Professor Leesman Attorneys Legal Aid Bureau. Criminal Branch. One Preparation Chicago Bar Association Defense Poor Persons Accused Crime Central Howard Association. Professor Bruce Mr. DeWitt Wright Attorney Raymond ·Foundation Industrial Injuries Branch. Clinic LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING AND STATUTORY METHODS Construction Legislature NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Jones' Statute Law .Making. Professor Harley. MORTGAGES Covers Durfee' Cases Mortgages. Professor Greeley. PARTNERSHIP AND UNINCORPORATED AssocIATIONs Lectures Mechem' Cases Partnership. Professor Little.· PRIVATE CORPORATIONS Lectures Treatment Warren' Cases Corporations. Professor Little. REAL PROPERTY III Future Interests Future Kales' Cases Future Interests Professor Leesman SuRETYSHIP AND GUARANTY Lectures Ames' Cases Suretyship Professor Little TAXATION Federal Beale Magill' Cases Professor Sack. TRANSACTIONAL DocUMENTs One " " Ballantine' Preparation Contracts Business Documents. Professors Wigmore Fagg Chetlain. TRUSTS Trusts creCOURSES OF INSTRUCTION Costigan' Cases Trusts. Professor Chet WORLD'S LEGAL SYSTEMS One Maps Egyptian Babylonian Hebrew .Chinese Hindu Greek Roman Maritime Mohammedan Japanese Celtic Slavic Germanic Canon Romanesque Anglican. Lectures Advanced Professor Wigmore. Individual Research B Constitutional Law Professor Arbitration Professor Havighurst. Civil Procedure Professor Millar. Criminal Law Administration Professor Bruce Professor Baker. Insurance Professor Havighurst International Finance Professor Sack. Philosophy Jurisprudence Professor Kocourek. Problems Air Law Professor Fagg. Radio Communication Mr. Caldwell. Real Estate Development Professor Baker. Torts Professor Green. Additional Research. Legal Clinic Criminal Courts Branch Students Raymond Foundation Bar Association Bulletins Raymond Foundation NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Civil Branch Members Legal Aid Bureau United Charities Chicago Raymond FoundatiGn Law School Bureau. Law School Industrial Injuries Branch Members Industrial Law II Illinois Industrial Commission Office Industrial Commission. Foundations Faculty Law. Juuus ROSENTHAL Foundation Julius Rosenthal Chicago Bar Chicago Law Institute Chicago School. Julius Rosenthal Foundation William Searle Holdsworth LL.D. Vinerian Professor Law Oxford University. His "Some Lessons Our Legal History" Macmillan Antonio Sanchez Bustamente LL.D. University Havana Permanent Court International Justice. John C. H. FOUNDATIONS Wu. S.J.D. Chief Justice Court Appeals Shanghai Law Codification Commission China. CHARLES C. LINTHICUM Foundation Charles C. Linthicum School Patent Law Association Chicago United States Steel Corporation Patent Law School. Law Patents Trade Copyright " Law Radio Communication." Stephen Davis New York Bar McGraw "Scientific Property " Charles John Hamson London Honorable Society Gray' Inn L. B. Davies Melbourne Australia Francois Poignon Montbard France University Lille. "A Complete Program Improvement United States Patent Law System." JAMES NELSON ANNA LOUISERAYMOND Foundation Legal Clinic Faculty Law School Faculty Delegate. Four Bulletins NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Affiliated Institutions THE AIR LA INSTIT UTE Air Law Institute Illinois Northwestern University Fred D. Fagg Jr. Professor Law. Its Journal Air Law Sec Northwestern University Law School Summer Term Bulletin Summer Institute Air Law THE SCIENTIFIC CRIME DETECTION LABORATORY Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory Illinois N University Lt. Colonel Calvin Goddard Professor Police Science. American Journal Police Science Students Law School Criminal Law Administration Dean Law School Director Laboratory Publications THE ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW Illinois Law R Subscriptions Business Manager Illinois Law Review East Chicago Ave. Chicago. Law School Law Schools University Chicago University Illinois. United States. Each PUBLICATIONS Board Editors BOARD OF EDITORS E. F. Albertsworth Albert Kocourek BOARD OF MAN AGERS F. B. Crossley H.J. Clark ASSOCIATE STUDENT EDITORS Rudolph F. Bostelman Edmund S. Cummings Jr. Lester C. Davidson W. G. D. Donohoe Bernard J. Brendan Q. O'Brien Hugh O'Neill Jr. George L. Siegel Robert L. Taylor Moser Chairman THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERIC.AN INSTITUTE OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY Journal American Institute Criminal Law Criminology Subscriptions Managing Editor East Chicago Avenue Chicago. Northwestern University American Institute Criminal Law Criminology. Its English THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN JUDICATURE SOCIETY J American Judicature Society Applications Society Editor E. Chicago Ave. Chicago. American Judicature Society THE JOURNAL OF AIR LAW Journal Air Law NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Northwestern University Press Law School. United States Canada Law Faculties Northwestern University University Southern California Washington University Air Law Institute. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF Po LICE SCIENCE Journal Police Science Northwestern University Press Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory. United States Canada Library Facilities THE ELBERT H. GARY LIBRARY OF LAW Elbert H. Gary LL.B. LL.D. Elbert H. Gary Law Library Building Law School McKinlock Campus. United States Reports Reports States Territories National Reporter System Lawyers' Reports Annotated Illinois Reports States Union Of British Statutes Reports England Ireland Canada Year Books Besides Modern Anglo American Modern Continental Law European United States. International Law American British Continental West LIBRARY FACILITIES Ancient Oriental Primitive Medieval Law Hindu Mohammedan Hebrew Babylonian Egyptian Greek Chinese Japanese European . Roman Civil Law Moritz Voigt Leipzig Germany American Library. Ecclesiastical Law Jurisprudence Philosophy Law American English German French Italian Latin Criminal Law Criminology Anglo American Legal History English Historical Legal Literature Colonial England United States. Latin American Law Central American South American States Theodore S. Chapman Robert Farrell Collection Mexican Gary Collections Modern Continental Law Supreme Court Legal Bibliography Williams Historical Collection Legal Instruments A.D. Chicago Law Institute Elbert H. Gary Library. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Honors Prizes Scholarships Honor List. By • Faculty Honor List Faculty Faculty "Highest Honors." Credits Honor List Honor List CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE IN Highest Honors Arthur Joseph Goldberg Bernard Jack Moser George L. Siegel Isador Katz William G.D. Donohoe Honors Carl Fauth Biever Robert Lincoln Taylor Brendan Quinn O'Brien Francis Joseph Naphin CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE IN Highest H o William Whipple Miller Douglass Pillinger Sidney Arlington Jones Jr. Lester C. Davidson Honors Henry W. Kenoe Lewis Dominic Thill CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE Highest Honors Abraham Fishman Honors Morris David Spiegel Carl Schoeneberger HONOR LIST Alex C. Lawrence SP ECIAL STUDENTS High Honors Harry Kronenberg Honors Hyman Bernard Levin Order Coif Northwestern Chapter Its Each Members Elected Carleton Blunt Elizabeth Charlotte Buethe Carl Victor Hedberg Milton George Manasse Edward J. Metzdorf Arthur Bingham Seibold Jr. Award Class First Year Class University . Law School After Law School Awarded William Whipple Miller Douglass Pillinger. Rufus H. Sage Scholarship School Law From Mrs. Ellen Sage College Liberal Arts Medical School. Awarded Law School Albert W. Potts. Chetlain Scholarships Each Law Students' Book Store Book Store NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Law School. Henry Sargent Towle Forensic Prize Miss Helen M. Towle " Faculty Law School Hyde Prize Charles Cheney Hyde Esq. International Law. Not Charles A. Koepke Prize Charles Albert Koepke Awarded Owen N. Price J. M. Mewborne Isaac R. Ross. Charles B. Elder Prize Charles B. Elder Awarded Carleton Blunt. M Eleven These Applications Secretary School. Scholarships There Application Dean School. Officers Law Alumni Association President Henry Barrett Chamberlin First Vice President Chas. O. Rundall Second Vice President Franklin L. Velde Third Vice Presiden Henry S. Manley Treasurer Harold J. Clark Secretary Lowell Hastings Law Alumni Trustees University Law School Edwin C. Austin Secretary Treasurer William V. Brothers Bertram J. Cahn Will H. Clark Allen J. Carter Homer H. Cooper Frederic B. Crossley Mitchell D. Follansbee Chancellor L. Jenks George A. Mason Roswell B. Mason Ernest Palmer Charles Rundall Charles M. Thomsen President Frederic P. Vose John H. Wigmore Fees Expenses Matriculation University Tuition Tuition Tuition Students Course Patent Law Auditor' Fee Graduation Master Laws Doctor Juridicial Science NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Fees . Refunds Dean Young Men' Christian Association Young Men' Christian Association Chicago Schools University Buildings Secretary Association Chicag Evanston Association Association Those Y. M. C. A. McKinlock Campus Chicago Chicago UNIVERSITY NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PERSONAL LossEs University University Law School Secretary Law School East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois. REGISTER OF STUDENTS Abbey Stuart Clark Abrams Hyman Adeszko Thaddeus Vincent Akin Paul C. Alexander Myron Daniel Ancel Louis Andersen John Edwin Arlart Ernest Frederic Arnold Leavitt Clark Arthur Leland Thorne Ashcraft Alan Emerson Jr. Ashcraft Edwin Maurice III Ball Ralph Kimberly Bane Ario Ezekiel Banzet Frank Broadhurst Barber Charles Francis Barber Henry Parke Custis Wilson Barber Willis Robert Barnard Agnes E. Barnett William V. Barney Albert S. Barrett George Francis Jr. Barrett Robert Edward Bas Marvin Jacob Basine Joseph Bogdan Bauguess U. S. Grant Baumann Arthur G. Bazelon David Lionel Beall Marie Bradley Bell Joseph Edward Benedek John Bergman Joseph Berkey Weddell James Berkos Nicholas Berman Elliott Arthur Berriman Nicholas Stanley Berry Gerald W. Bertrando Secondino Bliss Albert Sidney Bloch Allan Robert Bloomberg Sam Martin Bloomenthal Lawrence R. Bohman Charlotte Elizabeth Bostelman Rudolph Frederick Bostram Richard J. Bowman Walter Clifford Boyle John G. Jr. Brady Jules Longmore Brandenburg Howard Hanchett Bready William Ramsey Brewerton Helen Elizabeth Broide George Brown Bernard Byrne Edward Patrick Byrnes James Patrick Camp Edgar William Jr. Campbell Argyle Esterling Campbell David Joseph Carey Archibald J. Jr. Carlson James Alfred Carlson Raymond Marshall Carpenter Alva C. Carrott James Worthington Carson John B. Carswell Howard Justice Chang Chin Tseu Chu Chow Auwhei Chang Philip Kywei Chien Titania J. T. Churchill James Clifton Cliffe Thomas Sitts Clinton Stanford N. Coffey James William Cohen Edward Harry Cohen Herman Colombatto Dominic Edwin Connor James Thomas Cooke Thomas Blee Cooley Thane Sanford Costigan Daniel Ambrose Crabs Kenwyn Smith Crane Ruth Bangs Cross Charles Wesley Cummings Edmund Stephen Jr. Cusack James Joseph Jr. Cutler Paul William Czeslowski Zeno Adalbert Dao Mao Hsieh Davidson Lester Dawes Palmer Deering Anthony DeMichaels Jack Dick Donald Johnson Dim Samuel J. Dixon George Wm. Jr. Dobosh Nicholas B. Doesburg John Henry Dogan Mathew Winfred Jr. Donohoe Wm. Graham Donald Douglis Berkley Drymalski Raymond Paul Bradley Robert Craben Eben Anthony Bradley Eberhart Jason Edward Edelson Clarence Norton Edidin Joseph Edmunds John Kaestli Edwards Hubert Hughes Egbert Lawrence Deems Ellenbogen Harold R. Elliott Fred Howell Ennis William Harrison Epstein Stanley K. Fagen Barney Fagan Edward H. Fearno J. Wayne Feigen Albert J. Feinn Louis S. Fels Jerome L. Feltenstein Feuerstein Fineman Sydney Finley Adin Woodworth Fishman Abraham Flank Arthur Selwyn Forkner Austin H. Frankel Arthur Gamm Philip Gannon Charles Wood Gantz Benjamin S. Gardiner William George Garrigan Robert Edward Genis Bernard Ginsburg Leo Lee Gizir Armand H. Glos Wilbert G. W. Golan Herman Lee Golan Nathan Lane Goldberg Arthur Joseph Goldberg George Eugene Goldblatt Edward Goldman Benjamin Bernard Goldstein Meyer H. Goldstein R. J. Gordon Harold Robert Gracie Joseph Arnold Graj Edmund J. Grant Myron Edgar Gray Joseph Root Gregg Donald Missal Gregory Mrs. Grace Rebecca Hale Hamilton Orin Halvorsen William Theodore Hamper Richard Clair Handler Albert Hanley Robert Raymond Harrell Maurice Ticer Harrison Samuel Paul Heineman Henry George Hellenthal Gertrude Henrietta Hensley Elias Turner Jr. Herman Maurice H. Hewitt Ernest Jeffries Higgins Preston Adrian Hines Bryon Hitchner Devore Ottawa Ho Ping Liang Hoffstadter Joseph Holland Charles Robinson Hollowick Harold Holzman Samuel Horton Robert Henry Howard Harvey H. Howell George Edward Howlett Robert Glasgow Hunter Robert Capron Huntoon Walter Gamble Jr. Isenberg Michael Meyer Izdebski Isabelle Mary Jacobson Harvey B. Jankowski Adam M. Jarecki John Thaddeus Jasinski Stanley Stephen Jaworsky John Michael Jefferson Joseph Howard Johnson Charles Theodore Johnson Herbert M. Johnson Samuel E. Jones Sidney Arlington Jr. Karlov Mandel Katz Isador Israel Kaufer Joseph Kennedy Leroy George Keno Henry W. Klaas Frank Henry Knudsen Orrin Clair Koff Bernard Robert Koff Morris Lexington Korfist Norman Adolph Korshak Lester R. Korshak Sidney R. Korzeneski Bernard Joseph Koszdon Abraham Koszdon Benjamin Kovitz Isadore L. Krohn Allen Lee Kullberg Fred John Ladenson Alex Lambert Julian M. Lambesis Ernest George Lansden David Van Burgh Lapperre Edward Richard Lasker Edwin David Latocha Edward K. Latting Arvis Lavick Al Lawrence Alex C. Lederer William J. Lee Joseph Bernard Lee Stephen Leonard Edward Theodore Levin Hyman Bernard Lewis Marton Liske Samuel William Lombardo Ross Palmeri Loos Carl Martin Loucks Mary Nancy Lupton Ralph Leander Luster Orrin Alvin McConoughey Artha McCormick John James McDonald Emmett M. McFarlin Milton Wilson McLendon James Andrew McNerney Jack Machem Maina Edward Clarence Malm Harry W. Marcus Irwin Mark Louis Joseph REGISTER OF. STUDENTS Markel Ray Donald Marsh Thompson George Martoccio Frank Paul Marton Louis Gazdag Mason Thomas Mathias Russell Howard Matthews John Telford Mazur Ben Meinsen Bernard John Mewborne James Marion Meyer William Henry Meyering Laurence Valentine Meyers Sidney Wm. Miller Alfred Fellows Miller Harley Miller Paul E. Miller William Whipple Missner Phillmore Donald Mitchell Grace Bush Miyamota Koichi Moffic Samuel E. Monchow Helen C. Mooney Mark M. Morici Marie Morici Peter Lagalbo Morine Edwin Russell Moriarity Katherine Mae Moser Bernard Jack Moses Marius A. Moss Robert S. Murphy Hayes Francis Naiman Irwin Hunce Naphin Francis Joseph Nedow Edward G. Newton Esther Elizabeth Niec Joseph O'Brien Brendan Quin O'Bryne Edward Patrick O'Donnell Henry Garner Offer Herman Jules Ohrenstein Edward W. O'Keefe Desmond O'Malley Thomas Joseph Jr. O'Neill Hugh Jr. Pait Franklin J. Pancel Andrew Parkin Richard Rex Favian Elaine Maidee Pessara Edwin Ernest Peterson Theo. Reuben Peterson Virgil Wallace Pitka Newman M. Fillinger Douglass Polaski Frank Pollack Eva Pollack Sidney Leonnard Porter Charles W. Portnoy Aaron Harry Posner Harry Randolph Prendergast Harold J. Rathje Marion Belle Raught Kenneth William Ray George Kevin Refakes A. John Reinstein Max Resnick Chas. Riddleberger Arlie Leon Rimmerman Herman Harlan Ritter Woodward Maurice Rogan Walter Eugene Rollins Lawrence E. Ronin Harold Farrell Ronquillo Remigio B. Rooth Bernard Samuel Rosenberg Joseph Lawrence Rosenberg Lester Clinton Ross Mabel Katharine Ross Martin Ross Robert Rothstein David B. Rottenberg Abe Rutecki Leo Toseph Ruttenberg David Ryan Arthur Saltman Tonas Sampson Walter Joseph Samson Harry E. Satkoff Frank Jr. Savickus Konstant J. Sawyer Floyd G. Schiewe Edwin O. Schmalhausen Gertrude Schmitt Edward Joseph Schoeneberger Carl Schrup Eldon Peter Schulman A. Aaron Schulman Lawrence Samuel Schultz Arthur Chester Wm. Schulz Carl William Schultz Harold Ott Segal Arthur B. Seidel Leon A. S. Sellers Perry Herschel Serhant Joseph Erwin Shane Harold Philip Shapiro Julian Shapiro Philip Albert Shapiro Philip Nathaniel Shearer Russel Sherman Samuel Jacob Shaps Morris Cyril Shultz Louis Albert Siegel George L. Silber Robert Lewis. Sims Frank Smith Skarpinski Harriett Elvira Smietanka Joseph Gerard Smutny Ladislav Sollo Wallace Richard Solomonson D. T. Spahr Robert Jordan Spencer Steven Cyrus Spiegel Morris David Spiewak Murray REGISTER OF STUDENTS Springer Robert James Stecher Allen Clark Stellhorn Luther William Stetson Allyn Fillmore Stewart Frank Alexander Stickgold Morris Stoller Samuel Stanley Stockton George Alva Stowe Wilmer Blagden Svatik Stephen Jr. Suekoff Raymond Sullivan Joseph John Jr. Sun Shelley Sweeney Edward Cleaveland Sweitzer Robert Martin Jr. Szulezynski A. Henry Taylor Robert Lincoln Tegtmeier Wesley Ferdinand Tell William Kirn Tepper Harold Theobald Adrian Daniel Thiesse Ray Frederick Thill Domingo J. Thill Lewis Dominic Thoma Frederick Rudolph Thompson Beverly Tieken Robert Toms Maurice Alston Tung Feng Ming Turk Milton Sherman Verdell Edward Ryan Wachowski Casimir Roman Wallace David Abraham Wang Chen Feng Warnecke Henry Herman Wegerzyn John S. Weil Wilfred Weil Milton G. Weissman Benjamin L. Welch Ross S. Welfeld Marvin Jerome White Gerald E. Whitlock Jane Resor Whitney Emerson Whyte Charles Lewis Jr. Wienke Harvey William Wierengo Henry Langeland Williams Walter P. Williams Emerson Mills Williams J. Lester Williams Robert Lyman Williamson Wm. Burke Wines William Creighton Winogrand Henry Roe Wolf Emil Charles Wolff John Robert Jr. Wong Ah Hon Wong Peter Pakwander Young Harvey J. Yap Diosdado M. Young Arthur Kleiman Zatz Benjamin Tames Baybay Leyte Zai King San NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Law School Chicago Dr. Walter Dill Scott East Chicago Ave. Chicago. THE QUADRANGLE FROM THE SOUTH NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW
“Northwestern University Bulletin: School of Law, 1930-1931,” PLRC Collections, accessed July 27, 2024,