Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1966-1967
1966 January 31

Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1966-1967

About This Item

Description: The annual bulletin (vol. LXVI, no. 9) for the 1966-1967 academic year.

Dublin Core

1966 January 31


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETI Vol LXVI Published Northwestern University East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois Second Chicago Ill BULLETI N OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR PUBLISHED BY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAGO AND EVANSTON ILLINOIS Where Write Calendar Officers Faculty CONTENTS Law Study Northwestern School Course Instruction Life School Admission Fees Financial Aid School Its Alumni Register Colleges Universities University Officers Index Map WHERE TO WRITE Law School ADMISSION Applications Request Office Admissions Supporting FIN AN CIAL ASSISTANCE ADMISSION Summer Session · REQUESTS FOR TRANSCRIPTS Law School J ADMISSION Graduate Study D GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS J PLACEMENT OTHER ALUMNI AFFAIRS Address Law School Registrar Committee Graduate Admissions Placement Service Law Alumni Association Northwestern University School Law East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois OFFICERS AND FACULTY UNIVERSITY OFFICERS RoscoE MILLER PAYSON WILD WILLIAM KERR FRANKLIN M KREML WILLIAM BRADFORD JOHN COOPER ARTHUR ScHMEHLING JOHN RITCHIE JOHN BECKSTROM WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN JOHN CooNs IRVING GORDON HAROLD HAVIGHURST JoHN HEINZ FRED INBAU JAMES KIRBY VANCE KIRBY BRUNSON MAcCHESNEY WILLIAM McGOVERN NATHANIEL NATHANSON ALEXANDER NEKAM DAWN CLARK NETSCH JOHN O BYRNE JAMES RAHL HARRY REESE WILLIAM RoALFE VICTOR ROSENBLUM DAVID RUDER HowARD SACKS DANIEL SCHUYLER RICHARD SCHWARTZ KURT SCHWERIN FRANCIS SPALDING JAMES THOMPSON JoN WALTZ JAMES KIRBY WILLIAM McGOVERN HARRY REESE FRANCIS SPALDING ROBERT SPRECHER JON WALTZ ZE MORE ADER PAUL J BOHANNAN WILLIAM BRADY JOHN CROWN KARL DE SCHWEINITZ JoHN DIENNER JEROME GOLDBERG ARTHUR GOLDBLATT ROBERT HANLEY HENRY KENOE NORMAN LEFSTEIN BEVERLY PATTISHALL WALTER SCHAEFER HAROLD SHAPIRO WILLIAM STAPLETON JOHN TEEVAN ERNEST WoLF TEACHING ASSOCIATES ANDREW WALKER PUBLICATIONS STAFF DAWN CLARK NETSCH FRED INBAU JAMES THOMPSON MARVIN WOLFGANG ORDWAY HILTON MARIE CHRISTIANSEN IRENE BERNSTEIN DIAN DENISON DORIS DODGE MARY DONAHUE GAIL GARTNER JUDITH HAGGENJOS CORDELI LANTZ MARY E LOGAN SHYAM CHARAN MAJHI LIND McMILLAN MILDRED MITCHELL KRYSTYN OBUCHOWICZ JESSIE PAUKST ELIZABETH SELTZER ELIZABETH SIMON JoAN VOGT BARBAR WEAVER ELEANOR WILLIAMS KURT SCHWERIN ELAINE TEIGLER Department ROMAN SAJEWYCH Department GOLDIE GREEN ALPERIN DOROTHY KLOFKORN DAVID BRYANT ID M OLSON ETELK VAJD MART PRYJM VANER AHOL JOHN CAMPBELL MARI CHASE SELM KRAHN JEROME MENEZES EsTHER QuIROL ELIAS VYTANOVYCH LAW STUDY AT NORTHWESTERN David Dudley Field THE SCHOOL Sir William Searle Holdsworth LOCATION United States Court Appeals Law School Lake Michigan Loop Law School Northwestern University Surrounding Law School Graduate School Business Administration Medical Dental Schools Also Thorne Hall Abbott Hall Living University Evanston Law School LAW SCHOOL BUILDINGS Law School Chicago Avenue Superior Street Levy Hall Elbert H Gary Library Robert McCormick Hall Owen Coon Library School About Dean John Wigmore United States England Continent School Both Robert McCormick Hall CLASSROOMS Law School Such Northwestern Lincoln Hall British House Commons School School · Seminars School Complete LIBRARY Law School Northwestern Law School Elbert Gary Library Owen Coon Library Law School Chicago Avenue Superior Street Western World More School Faculty Library United States Great Britain Commonwealth English United States Deering Library Evanston Anglo American English More European Japan Latin American Holdings Roman Especially Williams Collection Legal Instruments Law School University Hardy Scholars Treasure Room Western Hemisphere They Comfortably OTHER SCHOOL FACILITIES Lowden Hall School Illinois School Law School On Law School Levy Hall Separate Lowden Hall School Junior Bar Association Law Review Julius Miner Moot Court Competition Student Book Exchange Candidates Faculty STUDENT RESIDENCE Living Casual English Inns Court Abbott Hall Law School [ School Abbott Hall Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Huron Superior Street Indiana On Athletic Floors School Law There Double Rooms All Each Trunks Bed Abbott Hall Abbott Hall Before Division Student Finance Abbott Hall Rental View Robert McCormick Hall Owen Coon Library Law School Quadrangle Abbott Hall Bills Cashier Office Abbott Hall Applications Manager Abbott Hall North Lake Shore Drive Chicago Illinois Abbott Hall Apartment There Law School STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE Student Health Service University Law School University Medical School Students Service Studen H Service Information Bulletin THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Oliver Wendell Holmes Law School Rather Human Law Every Effective Reflecting Law School Beyond Faculty CLASSES Class There Two Time Law School Some Course Criminal Law Property Contracts Torts Lord Coke Blackstone Today Torts Property Criminal Law Contracts Law School Within Casebooks Law School Faculty So Labor Relations Taxation Administrative Law Civil Rights Trade Relations Law School Courses International Law Scientific Evidence Comparative Law International Business Transactions FACULTY Law School Each Their Such School Socratic METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Northwestern Law School ! First Law School Seminars Advanced Instruction School THE CASE METHOD Law School Under Northwestern Socratic Questions From · Since Admissions Office Law School THE PROBLEM METHOD Law School Perhaps Perhaps Consultative School Characteristically Discussion PRACTICE COURSES Practice Law School Prominent Legal Clinic Northwestern Under United States District Court Northern District Illinois During Moot Court Practicing Julius Miner Moot Court Competition Law School SEMINARS Seminars Some Law School SENJOR RESEARCH PROGRAM Senior Research Program Under Program Program Law School Depending University University Program Program Program Senior Research Program Program Program School THE THREE YEAR CURRICULUM Northwestern Beginning Law School By School Senior Research Program Faculty During Property Tort Contract Constitutional Law Criminal Law Legal Writing Research Laboratory Seminar Procedure Each Thereafter Law School REQUIRED COURSES Juris Doctor All Two Senior Research Program Legal Profession Legal Clinic Law R International Law Faculty COURSE LOAD Courses Faculty On LIMITED ENROLLMENT Trial Technique Trial Practice Introduction Litigation School Trial Technique Trial Practice Introduction Litigation CURRICULUM Course Courses COURSES REQUIRED OF FIRST YEAR STUDENTS Credit First Sem Hours Contracts Criminal Law Laboratory Seminar Procedure Legal Writing R Property Torts Second Semester Credit Constitutional Law Contracts II Moot Court Real Estate Transactions Torts II COURSES OFFERED TO SECOND AND THIRD YEAR STUDENTS Credit First Semester Hours Accounting Administrative Law Antitrust Law Civil Procedure Commercial Law Corporations Debtor Creditor Relations Deced Estates Trusts Federal Estate Gift Taxation Federal Income Taxation International Law Introduction Litigation Labor Law Legal Clinic Legal Profession Trademarks Copyrights Trial Practice Second Sem Hours Admiralty Antitrust Law Civil Procedure II Commercial Law II Conflict Laws Corporations II Evidence Family Law Federal Estate Gift Taxation Federal Income Taxation Federal Jurisdiction Federal Tax Policy Insurance Law Introduction Litigation Legal Clinic Legal Process Legal Profession Patent Law Practice Restitution Scientific Evidence Securities Regulation Trial Practice Miner Moot Court SEMINARS OFFERED TO SECOND AND THIRD YEAR STUDENTS All First Semester Civil Liberties Modern Democratic Societies Comparative Law Crimi Law Development Legal Institutions Estate Planning Fiduciary Adminis Government Land Juvenile Courts Delinquency Law Society State Local Government State Local Taxation SENIOR RESEARCH PROGRAM Second Semester African Law Analysis Solu oE Selected Legal Problems Antitrust Law Policy Constitutional Administrative Law Intern Organizations Corporation Finance Criminal Evidence Seminar English Legal History Estate Planning International Business Transactions Law Organizations Labor Law Law Industrial Society Law Psychiatry Law Review Seminar Problems Taxation Business Income Regulated Industries Senior Research Program Interested Program General Office School FIRST SEMESTER FIRST YEAR COURSES COURSE DESCRIPTIONS FIRST SEMESTER FIRST YEAR COURSES CONTRACTS MESSR COONS BECKSTROM Agency Havighurst Cases Materials Law Contracts Mr Coons Fuller Braucher Basic Contract Law Mr Beckstrom Continued CRIMINAL LAW MESSR INBAU HEINZ Concepts Inbau Sowle Cases Comments Criminal Justice LABORATORY SEMINAR IN PROCEDURE MESSR CHAMBERLIN HEINZ INBAU McGovERN MR NETSCH MESSR RAHL RUDER SACKS SPALDING THOMPSON Introduction LEGAL WRITING AND RESEARCH MESSR HEINZ SPALDING WALKER WILSON Writing Strunk White Th Elements Style FIRST SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR COURSES PROPERTY MESSR SCHUYLER GORDON Introduction Historical Shelley Fraser Cases R Pro T ORT S MESSR RAHL SACKS Protection Green Malone Pedrick Rahl Cases T Mr R Gregory Kalve Cases Materials Torts Mr Sacks Continued SECOND AND T HIRD YEAR CO UR SES ACCOUN TING M BRADY Principles Corpora Amory H Materia Accoun Faris Accounting Lawyers AD MI NISTR ATIVE LAW M NATHANSON J Natha Admin Law Cases ANTITRUST LAW M RAHL MR NETSC H Federal Prerequi Administra Law C Procedure Bowie R Bork Cases Governmen R B R Cases Ma Ant L FIRST SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR COURSES CIVIL PROCEDURE MESSR REESE WALTZ Structure Reese Cases Civil Procedure Federal Rules Civil Procedure United States District Courts Mr Reese Field Kaplan Materials Civil Procedure Mr Waltz COMMERCIAL LAW M GORDON Commercial Farnsworth Honnold Commercial Law Cases Jvfaterials Uniform Commercial Code Text Comment Edition CORPORATIONS MESSR RUDER BECKSTROM Relations Securities Exchange Commission Prerequisite Baker Cary Cases Materials Corporations DEBTOR CREDITOR RELATIONS M NEKAM Federal Bankruptcy Act Materials DECEDENTS ESTATES AND TRUSTS MESSR RITCHIE McGOVERN Intestate Ritchie Alford Effland Cases Materials Decedents Estates Trusts FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT TAXATION M KIRBY Federal Estate Gift Taxes Pedrick Kirby FIRST SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR COURSES Problems Cases Materials Federal Estate Gift Taxation FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION M O BYRNE Pedrick Kirby Problems Federal Income Taxation Surrey Warren Federal Income Taxation Cases Material Student Tax Service INTERNATIONAL LAW M MAcCHESNEY An Bases Required Bishop Cases Materials Int Law INTRODUCTION TO LITIGATION M CROWN Both Primarily Letwin Assignments Trial Practice LABOR LAW M KIRBY NLRB Federal Cox Bok Cases Labor Law LEGAL CLINIC MESSR SACKS KENOE Training Legal Aid Bureau United Charities Chicago West Madison Street Legal Clinical Legal Aid Bureau Guest Freeman Legal Int Counseling LEGAL PROFESSION M SACKS An Among FIRST SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR SEMINARS Required Materials TRADEMARKS TRADE IDENTITY AND COPYRIGHTS M PATIISHALL Materials TRIAL PRACTICE M HANLEY An TRIAL PRACTICE M WALTZ Selected Special · Kaplan Waltz Trial Jack Ruby SECOND AND THIRD YEAR SEMINARS Civil Liberties Modern Democratic Societies M NATHANSON Intensive Bill Rights Particular Reference Comparative Law M NEKAM An FIRST SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR SEMINARS Criminal Law MESSR lNBAU THOMPSON Develoj Legal Institutions M SCHWERIN Studies Anglo American Continental Selected Estate Planning M KIRBY Practical Fiduciary Administration M KIRBY An Prerequisite Decedents Estates Trusts Government Land M R EESE Problems FH Juvenile Courts Delinquency MESSR LEFSTEIN STAPLETON Attention An Law Society MESSRS SCHWARTZ COONS An Mimeographed State Local Government \/ NETSCH Selected · Materials State Local Taxation M O BYRNE Study SECOND SEMESTER FIRST YEAR COURSES Prior Hellerstein Stat Local Taxation SECOND SEMESTER FIRST YEAR COURSES CONSTITUTIONAL LAW MESSR NATHANSON KIRBY Barrett Bruton Honnold Constitutional Law Cases Materials Mr Nathanson Dowling Gunther Constitutional Law Cases Materials Mr Kirby CONTRACTS II MESSR COONS BECKSTROM Course REAL EST ATE TRANSACTIONS MESSR SCHUYLER SPALDING MR NETSCH Transfer Also Materials TOR TS II MESSR SACKS WALTZ Course Additional Green Malone Pedrick Rahl Cases Injuries R Mr Waltz MOOT COURT MESSR HEINZ SPALDING WALKER Stated Supreme Court Northwestern School Emphasis SECOND AND THIRD YEAR COURSES ADMIRALTY M MACCHESNEY General Jurisdiction Healy Currie Cases Admiralty SECOND SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR COURSES ANTITRUST LAW M RAHL MR NETSCH CIVIL PROCEDURE II M REESE Course Prerequisite Civil Procedure COMMERCIAL LAW GORDON Sales oE Article Uniform Commercial Code Farnsworth Honnold Commercial Law Cases Materials Uniform Commercial Code Text Comment CONFLICT OF LAWS M NEKAM oE Enforcement Brief R Materials CORPOR TIO NS II M SHAPIRO Advanced Consideration Prerequisite Corporations Baker Cary Cases Materials Corporations EVIDENCE MESSR WALTZ HEINZ Kaplan Louisell Waltz Law Evidence Mr Waltz Maguire Weinstein Chadbourn Mansfield Cases Materials Evidence Mr Heinz FAMILY LAW M CHAMBERLIN J Goebel Cases Materials Domestic Relations FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT TAXATION M O BYRNE Course SECOND SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR COURSES FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION M KIRBY Course FEDERAL JURISDICTION M REESE History Supreme Court Prerequisites Civi Procedure I Hart Wechsler Federal Courts Federal System Code Rules Procedure Federal Courts FEDERAL TAX POLICY M KIRBY An Federal Income Taxation INSURANCE LAW M BECKSTROM Formation Materials INTRODUCTIO TO LITIGATION M CROWN Course LEGAL CLINIC MESSR SACKS KE OE Course LEGAL PROCESS { SACKS More Hart Sacks Legal Process Basic Problems Making Application Law SECOND SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR COURSES LEGAL PROFESSION M SACKS Course PATENT LAW AND PRACTICE M DIENNER Historical Smith Patent Law Cases Comments Materials RESTITUTION M McGovERN Consideration Dawson Cases Restitution SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE M INBAU Scientific SECURITIES REGULATION M RUDER Intensive Examination Corporation Finance J Marsh Securities Regulation Knauss Securities R Sourcebook TRIAL PRACTICE M HANLEY Course THE JULIUS MINER MOOT GOUR T COMPETITION Julius Miner Moot Court Competition Moot Court Board Mr Waltz An Judge Julius H Miner Moot Court Society School National Moot Court Competition National Moot Court New York City SECOND SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRO YEAR SEMINARS SECOND AND THIRD YEAR SEMINARS African Law M NEKAM An African Problems Jaw Analysis Solution Selected Legal Problems M TEEVAN Primary Illinois Antitrust Law Policy M RAHL Advanced Prerequisite Antitrust Law Constitutional Administrative Law International Organizations M NATHANSON United Nations United Nations Attention Sohn Law United Nations Corporation Finance M RuoER Advanced Examination Stress Prerequisites Corporations Federal Income Taxation Securities Regulation Herwitz Cases Materials Business Planning Criminal Evidence MESSR INBAU THOMPSON English Legal History M McGovERN Mimeographed Estate Planning M O BYRNE Description International Business Transactions M O BYRNE Ebb International Business SECOND SEMESTER SECOND AND THIRD YEAR SEMINARS International Law Regional Organizations M MAcCHES EY Atlantic Community Coal Steel Community Common Market Term Prerequisite International Law Valuable Antitrust Law Stein Hay Cases Materials Law Institutions Area Labor Law Legal Materials M KIRBY Prer Labor Law Law Industrial Society MESSR RUDER DE ScHWEINITZ Intensive Prerequisites Corporations Antitrust Law Labor Law Samuelson Economics Law Psychiatry M COONS Goldstein Ka D Law Psychiatry Law R Seminar M KIRBY Current Prer Labor Law Problems Ta Business Income M KIRBY Industries M HEINZ T H ACADEMIC REGULATIONS Programs Third Since Trial Practice Introduction Litigation Regular Failure Dean EXAMINATIONS AND GRADES Regular Grades Students Dean Grades Credit School School Grades P F HONORS AND PRIZES Order Coif Northwestern School THE ORDER OF THE COIF NORTHWESTERN CHAPTER Northwestern Order Coif Law Review School Order Coif THE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW Selection Board Editors Northwestern University Law Review Membership School Law WIGMORE KEY Established Junior Bar Association School Selection Board Governors Junior Bar Association Editorial Board Law R Faculty THE LOWDEN WIGMORE PRIZES Frank Lowden Class BARNET AND SCOTT HODES PRIZE Barnet Hodes Class THE HYDE PRIZE Professor Charles Cheney Hyde Faculty School Law HOMER CAREY AWARD Booth Inn Phi Delta Phi Homer Carey Professor Law Illinois Law Future Interests Carey Schuyler AWARD OF THE JUNIOR BAR ASSOCIATION An University Levy Hall CLASS OF PLAQUE Class Law School School Law MOOT COURT PLAQUE Graduating Class Julius H Minor Moot Court Competition Law School LAWYERS TITLE FOUNDATION AWARD Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation Richmond Virginia Foundation · AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE AWARDS American Jurisprudence CORPUS JURIS SECUNDUM AWARDS Each Corpus Juris Secundum School WEST PUBLISHJNG COMPANY AWARDS Each West Publishing Company School THE UNITED STATES LAW WEEK AWARD Law Week INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE COUNSEL JOURNAL AWARD Counsel Journal Insurance DEGREES Degrees Trustees University Faculty School Law Before University Juris Doctor School Law Northwestern University School Law School Faculty Public Seen Newton Minow Chairman Federal Communications Commission Degrees Graduate Study SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAMS Law School Lectures U Sta Law School Law School Others Schoo THE ROSENTHAL LECTURES T Julius R Foundation Law School Chicago Bar T R Lecture Series School Foundation Sir William Searle Holdsworth Vinerian Professor Law Oxford University Some L Our Legal History Macmillan Antonio Sanchez Bustamante University H Permanent Court International Justice John Wu Chief Justice Court Appeals Shanghai Law Codification Commission China Legal Systems Old New China Comparison Art Law / ] { Literary Commercial Press Jean Escarra Faculty Law University Paris Charles Warren Supreme Court United States History Bankruptcy United States History Harvard University Press Walton Hale Hamilton Professor Law Yale University Henry T Lummus Associate Justice Supreme Judicial Court Massachusetts Trial Judge Foundation Press Inc Lon Fuller Professor Law Harvard University Th Law Quest Itself Foundation Press Inc United Nations United Nations Adlai Stevenson United States Ambassador United Nations Mr Stevenson International Relations International Law John N Hazard Professor Russian Institute Columbia University Soviet Union International Law Paul Freund Professor Law Harvard University On Understanding Supreme Court Little Brown & Co John Dawson Professor Law University Michigan History Unjust Enrichment Unjust Enrichment Comparative Analysis Little Brown & Co Abraham H Feller General Counsel United Nations World Law World Community United Nations United Nations World Community Little Brown & Co Charles Horsky District Columbia Bar Lawyer Government Washington Lawyer Little Brown & Co Liability Air Carriers Rome Conference Eugene Pepin Legal Director International Civil Aeronautics Organization Essentials Sound Judicial System Arthur Vanderbilt Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jersey Nuremberg Trials Robert H Jackson Associate Justice Supreme Court United States Revision Illinois Criminal Code Walter Shaefer Justice Supreme Court Illinois Herbert Wechsler Professor Law Columbia University Adolf Berle Jr Professor Law Columbia University Century Capitalist Revolution Harcourt Brace James Willard Hurst Professor Law University Wisconsin Law Liberty Nineteenth Century Law Conditions Freedom Nineteenth Century United States University Wisconsin Press Louis Sohn Professor Law Harvard University Ernest Gross Legal Adviser Secretary General United Nations John Parker Chief Judge United States Court Appeals Fourth Circuit Individual Rule Law Under New Japanese Constitution Nobushige Ukai Professor Law Political Science Tokyo University Judicial Enforcement Desegregation Its Problems Limitations Papale Dean School Law Loyola University New Orleans Murder Principles Punishment Herbert Hart Professor Jurisprudence Oxford University Leon Green Dean Law School Distinguished Professor Law University Texas Tort Liability Loss Insurance Traffic Victims Traffic Victims Tort Law Insurance Northwestern University Press Louis Eisenstein District Columbia Bar Ideologies Taxation Ronald Press Harold Canfield Havighurst Dean Law School Nature Private Contract Northwestern University Press Rt Rev James Pike Bishop Episcopal Diocese California Ethic Beyond Legal Ethics Religious Ethical Vocation Lawyer Beyond Law Doubleday & Company Inc Wilber Katz Professor Law University Wisconsin Religion American Constitutions Northwestern University Press Dean Zelman Cowen University Melbourne School Law British Commonwealth Nations Changing World Law Politics Prospects Northwestern University Press Perspectives Court Supreme Court United States Participants Max Freedman William Beaney Professor Politics Law Princeton University Eugene Rostow Dean Professor Law Yale University Justice Walter Schaefer Supreme Court Illinois Criminal Procedures Converging Constitutional Doctrines THE LINTHICUM FOUNDATION PROGRAM Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Professor Linthicum Law School Faculty From American European Foundation Linthicum Foundation Is Bigness Offense Sherman Act? Participants Edward R Johnston Chicago Bar Eugene Rostow Dean Professor Law Yale University Thomas McConnell Leo Tierney Chicago Bar James Rahl Trade Relations Feather Bedding Symptom Disease Principal Carroll Daugherty Professor Business Economics Northwestern University Paul Hays Judge United States Court Appeals Second Circuit Professor Law Columbia University Participants Stanford Clinton Alex Elson Chicago Bar Willard Wirtz Secretary Labor Labor Relations Foundation Academic Conference Individual Group Government Modern Economy University Arbitration Wage Stabilization Countervailing Power Economy T Concept Criticism Kenneth Galbraith Professor Economics Harvard University United States Ambassador India Chicago Fight Slums Antitrust Laws Attorney General Committee Report Revised Civil Practice Illinois Law School St Lawrence Seaway Law Chicago Housing Code Freedom Responsibility Industrial Community Foundation Freedom Modern American Economy Law School Arthur Goldberg Un States Ambassador United Nations J Law School Individual Freedom Public Debate Among Adlai Stevenson Freedom Responsibility Broadcasting Among Newton Minow Chairman Federal Communications Commission Roscoe Barrow Dean University Cincinnati College Law Illinois Professional Association Law Among Crane Hauser Chicago Bar School Chief Counsel Internal Revenue Service U States Treasury Un Commercial Code Common Market Antitrust Law Arved Deringer Bonn Germany European Parliament Law Space Satellite Communications Europea Court Justice Albert Routte Registrar Court Town Country Planning Apartments Suburbia Tn European Common Market Dennis Thompson London England Town Country Planning Planned Development Zoning CORPORATE COUNSEL INSTITUTE Law School Corporate Counsel Institute Northwestern THE CRIMINAL LAW PROGRAM Each Law School Short Course Prosecuting Attorneys Short Course Defense Lawyers Criminal Cases Also School Police Legal Advisor Graduate Student Graduate Fellowships Supreme Court Police School Ford Foundation THE PROGRAM OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STUDIES Ford Foundation Law School International Legal Studies School School International Business Transactions International Organization Comparative Law Admiralty Civil Liberties Fam Law THE PROGRAM IN LAW AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Russell Sage Foundation Law School Graduate School University One Graduate School University School Law Sage Scholars Law School They PHILOSOPHY FROM LAW CONFERENCES Mr Oscar Leer Law School Philosophy Law Compromise Decision Making Resolution Controversies Equal Justice Unequal World GRADUATE STUDY IN LAW Law School One School American DEGREES Two Master Laws L Doctor Juridical Science D Master Laws L Master Laws University Faculty Also School IO During Each Also Jurisprudence Comparative Law Graduate Committee Northwestern University Law R Journal Criminal Law Criminology Police Science Faculty Doctor Juridical Science Doctor Juridical Science Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws School Juris Doctor School Informa Faculty Faculty Faculty Dean Faculty Faculty Candidates They THE LIFE OF THE SCHOOL Dean Law School Abraham Lincoln Recollections Alumnus Class Like Law Beyond Law School Northwestern Law School School His United States Students Approximately Law School Law School Law Law School School LEGAL PUBLICATIONS THE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW Foremost Law School Northwestern University Law Review Review Work Law Review Northwestern Law Review School Publication Illinois Law Review University Chicago University Illinois Northwestern Northwestern University Law Review Review Selection Law School Law Review School Order Coif Because Law R Northwestern Law R Law R THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW CRIMINOLOGY AND POLICE SCIENCE Law School Journal Criminal Law Criminology Pol£ Science Journal Mr Justice Byron White United States Supreme Court Julius Miner Moot Court Competition Governor Otto Kerner Public School Mr Justice Tom Clark United States Supreme Court Judge Latham Castle Chief Judge John Hastings Seventh Circuit Court Appeals Julius Miner Moot Court Program Secretary Labor Willard Wirtz President Kennedy Labor Department Law School Ambassador United Nations Arthur J Goldberg Law School Dean John Ritchie Mr Justice Potter Stewart United States Supreme Court Law School Under Secretary State George Ball Law School Professor Fred Inbau James Thompson Assistant Director Law School Criminal Law Program They Board Consulting Editors Journal Police Science Ordway Hilton Examiner Questioned Documents New York City He Board Consulting Editors Journal Law R Law School Journal JULIUS MINER MOOT COURT COMPETITION Moot Court Julius Miner Moot Court Competition School Made Judge Julius Miner Moot Court Board Those Associate Justices Arthur Goldberg Law School Byron White Torn Clark Potter Stewart Supreme Court United States School National Moot Court Competition Miner Competition STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY THE JUNIOR BAR ASSOCIATION Law Law School Junior Bar Association All Association School Its Board Governors Association HONOR CODE An Law School Junior Bar Association Honor Code Law School Board Governors Association Board Faculty School Junior Bar Association Law School STUDENT ACTIVITIES School Junior Bar Association Law School Informal Lowden Hall School Junior Bar Association Association Association University Bookstore Abbot Hall Law School Northwestern Junior Bar Association American Law Student Association American Bar Association Law School School RECREATION AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES He Nevertheless Organized Law School Junior Bar Association Association Chapters Phi Alpha Delta Phi Delta Phi Tau Epsilon Rho Kappa Beta Pi Law School Members They And None Tickets University Evanston Chicago STUDENT WIVES Junior Bar Association Law School Law Wives Occasionally Law School ADMISSION TUITION Mr Hoyne School Letter Henry Booth Dean Law School FEES AND FINANCIAL AID Every Law School Union Northwestern Fortunately University Law School ADMISSION Since Law School School Applicants · School MAKING APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Application Office Admissions Northwestern University School Law East Chicago Avenue Chicago Students School Before Bachelor Bachelor Law School Admission Test Law School Information Educational Testing Service Princeton New Jersey Educational Testing Service School Law An School VISITS TO THE SCHOOL An Committee Admissions Prospective School Ordinarily School Secretary Admissions During School School Christmas School Each Admissions Committee Admissions Committee Secretary Admissions WHEN TO APPLY Early Applications Determinations Law School Admission Test Each Every Each Upon TRANSFER Juris Doctor Generally Transfer Law School Admission Test Dean School Association American Law Schools C SUMMER SESSION Summer Session Information Summer Session Registrar School PRE LEGAL STUDY Bachelor Law School Since College Accordingly Courses Studies English Apart He Ordinarily · He TUITION FEES AND EXPENSES Abbott Hall Law School Of TUITION FEES PAYMENT OF TUITION AND FEES Tuition Payments Cashier Office Abbott Hall Division Student Finance Abbott Hall WITHDRAWAL AND REFUNDS Offi General Office School Law Students Students Students R R Law School REBATES TO FACULTY STAFF AND INSTRUCTORS Undergraduate University Northwestern Informa Student Finance Office Abbott Hall Applications Student Division Student Finance Abbott Hall R STUDENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNT University Cashier Office Abbott Hall Students There SCHOLARSHIPS AND OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE School Northwestern Approximately School Ordinarily All Interest Awards Each MAKING APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE Application Office Admissions Law School Special Clarion DeWitt Hardy Scholarships An SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS University Law Law School Clarion DeWitt Hardy Scholarships Law Scholarships Professor Clarion DeWitt Hardy School Speech Owen Coon Requirements Funds Owen Coon Foundation Hardy Scholarship Committee Russell Sage Foundation Scholarships Several Law School Graduate School University Russell Sage Foundation £ Special £ Francis Kosmerl Scholarships Francis Kosmerl Preference Kosmerl Scholars Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Fund Northwestern University Mrs Anna Coburn Fund School Law President Univenity Dean School Law Jacob New· Scholarship Fund Mrs Minnie Newman Jacob Newman Charles Weinfeld Scholarships Charles \Teinfeld Law School Charles Weinfeld Memorial Foundation Amounts Dean Law School Ware Scholarship Mrs Fannie Ware Lieutenant Manierre Barlow Ware Argonne Sector Battle Frederic De Young Scholarship Frederic De Young L Supreme Court Illinois Herbert De Young Ruth De Young Kohler Mrs Herbert University School Law Illinois Julius] Hoffman Scholarship Judge Julius Hoffman Class Anna Louise Raymond Scholarship Fund Anna Louise Raymond Wellington Walker Scholarship Fund Wellington Walker Chicago Elmer Smith Scholarship Funcl From Elmer Smith Chicago Title Trust Company Foundation Scholarships Since Chicago Title Trust Company Foundation School Law Rufus Sage Scholarship School Law From Mrs Ellen Sage Tau Epsilon Rho Scholarship Chicago Graduate Chapter Tau Epsilon Rho Faculty School Law Blumberg Book Loan Fund Nathan Blumberg Class Mah/ Ogden West Book Fund Mahlon Ogden West Class Law School Dean Class Scholarship Class Farmers Insurance Group Scholarships Farmers Insurance Group Los Angeles California Northwestern Ernest Schroeter Scholarship Fund From Ernest Schroeter Class Thad Talcott Jr Scholarship Fund From Thad Talcott Class Floyd Thompson Scholarship Floyd Thompson Mrs Floyd Thompson Mrs P Goff Beach Jr Illinois Wisconsin Judge Thompson Supereme Court Illinois President Illinois Chicago Bar Associations Board Governors American Bar Association Law School Ednyfed Williams Memorial Scholarship Ednyfed Williams Chicago School Law Mrs Ednyfed Williams David Campbell Fund From David Campbell Class Hudents Hendrik Folonie Scholarship Fund [ Edna Folonie Law School City Products Corporation Scholarship Since City Products Corporation Des Plaines Illinois Law School Virgil Day Scholarship Fund Virgil Day Class Law School Virgil D Dean Law School School Annual General Electric Company Mr Day Robert ] Scholarship Robert Jones Class Dean Law School Theodore Stone Scholarship Dean Law School Theodore Stone Class Ernest Peter Strassburger Jr Scholarship American Federation Television Radio Artists Law School Ernest Peter Strassburger Jr Class Mr Strassburger Naval Reserve Law School Armed Forces Armed Forces John H Wigmore Honorary Scholarships Students Wigmore Scholars John Henry Wigmore Dean Law School Treatise Evidence Th Jewish Students Scholarship Fund Jewish Students Scholarship Fund Inc Law School Amy Eloise Wright M Fund Joseph H Wright Class Law School Amy Eloise Wright Income LOANS Among Law School Charles Shapiro Morris Robert Shapiro Loan Fund Raoul Berger Law Loan Fund Mrs Raymond Law School Fund Edward Summbers Law Loan Fund Law School Foundation Loan Funds Barnet Hodes Arvey Hodes & Mantynband Mr Hodes American Bar Association American Law Student Association American Bar Association Fund Legal Education American Bar Association Inquiries Office Admissions Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity Endowment Fund GRADUATE STUDY ADMISSION AND FELLOWSHIPS ADMISSION TO GRADUATE STUDY AND TO CANDIDACY FOR ADV AN CED DEGREES Master Laws Doctor Juridical Science Committee Graduate Admissions English Secretary Housing Urban Affairs Robert Weaver Town Country Planning Experience English English School Application Committee Graduate Admissions Northwestern University School Law East Chicago Chicago Illinois TUITION FEES AND EXPENSES Full Accommodations University Chicago Law School Fulbright FELLOWSHIPS IN INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STUDIES Ford Foundation Law School International Legal Studies Applicants Ford Fellowships Law School Dean vVigmore Law Library School International Law School International Organization Comparative Law Admiralty Civil Liberties School Family Law International Business Transactions European Economic Organizations James Nelson Raymond Fellowship Interna Legal Studies From Since General Electric Foundation POLICE LEGAL ADVISOR FELLOWSHIPS Ford Foundation Law School Police Legal Advisors · · Law School During Program Master Laws · Out During Each Similar Law School Fellowship GENERAL INFORMATION CONCERNING GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS Additional Committee Graduate Admissions Law School Normally Fellowships None Students Successful Northwestern School Law Dean John Ritchie THE SCHOOL AND ITS ALUMNI Old Northwestern! Counsellor Chorus John Henry Wigmore Dean Law School School Placement Service And School School PLACEMENT Northwestern JOms Law School Law School Assistant Dean William Chamberlin Placement Service Placement Service opportumt Each Placement Service Law School Some Chicago United States Northwestern American Not Furthering Working Others Law School United States Senators Northwestern Presidential Law School Northwestern Openings Northwestern Its Law School United States Northwestern An Law School Law School Attractive Law School Alumni From Law School Placement Service Each United States Law School Government School Law School Placement Service Beyond Placement Service Chicago THE LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIAT ION Over Law School They Law School Robert McCormick Hall Owen Coon Library Law Alumni Fund School Moot Court They Each American Bar Association Chicago Also Chicago Officers Law Alumni Association OFFICERS WILLIS NANCE JOSEPH WRIGHT OWEN RALL DANIEL WALKER ESTHER KEGAN JAMES OTIS JOHN BODNER J HARRY HoRRow HELMER JOHSON LAURENCE OLIPHANT NORMAN SEVIN PAUL ZIFFREN PAUL W CUTLER BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAUL FURLONG RICHARD NELSON ALBERT POTTS ELROY SANDQUIST HAROLD SHAPIRO EDWIN WACK JOHN CROWN BERNARD EPSTEIN ABRAHAM FISHMAN GEORGE KEANE WILLIAM MORGAN J HOWARD TRIENENS HERBERT BROOK CLYDE JONES J EUGENE KART CHARLES MUFMANN PATRICK O BRIEN EDGAR VANNEMAN J WILLIAM CAPLES JULIUS HOFFMAN HENRY KENOE WILLIAM McKITTRICK Ho HERBERT PAsCHEN DEAN VAIL J HO LATHAM CASTLE JEROME ETTELSON CRANE HAUSER BARNET HODES Ho SEYMOUR SIMON PAUL GERDEN REGISTER OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES UNIVERSITY OFFICERS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS ROSCOE MILLER PAYSON WILD WILLIAM KERR FRANKLIN KREML WILLIAM BRADFORD JOHN D COOPER ARTHUR ScHMEHLING OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION ROBERT BAKER CHARLES BALCIULIS JOH N BARR WILLIAM BRAZELTON WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN CHANDLER IR COLE RICHARD DONEY RALPH DUNLOP WILMER EAMES JAMES FILGAS MERREL FLAIR KATHARINE GEORGE HAROLD GOTAAS FRANK HARTZFELD STUART HOLCOMB KATHERINE HOWELL GEORGE HOWERTON ALLEN HUSSEY PETER JACOBI BURGESS JENNINGS JEAN JOYCE DANIEL LANG ALLEN LEIN MARTH LUCK CLAUDE MATHIS JAMES McBURNEY GEORGE McCLAY JAMES McLEOD JoE MILLER GLEN MILLS JENS NYHOLM ARRAND PARSONS CLARENCE PEEBLES EDWARDS PETERSEN FREDERICK RABENSTEIN WILLIAM REILEY JOHN RITCHIE GEORGE SEULBERGER HAROLD SHAN AFIELD LYNDON SHANLEY FRANCIS SPALDING WILLIAM STEVENS KURT STOEHR ROBERT STROTZ GEORGE TEUSCHER PATRICIA THRASH THEODORE VAN DELLEN OTIS WALTER JOSEPH WELLS RALPH WESTFALL FRANCES YEARLEY RICHARD YOUNG LYNDON ADAMS EDWARD ANDERSEN ROBERT ARMSTRONG ANTHONY BRIDWELL WILLARD BUNTAIN JOHN CALDWELL ROYCE CHAMPE RUDOLPH EISLER MAURICE EKBERG FRANK ENDICOTT WILLIAM GARRISON STANLEY GROSS ROBERT HATTER ROLAND HINZ WILLIAM IHLANFELDT CHARLES LONGWELL JOHN NORMAN JOHN SANDERSON SAM SARAN ALEX SESSUMS JAMES SLAVIN DAVID GUTLEY ALBAN WEBER RAYMONDE WILLEMAIN JEREMY WILSON LEON BRANDES YEAGER INDEX Abbott Hall Academic Admission Educational Testing Service Law School Admission Test Admission Alumni Attendance Buildings Classes Classrooms Course Course Courses Curriculum Curriculum Degrees Enrollment Examinations Expenses Faculty Faculty Fellowships International Legal Studies Police Legal Advisor Financial Fraternities Grades Graduate Hardy Health Honor Code Honors Journal Criminal Law Police Science Junior Bar Association Library Loans Location Methods Moot Northwestern University Law Review Order Coif Placement Prizes Publications Rebates Refunds Sage Schedule Scholarships Staff Student Student Student Student Supplemental Programs Corporate Counsel Institute Criminal Law Program Linthicum Foundation Program Philosophy Law Conferences Program International Legal Studies Program Law Social Sciences Rosenthal Lectures Tuition Wigmore Withdrawal NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Chicago Three Juris Doctor By Also Master Laws Doctor Juridical Science SUMMER SESSION NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Chicago Campus Abbott Hall Residence Chicago Wesley Memorial Searle Building Thorne Hall Levy Hall Veterans Administration Law School McCormick Hall Law School Future Proposed Site
“Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1966-1967,” PLRC Collections, accessed October 12, 2024,