Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1955-1956
1955 March 28

Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1955-1956

About This Item

Description: The annual bulletin (vol. LV, no. 17) for the 1955-1956 academic year.

Dublin Core

1955 March 28


THE SCHOOL OF LAW MARCH Northwestern University Bulletin Northwestern University East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois Entered Chicago Illinois Act Congress Section Act S ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES IN THE SCHOOL OF LAW FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR PUBLISHED BY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAGO AND EVANSTON ILLINOIS CALENDAR SCHEDULES AND HOURS OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY J RoscoE MILLER PAYSON S WILD WILLIAM S KERR A C VAN DUSEN JAMES M BROOKS JE!>IS NYHOLM FRANK S ENDICOTT KENNETH F BURGESS PHILIP R CLARKE LESTER J NORRIS RAWLEIGH WARNER STANLEY G HARRIS ROBERT A GARDNER WESLEY M DIXON HAROLD H ANDERSON MRS ROBERT R BAKER RALPH A BARD JAMES M BARKER ALFRED W BAYS CARLETON BLUNT BERTRAM J CAHN GEORGE R CAIN TILDEN L CUMMINGS WALTER J CUMMINGS GEORGE B DRYDEN JOHN M ELLIOTT WILLIAM T FARICY ROLAND D FELTMAN WADE FETZER WADE FETZER JR GAYLORD A FREEMAN JR WILLIS D GALE O LOWELL HASTINGS JAY L HENCH THEODORE V HOUSER RALPH M HUESTON DOWNING B JENKS JAMES R LEAVELL JOHN J LOUIS BENTLEY G MCCLOUD FOSTER G McGAW ARTHUR T McINTOSH AUBREY H MELLINGER JAMES J NANCE JAMES F OATES JR WILLIAM A PATTERSON HOLMAN D PETTIBONE IRWIN REw WALTER DILL SCOTT GILBERT H SCRIBNER JOHN G SEARLE HAROLD A SMITH FRANKLYN B SNYDER LEONARD P SPACEK ELMER T STEVENS JAMES F STILES JR MRS ROBERT C SUHR RAYMOND C WIEBOLDT KENNETH V ZWIENER ELECTED BY THE CONFERENCES RAY BOND HAROLD A BOSLEY CHARLES W BRASHARES HARRY A BREWER EADEN DAVIS THOMAS B LUGG C GORDON PHILLIPS WILLIAM A VAWTER II FACULTY AND STAFF HAROLD CANFIELD HAVIGHURST JoHN E CooNs ROBERT WYNESS MILLAR WILLIAM LUCIUS CARY FRED EDWARD INBAU BRUNSON MAcCHESNEY PHILIP J MURPHY "NATHANIEL Lours NATHANSON WILLARD HIRAM PEDRICK ALAN NORMAN POLASKY JAMES ANDREW RAHL HARRY BROWNE REESE WILLIAM RonERT RoALFE DANIEL MERRICK SCHUYLER WILLIAM MAVOR TRUMBULL WILLIAM WILLARD WIRTZ MELVIN G DAKIN Second Semester WILLIAM WEBB BRADY IRVING BRECHER HERBERT BROOK KENNETH J BuRNs ROBERT L FARWELL IRVING GOLDSTEIN ROBERT HANLEY BENJAMIN HARRIS JR HENRY LEo HILL JosEPH R JuLIN ALBERT KEGAN STEPHEN LovE ROBERT MARKS WALTER V SCHAEFER ROLAND K SMITH ADLAI E STEVENSON EDWARD CLEAVELAND SWEENEY DANIEL WALKER SPECIAL LECTURERS VIRGIL PETERSON TEACHING ASSOCIATES GEORGE B COLLINS JAMES J RYAN JOHN W MCNULTY ORIGIN AND GROWTH PUBLICATIONS STAFF WILLARD H PEDRICK Review ROBERT H GAULT Science ORDWAY HILTON Law Criminology Police Science FRED E lNBAU EDWARD C SWEENEY MARIE D CHRISTIANSEN GENERAL OFFICE STAFF ELSIE M Lorns JANE BARR MARY CRAWFORD FRANCES EBERLIN EFFIE SHOCKLEY MARGARET SLATTERY LELA REISINGER CAROLYN C FUNAI SHYAM CHARAN MAJHI ELBERT H GARY LIBRARY STAFF WILLIAM R RoALFE KURT SCHWERIN DOROTHY SCARBOROUGH ELAINE E TEIGLER HERTA S PRAGER DOROTHY KLOFKORN IDA M OLSON MARIA CHUDZINSKA HELGA B OFFERMANNS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY ORIGIN AND GROWTH A " North Western University" Chicagoans Methodist " " • They Chicago With LOCATION AND BUILDINGS Evanston " " Despite Civil War Chicago Gradually Specialized "College Literature Science " One University' Chicago Campus Its School Law Medical Dental Schools School Commerce Evening Divisions University Today Northwestern Its University Evanston Campus University Through THE LAW SCHOOL FOUNDING AND LOCATION T HE SCHOOL OF LAW Thomas Hoyne Union College Law Northwestern University University Chicago School Northwestern University Northwestern University School Law School Chicago Campus Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Chicago Avenue ' Chicago' Loop BUILDINGS Levy Hall Mrs Levy Chicago Elbert H Gary Library Building Elbert H Gary Class A Mrs Hortense Hirsch Mr Mrs Levy Levy Hall Chicago Avenue On Lowden Hall Governor Frank O Lowden School' To Lincoln Hall On ' Booth Hall Henry Booth PROGRAM OF THE SCHOOL School Elbert H Gary Library From On Faculty Room ' Hoyne Hall Thomas Hoyne School Hurd Hall Harvey Bostwick Hurd On On On Lake Michigan School PROGRAM OF THE SCHOOL School Its Nevertheless Middle Western Here School Leaders Faculty School To ' Buildings ADMISSION New Under An ' coJlege coJlege A ' A Servicemen All Law School Admission Test Educational Testing Service • coJlege An Applicants Chicago School Dean Illinois Dean School Students No Auditors School Forms • School Law No Educational Testing Service P Box Princeton New Jersey PRELEGAL STUDY Among Jaw Such Although School Law Faculty Ordinarily Bachelor Arts Science English School Association American Law Schools Students School Law DEGREES Degrees Trustees University Faculty School Law Before Faculty DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR Juris Doctor ' School Law Northwestern University School Law University \ / Faculty ' Juris Doctor DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS Bachelor Laws School Law Northwestern University School Law University II By Faculty Bachelor Laws IO DEGREES School School School Faculty Bachelor Laws Where Faculty ' Laws Laude DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS Master Laws '" Faculty A Master Laws School Northwestern University Law Review DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF JURIDICAL SCIENCE Doctor Juridical Science Scientiae Juridicae Doctor S J D Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws School Juris Doctor A Doctor Juridical Science School ' Faculty Faculty Faculty COMBINED DEGREES Dea Faculty Faculty Candidates They Faculty School COMBINED DEGREES DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Th Bachelor Arts College Liberal Arts University University Register School Law School Law School Law College Liberal Arts II A ' School Law Faculty School Law Bachelor Arts Science DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN LAW Bachelor Science Law School Law Bachelor Arts Science ' School Law APPLICATION FOR DEGREE Application Secretary School An ' EXAMINATIONS Regular They ' Although Examinations No Students Dean No GRADES A · Grades Credit No A School School A P F Grades TIME CURRICULUM* By INSTRUCTION • • CURRICULUM Although School Consequently LIMITATION OF WORK Courses Faculty A A Dean FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER CONTRACTS MR HAVICH UR T Havighurst Cases MaterialJ Law Contracts CRIMINAL LAW MR INBAU Origins Inbau Allen Modern Problems Criminal Law Its Administration Cases Readings LEGAL WRITING AND RESEARCH MR ROALFE TEACHING ASSOCIATE Exercises Emphasis ! Lectures CURRICULUM PROPERTY MR SCHUYLER Introduction Historical Fraser Cases Readings Property TORTS MR PEDRICK Protection Green Judicial Process Tort Cases SECOND SEMESTER AGENCY MR TRUMBULL Consideration Steffen Cases Agency CONSTITUTIONAL LAW MR NATHANSON CONTRACTS MR HAVIGHURST FUTURE INTERESTS MR JULIN Future Shelley' Leach Cases Future Interests Carey Schuyler Illinois Law Future Interests MOOT COURT MR INBAU Preparation Alumni School Each All Lectures TORTS MR RAHL CURRICULUM SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER ACCOUNTING MR POLASKY MR BRADY Principles Not ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGISLATIVE PROCESSES MR NATHANSON CIVIL PROCEDURE MR REESE Structure Field Kaplan Materials Basic Course Civil Procedure Federal Rules Civil Procedure United States District Courts Illinois Civil Practice Act Illinois Supreme Court Rules Practice Procedure COMMERCIAL LAW MR TRU IBUlL Sales Honnold Cases Sales Sales Financing Aigler Cases Bills Notes Uniform Commercial Code EVIDENCE MR NBAU MR POLASKY Federal Estate Gift Taxes McCormick Cases Evidence FEDERAL TAXATION MR CARY MR PEDRICK Federal Estate Gift Taxes Cary Pedrick Problems Cases Materials Federal Estate Gift Taxation INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP STUDIES * MR REESE Supervised These A CURRICULUM SECOND SEMESTER CIVIL PROCEDURE MR REESE APPELLATE ADVOCACY MR PEDRICK TEACHING AssOCIAT ES Supervised • Individual Required Law Review REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS MR POLASKY Transfer ' COMMERCIAL LAW MR TRUMBULL WILLS AND TRUSTS • MR SCHUYLER Administration ' Leach Cases Text Law Wills Bogert Cases Tmsts THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER CORPORATE RELATIONS MR MACCHESNEY MR CARY Relations S E C Casebook Cary MacChesney Problems Supplem Materials Corporations LABOR RELATIONS MR WIRTZ Organization • Mathews Labor Relations Cases Materials MILITARY LAW MR HANLEY An CURRICULUM Hanley Materials Military Law Manual Courts Martial SEMINAR ON LAW AND THE INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY MR MACCHESNEY MR IRTZ MR CARY MR RAHL MR BRECHER An A Assigned TRADE RELATIONS MR RAHL State Fair Trade • Oppenheim Cases Federal Antitrust Laws Rahl Readings Supplementary Cases Trade Regulation SEMINAR Comparative Law MR MACCHESNEY Survey Roman Roman Medieval French German French German Dawson Comparative Law Materials Estate Planning MR POLASKY Wills T Future Interests Insurance Gift Estate Taxation Government Land MR REESE Problems FHA Legal History MR TRUMBULL Studies Anglo American Jaw United States Patents \' R KEGAN Patent · Fundamental CURRICULUM · Social Legislation MR HARRIS Survey ' Ri Maxwell Modern Social Legislation Tax Problems MR CARY Primary Consideration Members Chicago Transportation MR NATHANSON MR HILL A Auerbach Nathanson Federal Regulation Transportation SECOND SEMESTER CONFLICT OF LAWS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW MR MAcCHESNEY CONFLICT OF LAWS Analysis Cheatham Goodrich Griswold Reese Cases Materials Conflict Laws INTERNATIONAL LAW A United Nations Jaw Bishop International Law Cases M CREDITORS' RIGHTS MR RAHL A Hanna MacLachlan Cases Materials Creditois' Rights Consol FEDERAL JURISDICTION MR REESE History Supreme Court Hart Wechsler Federal Courts Federal System Th Judicial Code Rules Procedure Federal Courts FEDERAL TAXATION II MR CARY MR PEDRICK CURRICULUM Cary Pedrick Problems Federal Income Taxation Surrey Federal Income Taxation Cases Materials Student Tax Service FEDERAL TAXATION Ill MR PEDRICK MR CARY An Federal Taxation A · LEGAL CLINIC MR MURPHY Supervised Legal Aid Bureau United Charities R Legal Publications Board Work LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND TAXATION MR POL \SKY MR FARWELL Organization Fordham Local Government Law vVirtz Materials State Local Taxation PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY MR TRUMBULL OTHER MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY Essential American Discussions Readings Required Trumbull Readings Professional Responsibility RESTITUTION MR MARKS J Durfee Dawson Cases Restitution TRIAL TECHNIQUE MR GOLDSTEIN Methods Goldstein Trial Technique •Goldstein Trial Practice Cases CURRICULUM SEMINAR Civil Liberties Modern Democratic Societies MR NATHANSON A Consumer Protective Legislation MR KEGAN Cases Statutory · A Jaw Corporate Readjustments Reorganizations• MR CARY Reorganization Chapter X Bankruptcy Act S E C Corporation Practice Finance• MR CARY Basic S E C Tax Estate Planning MR PEDRICK Wills Trusts Future Interests Insurance Gift Estate Taxation Insurance Law MR BROOK Formation superv S International Organization MR MACCHESNEY An United Nations Emphasis Sohn Cases World Law Sohn Supplement Cases World Law •Given • HONORS Labor Law MR WIRTZ Collective Law Society MR WIRTZ A [ Scientific Evidence MR INBAU HONORS THE ORDER OF THE COIF NORTHWESTERN CHAPTER Order Coif Its Each Legal Publications Board School Order Coif David C Keegan Myron Lieberman Elected Robert A Southern Don Milner Sowers TEACHING ASSOCIATES Several Teaching Associates School Each Faculty Rosenthal Linthicum Foundations Teaching Associa FELLOWSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS PRIZES James Nelson Raymond Fellowship Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Raymond Fellowship Fund Applications Clarion DeWitt Hardy Scholarships Law Funds Owen L Coon Foundation Chicago Professor Clarion D Hardy School Speech Owen L Coon " " Requirements Francis S Kosmerl Scholarships A Francis S Kosmerl Several School Law Preference Kosmerl Scholars Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Fund Northwestern University Mrs Anna Coburn Fund School Law President University Dean School Law Jacob Newman Scholarship Fund Mrs Minnie G Newman Jacob Newman Charles Weinfeld Scholarships A Charles Weinfeld Law School Dean School Ware Scholarship Mrs Fannie M Ware Lieutenant Manierre Barlow Ware Argonne Sector Battle Frederic R De Young Scholarship Frederic R De Young LL B LL D Supreme Court Illinois Herbert C De Young Ruth De Young Kohler Mrs Herbert V University School Law Illinois FELLOWSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS PRIZES Julius ] Hoffman Scholarship A Judge Julius J Hoffman Class Class Scholarship A Class Dean Faculty Scholarship Committee wiJJ Anna Louise Raymond Scholarship Fund Anna Louise Raymond annuaIJy School Law Wellington Walker Scholarship Fund wiJJ Wellington Walker Chicago Elmer A Smith Scholarship Fund From wiJJ Elmer A Smith Ch Title Trust Company Foundation Scholarships Chicago Title Trust Company Foundation School Law Rufus H Sage Scholarship School Law From wiJJ Mrs Ellen Sage Tau Epsilon Rho Scholarship Chicago Graduate Chapter T Epsilon Rho annuaIJy Faculty School Law Legal Publications Secretarial Scholarship A Jaw wiJJ ' School Law ' wiJJ Business Manager Legal Publications Applicants fuIJy University Scholarships There University Monitorships A Compensation Mah/ Ogden West Book Fund A Mahlon Ogden West Class School Law Dean Lowden Wigm Prizes !< Lowden Class annuaIJy PLACEMENT SERVICE Th H Prize Professor Charles Cheney Hyde Faculty School Law Wigmore Key Established Awarded Junior Bar Association School Selection Board Governors Junior Bar Association Editorial Board Law R Faculty Award Junior Bar Association An University After Levy Hall Homer F Carey Award Booth Inn Phi Delta Phi Homer F Carey Professor Law Under Carey Schuyler Illinois Law Future Interests Application Dean School LOAN FUNDS University See University R Applica Dean School Law Methodist Loan Fund Mary H Bovee Fund Ella M Sullender Fund General Student Loan Fund Northwestern University Foundation Loan Fund James A Patten Fund Anna Louise Raymond Loan Fund Frederick A Brown Memorial Fund Mrs Keene W Berry PLACEMENT SERVICE School Teaching Faculty Law Alumni Association Committee Placement School TUITION FEES AND FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS Northwestern University University TUITION FEES FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Bills Division Student Finance Abbott Hall These ' Each Cashier' Office Abbott Hall Each FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS Division Student Finance Financial Obligations No University A Registration University Director Student Finance Withdrawals Refunds Official School Law Students Students Students Students Regardless Student Finance Office Students Entering Military Service University United States Rebates Faculty Sta[! Instructors Undergraduate University A Application Student Finance Office Abbott Hall Students Division Student Finance Abbott Hall Rebate Student Deposit Account University Cashier' Office Abbott Hall Students There LIBRARY AND PICTURES General Expenses THE ELBERT H GARY LIBRARY Elbert H Gary Library Elbert H Gary LL B LL D United States United States Great Britain Canada Australia Anglo American Library English European Roman Japanese Chinese Theodore S Chapman Robert Farrell Mexican Latin American A Library University Centennial Celebration Northwestern Law Alumni Association Library John Henry Wigmore Library Fund Dean School Law Library School PICTURES School' Great Britain United States Personal Europe A British National Gallery Portraits London FOUNDATIONS AND SPECIAL FUNDS THE JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION J Nelson Anna Louise Raymond Foundation Mrs Anna Louise Raymond School Law United Charities Chicago Bar Associa School Law Legal Aid Bureau United Charities School Legal Aid Bureau Indigent Foundation Curriculum Mrs Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Raymond Fellowship Fund See Fellowships Scholarships Prizes THE JULIUS ROSENTHAL FOUNDATION Julius Rosenthal Foundation Julius Rosenthal Lessing Rosenthal Mrs George Pick Charles H Hamill Max Hart Harry Hart Mark Cresap Frank M Peters Leo F Wormser F Howard Eldridge Willard L King Magnus Myres Mrs Joseph · Shaffner Mrs Otto L Schmidt Chicago Honorable Julian W Mack New York Additional Foundation Lessing Rosenthal Julius Rosenthal Chicago Librarian Chicago Law Institute He Chicago School Foundation School Foundation Sir William Searle Holdsworth Vinerian Professor Law Oxford University Antonio Sanchez Bustamente University Havana Permanent Court International Justice John C H Wu Chief Justice Court Appeals Shanghai Law Codification Commission China FOUND A TIO NS AND SPECIAL FUNDS Jean Escarra Faculty Law University Paris Charles Warren " Supreme Court United States History " Walton Hale Hamilton Professor Law Yale University Henry T Lummus Associate Justice Supreme Court Massachusetts Lon L Fuller Professor Law Harvard University United Nations United Nations Mr Adlai E Stevenson Mr Stevenson International Relations International Law John N Hazard Professor Russian Institute Columbia University " Soviet Union International Law" Paul A Freund Professor Law Harvard University "On Understanding Supreme Court " John P Dawson Professor Law University Michigan " History Unjust Enrichment " Abraham H Feller General Counsel United Nations "World Law World Community United Nations " 'i Charles Horsky District Columbia " Lawyer Government " "Liability Air Carriers Rome Conference " Eugene Pepin Legal Director International Civil Aeronautics Organization " Essentials Sound Judicial System " Arthur T Vanderbilt Chief Justice Supreme Court New Jersey " Nuremberg Trials " Robert H Jackson Associate Justice Supreme Court United States A Conference Revision Illinois Criminal Code Walter V Schaefer Justice Supreme Court Illinois Herbert Wechsler Professor Law Columbia University Adolf A Berle Jr Professor Law Columbia University " Twentieth Century Capitalist Revolution " Jam Willard Hurst Professor Law University Wisconsin "Law Liberty Nineteenth Century " THE CHARLES CLARENCE LINTHICUM FOUNDATION Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Charles Clarence Linthicum LL B School Mrs Charles C Linthicum Harvey S Firestone Otto R Barnett Melvin M Hawley Chicago FOUND A TIO NS AND SPECIAL FUNDS Prizes Stephen Davis New York Subject " Law Radio Communication " Charles John Hamson London L B Davies Melbourne Australia Francois Poignon Montbard France Subject "Scientific Property " Richard Spencer Chicago Subject "A Complete Program Improvement United States Patent Law System " Leslie Bartell Davies Arthur Dean Melbourne Australia Stephen P Ladas New York Marcel Plai Paris J M Bliss Surrey England Subject "A Comprehensive Critique International Chamber Commerce Committee' Draft Convention International Protection Industrial Property " Jan Vojacek Prague Czechoslovakia Karl B Lutz New York George Gehr Chicago Mario Chiron Rome Italy Edwin M Thomas Washington D C Subject "A Survey Principal National Patent Systems Historical Comparative Points View " Jean Van Houtte Brussels Belgium D Goedhius Hague Netherlands Joseph Kroell Strasbourg France David Grant Arnold W Knouth New York Hans Adolf Wulf Hamburg Germany Subject "Carrier Liability National International Commerce " Laurence Wood Chicago W Houston Kenyon Jr New York Subject " Relation Between Patent Practices Anti Monopoly Laws Situation Past Present Trends Future Possibilities " Louis Robertson Chicago Subject "Trademark Trade Name Laws Americas Problem Their Practical Reconciliation " Round Table Linthicum Foundation "Is Bigness Offense Sherman Act " Participants Edward R Johnston Chicago Eugene V Rostow Professor Law Yale University Thomas C McConnell Leo F Tierney Chicago James A Rahl Faculty Trade Regulation Round Table "'Feather Bedding' Symptom Disease " Principal Carroll R Daugherty Professor Business Economics Northwestern University Paul R Hays Professor Law Columbia University Participants Stanford Clinton Alex Elson Chicago W Willard Wirtz Faculty Labor Law Foundation Academic Conference "Individual Group Government Modern Economy " University Centennial Conference "Arbitration Wage Stabilization " "Countervailing Power Economy Concept Criticism " J Kenneth Galbraith Professor Economics Harvard University Conference "Chicago' Fight Against Slums " Conference " Proposals Attorney General' Committee Revision Antitrust Laws " LEGAL PUBLICATIONS FRANK H THATCHER MEMORIAL FUND Mrs Frank H Thatcher Winona Minnesota University School Law Board Trustees HENRY SARGENT TOWLE MEMORIAL FUND Northwestern University Helen H Towle Oak Park ' Henry Sa · Towle School Law LEGAL PUBLICATIONS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW Northwestern University Law Review Illinois Law Review Faculty School Faculty School University Chicago University Illinois Board Managers Northwestern Faculty School Law THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW CRIMINOLOGY AND POLICE SCIENCE Journal Criminal Law Criminology Police Science Robert H Gault Professor Emeritus Department Psychology Northwestern University Police Science Mr Ordway Hilton Examiner Questioned Documents New York City Journal Faculty School Law Professor Fred E Inbau Law Faculty Managing Director Journal THE JOURNAL OF AIR LAW AND COMMERCE Journal Air Law Commerce Northwestern University Schools Law Commerce Publication Members Edward C Sweeney Professor Law Editor Stanley Berge Associate Professor Transportation School Commerce Associate Editor THE LEGAL PUBLICATIONS BOARD Legal Publications Board Student Editorial Department Law School Selection Board Membership Board School Law Board Keith F Bode Chief JUNIOR BAR ASSOCIATION Arthur L Ebert L Lurie Associate Editors Jerome Marks Harry R Halper Managing Editor John L Flynn Donald M Abrahams Herbert L Awe Perry M Berke Donald H Erkes Gilbert Feldman Marshall G Fields Florence R Graham Articles Rev Edito John W McNulty Comment Editors Harriet M Hawkes Charles R LeMaster J Robert Notz Jr Donald Powers Ned A Smith Nicholas Stavrianos Board J Keith F Bode Editor Chief Arthur L Ebert William L Lurie Associate Editors Jerome Marks Harry R Halper Ma Editor John L Flynn Herbert L A Edgar D Ballard Jr Perry M Berke John J Crown Donald H Erkes J A Rahl Florence R Graham A Reviews Editor Donald M Abrahams Comment Editors Gilbert Feldman Harriet M Hawkes J Robert Notz Jr Donald Powers Ned A Smith A Editorial Board M D Christiansen Business Manager Francis A Allen Harold J Clark Elliott E Foster Harold C Havighurst BOARD OF MANAGERS Willa · H Pedrick Chairman Nathaniel L Nathanson Douglass Fillinger James A Rahl Harold A Smith Robert A Southern William M Trumbull C Ives Waldo Jr W Willard Wirtz And Officers Student Board JUNIOR BAR ASSOCIATION Junior Bar Association ' Faculty School All Association Through Association School School STUDENT HEAL TH SERVICE Junior Bar Association Th Reporter An Junior Bar Association On Dean President Junior Bar Association Instructors School New Abbott Hall President John K Notz Jr Vice President Thomas McNamara Secretary A Ware Adams Treasurer John L Moore FRATERNITIES Phi Alpha Delta Phi Delta Phi Delta Theta Phi Tau Epsilon Rho Nu Beta Epsilon Kappa Beta Pi Sorority STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE Student Health Service University Medical School Medical Dental Schools Students Student Health Room Medical School Montgomery Ward Building A M P M A M NOON Room A M P M Acute Emergency Room Passavant Memorial Hospital Validity Health Service Student Health Service Students Health Service University See Stu Health Service Information Bulletin ABBOTT HALL All School ' Abbott Hall Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Huron Superior Street Indiana On ABBOTT HALI Athletic Floors School Law There Doub Rooms · All Each Trunks Bed linen Abbott Hall ' Dining Hall A Before Division Student Finance Abbott Hall Rental Bills Cashier' Office Abbott Hall Applications Manager Abbott Hall North Lake Shore Drive Chicago UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE University Bookstore University Chicago Campus Abbott Hall He ' VETERANS' EDUCATION University Veterans' Education Office Abbott Hall Servicemen' Readjustment Acts All Veterans' Administration MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE No Mr Shyam Majhi EMPLOYMENT University Placement Bureau Applications University Placement Bureau Wieboldt Hall East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois PERSONAL LOSSES University Joss University LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President Don H McLucas First Vice President Douglass Fillinger Second Vice President Harold A Smith Third Vice President Judge Julius J Hoffman Treasurer Roger W Barrett Secretary Edgar Vanneman Jr BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stuart S Ball James E S Baker Bertram J Cahn Harold J Clark James '"'· Clement Stanford Clinton Edwin R Eckersall Abraham Fishman Newton P Frye Jr Lowell Hastings Barnet Hodes Walker Jensen Louis Melchior William R Rivkin Elroy C Sandquist Jr Len Young Smith John P Stevens C Ives Waldo Jr George B Young REGISTER OF STUDENTS ABRAHAMS DONALD M ABRAHAMSON ROBERT L ADAMS ARTHUR WARE ADAMS RONALD J ANDERSON PHILIP M ANGLE JOHN EDWIN APPEL MARTIN S ARTHUR JAMES K ATKINS ROBERT AUSTIN RICHARD W AVGERIN NICHOLAS C AWE HERBERT L BAIER JAY ANTHONY BAILEY ROBERT M BALLARD EDGAR D JR BALMES VERNON R BARRETT PETER BARTLER JoHN C BAU LAWRENCE BERKE PERRY MORTON BESSER DANIEL F BLAHA MARTIN L BLANCHARD WILLIAM K BLUM MELVIN A BLUMENTHAL STANLEY BonE KEITH F BOLING ROBERT C BOLLMAN ROBERT M BOND ABNER BOROVSKY HERBERT L BRAZ ITIS GEORGE E BROWN MALCOLM P BULLARO SAMUEL J BURNS MICHAEL A Bun ER PATRICK D CAPLAN FRED M CARR CLAUDE E JR CASSIDY TH AS V CERNE WENCE F JR CHANEN FRANKLIN A CHAVFRIAT JoHN CHERNAK JOHN A CHRISSIS BYRO N CITRIN PHILLIP M CLARK CHARLES E CoDO NORMAN FREDRIC COHEN DONALD W COLLINS GEORGE B COLLINS JOHN A CONDON JAMES G COPENHAVER WILLIAM H COTTLE WILLIAM R CRAMPTON GEORGE CRANE GERALD F CROWN JOHN J DAWES RUFUS C DEMICHELIS ROBERT J DIVER JOHN R Dix KATHRYN S DOOLEY JAMES P JR DOUB RICHARD M DRUCKMAN IRA JAY DRURY SIDNEY H DUNNE ARTHUR L EllERT ARTHUR L JR EDWARDS RAYMOND EICHMEIER ROGER EIFERT HELMUT ELLIS BERNARD M ENGLAND EDWARD H ERKES DO NA LD H ERNST PETER WALTER FACKTOR JERROLD M FALASZ JOHN M JR FALKENBERG CHARLES JR FELDMAN GILBERT FELTMA N JEROME MARTIN FERGUSON OLIVER D FIELDS MARSHALL G FINN DONALD P FLYNN JOHN L FOUFAS PLATO CHRIS FRANK BERNARD A FRAZlN JULIAN J FREEMAN BARRY J FREY RICHARD K FRIDMAN ISRAEL A FRIEDMAN RICHARD E Flossrnoor FRISBY OWEN V FUNAI MASARU GARONS MICHAEL GEISLER ASHER GILBERT ALICE LEE GILL FRANKLIN E JR GILL JOHN J GILLIES DONALD A GILSON JEROME GIMBEL LOWELL GINSBURG SEYMOUR B Gitles GERALD A GLASGOW JOHN DAVID GooD LAURENCE Good WILLIAM E GOODMAN BARRY F GORDON SHELDON M GORR CARL H GOULD ARTHUR GRABEMANN KARL GRAHAM FLORENCE R GREEN SHELDON GREENBAUM NEIL GREENFIELD MICHAEL C GRETLER WILLIAM E GRIMSHAW THOMAS T GROSBY MAURICE E GROSS JAY S GROSSMAN FREDRIC J HABERMAN MORTON J HACKBARTH ALFRED E HAHNE HELEN Jo HALL ALBERT L JR HALPER HARRY ROBERT HANEY ALVIS HARLAN MARION HARRER RIcHARD G HARTNETT GEORGE F JR HAWKFS HARRIET M HAYNFR JOHN A HECTOR LOUIS G HEINDL WARREN A HELLER MAURICE L HELMAN ROBERT A HELMS WILLIAM R HERMAN LAWRENCE HERMAN ROBIN BURNS HORNSTEIN BARRY B Hunrn DONALD K HUGHES DANIEL L HURLEY WILLIAM J HURST WILLIAM T HURWICZ ABRAHAM A ISHIDA LINCOLN J JACKER RICHARD E JACKSON ROGER N JOHNSON RODGER K JONES EARL CLIFFORD JR KAGANJEC HENRY J KALLMAN RoBERT L KAPLAN JEROME KARONES JOHN G KAUFFMANN PHILIP KAUFMAN HOWARD R KELLY RAYMOND B KLEIN MAURICE G KLOSER MARTIN F KOLBE WIILLIAM F KOPALD NOEL S KORENGOLD HOWARD L Korn DONALD G KosTOPOULOS THOMAS P KOWITT ARTHUR J KUKLA ROBERT J KURLAN DER DONALD J LAGIOIA SALVATORE M LAMET JEROME LANER RICHARD LAPPING NORMAN E LARRY JAMES D LAZARUS FRANKLIN M LEEB THEODORE L LEMASTER CHARLES R LESLIE MELVIN E LEVINE ALFRED H LEVINE HAROLD LEVINSON DAVID JR LEVY GERALD J LEWIS KENNETH S LIDMAN JAMES R LIEBERMAN LYLE D LIGMAN DANIEL V LINDBERG GEORGE LINDEN WALTER C LINDGREN WILLIAM D LINDRUP ALICE LINTZ STANLEY M LOEFFLER JAMES J LOWE JUNG YEN LUCY RICHARD H LURIE WILLIAM L MACKEY JERRY D MACKOFF BENJAMIN S MAGIDSON SHERMAN C MAGIDSON WILLIAM H MAJEWSKI CHESTER P MALONEY THOMAS H MANGLER ROBERT J MANILOW FLOYD B MARINO CHARLES F MARKFIELD ARNOLD H MARKS JEROME MARKS MERTON E MARKS STANFORD D MASON ROBERT E JR MATZ EDWARD D JR MAXWELL RICHARD L MITCHELL SHELDON MIX BRONISLAUS J JR MOOR ARTHUR A MOORE JOHN L MORRISON DONALD T JR MORRISON SIDNEY E MORSCH THOMAS H MULLIGAN STEPHEN R MCDERMID HAROLD E McGEHEE LAYNE N McKAY CURTIS McNAMARA THOMAS W McNULTY JOHN W MEEK MARCELLUS MILLER JEROME T JR MILLER RALPH W JR MINUSKI N MYRON MISHKIN MELVIN MITCHELL JAMES R NELSON STEBBINS NEYHART FREDERIC A NIEDERMAN ALLAN N NORGREN ROBERT L NoTZ JOHN K JR NOTZ JOHN ROBERT JR OBERTO MARGUERITE D OGILVIE GEORGE F OLIVER ROBERT J OLSON RONALD W O'SHEA DANIEL M OSSEY MARSHALL D OSTROWSKI LEo A PAPPAS CONSTANTINE P PARKER BRIAN P PASQUESI THEODORE A PATTERSON GERALD PAULSEN ROBERT H PAULSON FORD R PAYALON EUGENE IRVING PEARCE PAUL R PEKOW EUGENE PERKINS JAMES L PETERSEN DONALD S PETROS ANDREW J PICKREL JAMES V PODD GEORGE O JR PoGRUND SHERWIN POSNER FRED S POWELL RICHARD E POWERS DONALD H RABINOVICH BENJAMIN H RAILSBACK THOMAS F REIFF DAVID REYES MANUEL RICHARDSON JAMES E ROLLEY ELIAS JR ROSENBLOOM ALVIN D ROSENBLOOM MELVIN L ROTH GERALD ROTHEMBAUM NORMAN L RUBIN GEORGE A RUSSELL EARL WESLEY RUTHER JEROME J RYAN JAMES J SADLEK LAWRENCE A JR SAGAN VINCENT R SAHR WlLLIAM K SAUNDERS RAYMOND E SEARS FRANKLIN R SEMBOWER JOHN F SEVIN NORMAN M SHULMAN ALVIN D SIEGER DONALD F SILVERS CHARLES W SINGER ALVIN SINSON JUNIE L SLONAKER JOHN O SMITH DOUGLAS F SMITH MARTIN A SMITH NED A SMITH RAY J SNITOFF LEE J SNOW RICHARD A SOCHA DANIEL C P SowLE CLAUDE R III SPAK THEODORE SPENCE MARY VIRGINIA SPIVAK PETER B SPRINGS HENRY W JR SPROGER CHARLES E STANLEY FRANK C JR STAVRIANOS NICHOLAS STEPHENS RICHARD D STEUDE WILLIAM L STEVENSON EDGAR M STOCKTON PHILIP J STOKES JAMES F STOLLER WILLIAM J STONE M RONALD STROEMER RICHARD H SuLJAK NEDJELJKO D SUSMAN ARTHUR T SWANSON WARREN L SWEENEY JAMES R TENNANT WILLIAM S TROTTI ISABELLE MARGARET TUCKER ROBERT L TULLIS ROBERT W UM MIN YUNG VAN HOUTEN HENRY R VAN LEER OSCAR J VAN S ICKLE JAMES E WALSH JOHN F WALTERS MELVIN WASNESKI EARL J WEBER JosEPH A WEISE JOHN T WENIG LEONARD N WEXLER wARREN M WHITCUP LEONARD S WHITLOCK LYNDON J III WILKES JAMES T JR WINGERSKY MELVIN FREDERIC WINTER BERNARD R Wiss ROBERT E WOLIN HARRY WYNKOOP WALKER E Northfield YONETSU KAZUKO ZACZEK LESTER C INDEX Abbott Hall Admission Alumni Association Application Bookstore Buildings Calendar Coif Order Combined Courses Curriculum Degrees Deposit Employment Examinations Faculty Fees Fellowships Financial Foundations Founding Law School Fraternities Funds Gary Elbert H Library Grades Health Honors Journal Air Law Commerce Journal Criminal Law Criminology Police Science Junior Bar Association Legal Legal Library Elbert H Gary Limitation Linthicum Charles Clarence Foundation Loan Location Law School Military Mimeograph Northwestern University Law Review Officers Trustees University Origin University Personal Pictures Placement Prelegal IO Prizes Program School Publications Raymond James Nelson Anna Louise Foundation Rebates Refunds Register Rosenthal Julius Foundation Schedules Scholarships Special Staff Student Teaching Thatcher Frank H Memorial Fund Towle Henry Sargent Memorial Fund Trustees Tuition Veterans' Withdrawals
“Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law, 1955-1956,” PLRC Collections, accessed July 27, 2024,