Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of Courses in the School of Law for the Academic Year 1944-1945
1944 February 28

Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of Courses in the School of Law for the Academic Year 1944-1945

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Description: The annual bulletin (vol. XLIV, no. 13) for the 1944-1945 academic year.

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1944 February 28


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN VOLUME XLIV FEBRUARY NUMBER ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES IN THE SCHOOL OF LAW FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR Northwestern University Bulletin Northwestern University East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois. Entered Chicago Illinois Act Section Act · THE SCHOOL OF LAW LEVY MAYER HALL ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES IN THE SCHOOL OF LAW FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR PUBLISHED BY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAGO ILLINOIS THE SCHOOL OF LAW THE SCHOOL OF LAW Thomas Hoyne Henry Booth . Union College Law Northwestern University University Chicago. School Northwestern University Northwestern University School Law. School Chicago ii Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Chicago Avenue ' Chicago' Loop . Levy Hall Mrs. Levy Chicago . Elbert H. Gary Library Building Elbert H . Gary Class . A Mrs. Hortense Hirsch Mr. Mrs. Levy CALENDAR SCHEDULES AND HOURS Classes OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY FRANKLYN B. SNYDER Ph.D. Litt.D. LL.D. L.H.D. President University WALTER DILL Scott Ph.D. LL.D. President University Emeritus FRED Dow FAGG JR. M.A . J.D. LL.D. Vice President Dean Faculties HARRY L. WELLS THOMAS A. GONSER Vice President Director Public Relations KENNETH F. BURGESS President Board Trustees BERTRAM J. CAHN Vice President PHILIP R. CLARKE Vice President GEORGE B . DRYDEN Vice President EDWIN . MILLS Vice President JAMES F. OATES Secretary LESTER J . NORRIS Treasurer General Funds ROBERT A. GARDNER Treasurer Endowment Funds HAROLD H. ANDERSON MRS. ROBERT R. BAKER JAMES M. BARKER ALFRED W. BAYS EDGAR BLAKE JR. EDWIN . BLOMQUIST CARLETON BLUNT * ROBERT W. CAMPBELL OWEN L. COON WALTER J. CUMMINGS GEORGE . CURME JR. WESLEY M. DIXON WADE FETZER *JOHN H. HARDIN THOMAS A . HARWOOD JOHN HOLMES JAMES R. LEAVELL JOHN J. LOUIS NATHAN WILLIAM MACCHESNEY BENTLEY G. MCCLOUD ARTHUR T. McINTOSH AUBREY H. MELLINGER WILLIAM A. PATTERSON HOLMAN D . PETTIBONE *IRWIN REW *THEODORE W. ROBINSON GILBERT H . SCRIBNER FRANK E. SPENCER ELMER T. STEVENS *SILAS H. STRAWN MRS. ARTHUR E. SWANSON *CHARLES H. THORNE RAWLEIGH WARNER RAYMOND C. WIEBOLDT ELECTED BY THE CONFERENCES HARRY A. BREWER JOHN M. ELLIOTT WALTER B. HEYLER AUBREY S. MOORE * Life Trustee. H. CLIFFORD NORTHCOTT WILLIAM RAY PRESCOTT ERNEST F. TITTLE WILLIAM A. VAWTER II FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW FRANKLYN Buss SNYDER Ph.D . Litt.D. LLD. LH.D . President U WALTER DILL Scan Ph.D. LLD. President University Emeritus FRED Dow FAGG JR. M.A. J .D. LLD. Vice President Dean Faculties Professor Law LEON GREEN M.A. LLB. LLD. Dean Professor Law ALBERT KocouREK M.A .. LLB. Professor Law Emeritus ROBERT WYNESS MILLAR M.A. LL.B. Professor Law Emeritus HAROLD CANFIELD. HAVIGHURST M.A. LLB. Professor Law HOMER FRANKLIN CAREY M.A. LLB. Professor Law WALTER VINCENT SCHAEFER Ph.B. J.D. Professor Law **SAMUEL EDMUND THORNE M.A. LLB. Associate Professor Law 'Librarian BRUNSON MAcCHESNEY NATHANIEL Lours NATHA 'SON B .A. LLB. S.J .D. Associate Professor Law *NELLIE MACNAMARA LLB . Assistant Professor Law Ra· Foundation "*CARL McGOWAN WILLIAM WILLARD WIRTZ ELMER MARTIN LEESMAN LLB. Professor Law STEPHEN LovE LLB . Professor Law IRVING GOLDSTEIN LLB . Lecturer Trial Technique Raymond Foundation PUBLICATIONS STAFF HAROLD C. HAVIGH URST Chairman Board Managers Illinois Law Review ROBERT H. GAULT Ph.D. Editor Journal Criminal Law Criminology EMILY BARR WATKINS Business Manager Northwestern University Press ILLINOIS LAW LECTURES DANIEL D . CARMELL LLB. Workmen ' Compensation ARTHUR GOLDBLATT ELMER A. SMITH LLB. Prac Before Interstate Commerce Commission GENERAL OFFICE STAFF CECILE DEPPE Secretary School SARAH BEARD MORGAN Secretary Faculty ELBERT H. GARY LIBRARY STAFF SAMUEL EDMUND THORNE Librarian DOROTHY SCARBOROUGH !HOWARD HARRISON LAPHAM Ph.B. Assistant Librarian MARION GRACE BROWN * On . ** On . On . . SCOPE OF PROGRAM THE CHARACTER . Middle West . No . Chicago . Attendant ' . All . Sustained . Out . Of . Problems Chicago State Illinois Chicago . Of . An . . School Law University' . ' . Its . . Through Illinois Chicago . Its . School . Its . ADMISSION Students . An School ' ' . A . . An . A . A . Chicago School . An University. Thi& . Dean Illinois . Dean School. No . Auditors . Any Association American Law Schools . PRE LEGAL STUDY Among . Such . While School Law · . . Students . School . Association American Law Schools. . On . Perhaps • . DEGREES Degrees Trustees University Faculty School Law. Before . DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR . Juris Doctor ' School Law . An . . II. Juris Doctor School Law . Where ' Juris Doctor . . DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS . Bachelor Laws Juris Doctor ' . II. By Bachelor Laws . School . School . School . . / Bachelor Laws < • . . DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS Master Laws . . A Master Laws School . ' Illinois Law Review. Review. . DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF JURIDICAL SCIENCE Doctor Juridical Science Scientiae Juridicae Doctor (S.J.D.) Faculty School Law Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws School Juris Doctor. A Doctor Juridical Science Juris Doctor School. ' . completio . " ' . ' . [ Dean . . . Candidates . · ' . School . COMBINED DEGREES DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS OR SCIENCE . Bachelor Arts Science wh College Liberal Arts University ( University Register ). · C School Law ... School Law School Law College Liberal Arts. II. A · ' School Law School Law Bachelor Arts Science . DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN LAW Bachelor Science Law School Law Bachelor Arts Science ' School Law . APPLICATION FOR DEGREE Application Secretary School. . An ' . EXAMINATIONS Regular . They ' . . . Examinations . No . Students Dean . . No . GRADES Grades Lo A (Excellent) } B (Good) C (Fair) (Passing) D (Poor) F (Failure) F (Failure) A School. A . Illinois Law Lectures P F . Neither · . · CURRICULUM Form. Class Studies. . After . Individu. Stu. . Individual Dean. Seminar Seminar Dean · . . Requ. Su. . Passing Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws All . Legal Ethics. Legal Clinic Civil ( · Legal Publications Board) . Limitation Work. No Dean. No " perm ss Dean. Any Dean . . Students Jong . Self Sustaining Students. . Tuition . See Tuition Fees Financial Arrangements. FIRST YEAR BUSINESS AGENCIES (Agency Partnership Corporations Organization Limitation Liability) . MR. SCHAEFER * W. A . Mathews' Cases Materials Agency Partnership. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW II MR. SCHAEFER F W SS. . . Dodd Cases Constitutional Law ( .). CONTRACTS II F W GS. A Cases. MR. HAVIGHURST . Havighurst' Contract CRIMINAL LAW MR. GOLDSTEIN F S. A . Harno' Cases Criminal Law Procedure. LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY MR. SCHAEFER IF IS. An . MOOT COURT MR. SCHAEFER IW. Prepara · . PROPERTY MR. LEESMAN F S. Introduction Statute Uses *Numerals (Fall Winter Summer) . . Aigler Bigelow Powell Cases Property (Vol. ). PROPERTY II MR. LEESMAN W. Easements . Aigler Bigelow Powell Cases Property (Vol. II). TORTS II MR. GREEN F W. . Green Judicial Process Tort Cases ( .) . SECOND YEAR ADMINISTRATIVE LAW II (Ad Procedure Trade Regulation Labor Law Public Utilities) MR. HAVIGHURST MR. F W. Organization Federal Federal Trade Commission Act Fair Trade Unfair Practice National Labor Relations Act Railway Labor Act . Gellhorn' Administrative Law . BUSINESS AGENCIES II III (Private Corporations Organization Management Finance) MR. CAREY F vV. An . Dodd Baker Cases Materials Business Associations . DAMAGES MR. GREEN V S. . McCormick' Cases Damages. INSURANCE MR. HAVIGHURST ½S. . Coble' Cases Insurance. LABOR LAW MR. HAVIGHURST ½S. Study Federal National Labor Relations Act Railway Labor Act . LEGAL ETHICS MR. LOVE Required . ' . Canons Professional Ethics . (See Illinois Law Lectures.) MORTGAGES AND SURETYSHIP MR. CAREY / S . A . NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS MR. CAREv / S. Anglo American Negotiable Instruments Act. PROCEDURE II MR. GREEN MR. F W. Court . Arnold James Cases Trials Judgments Appeals Clark Cases Pleading Procedure ( .). PROPERTY III (Future Interests) MR. CAREY " . Future . Kales' Cases Future Interests ( .) . RELATIONS MR. GREEN . Green Cases Relations. SALES MR. HAVIGHURST F. Sales . Llewellyn Cases Materials Sales . TRUSTS MR. CAREY F. ' ' ' . Carey' Cases Trusts. VENDOR AND PURCHASER MR. HAVIGHURST W. Land . Havighurst' Cases Vendor Purchaser . THIRD YEAR BUSINESS AGENCIES IV (Liquidation Reorganization) MR. CAREV W. Study rehabiliq National Bankruptcy Act. Sturges Cases Debtors' Estates. CONFLICT OF LAWS MR. CAREY F S. Jurisdiction Lorts ' . Cheatham Dowling Goodrich Griswold Cases Confiict Laws. EVIDENCE MR. SCHAEFER F S. Real . McCormick' Cases Evidence. FEDERAL PROCEDURE MR. SCHAEFER F. Jurisdiction Federal . Dobie Ladd Cases Federal Jurisdiction Procedure. ILLINOIS LAW Chattels MR. KocouREK Interstate Commerce Commission MR. SMITH Legal Ethics MR. LovE Marriage Divorce Legitimacy MR. GOLDBLATT Workmen ' Compensation MR. CARMELL LEGAL CLINIC MR. LovE Mrss MACNAMARA AND ATTORNEYS OF THE LEGAL Am BUREAU F. Mr. Love Miss MacNamara. Legal Aid Bureau United Charities . Legal Publications Board . .Jers Board . PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS W. A .co . QUASI CONTRACTS ½S. Reformation Jaw . A . Cook' Cases Eq ( .) Vol. Ill. TAXATION MR. SCHAEFER F S. Fede . Griswold' Cases Federal Taxation. TAXATION II W. Property . Wirtz' Cases Materials Illinois Ta ( ni ) Griswold' Cases Federal Taxation. TRIAL TECHNIQUE MR. GOLDSTEIN W Goldstein Trial Technique. SEMINARS Dean . Registration Secretary . Fall Const. Law Contracts Criminal Law Legal Bib. Property Torts SUMMARY OF COURSES FIRST YEAR Winter Bus. Const. Law Contracts Moot Court Property Torts Summer* HOURS Const. Law Contracts Criminal Law Legal Bib. SECOND YEAR Fall HOURS Winter HOURS Surnrner* HOURS Adminis. Law Adminis. Law Damages Bus. Agen. Bus. Agen. Insurance Procedure Legal Ethics Labor Law Sales Procedure Mortgages Sur. Trusts Property Negotiable Instr. Vendor Pur. Relations THIRD YEAR Conflicts Bus. Agen. IV Conflicts Evidence Illinois Law Evidence Federal Proc. Patents Quasi Contracts Illinois Law Seminar Seminar Legal Clinic Taxation Taxation Seminar Trial Technique Taxation HONORS Honor List . HONOR LIST Class Class Warren Krinsky Bruce Carson Bernard Mamet Marvin Miner THE ORDER OF THE COIF NORTHWESTERN CHAPTER Order Coif . Its . Each . Legal Publications Board School Order Coif. Members Elected Ellsworth Comstock Power Robert E. Nelson * . FELLOWSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS PRIZES James Nelson Raymond Fellowship. $ Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Raymond Fellowship Fund . Applications . Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Fund. $ Northwestern University Mrs. Anna Coburn Fund School Law President University Dean School Law . Jacob Newman Scholarship Fund. $ Mrs. Minnie G. Newman Jacob Newman . Th Wa · Scholarship. $ Mrs. Fannie M. W Lieutenant Manierre Barlow Ware Argonne Sector Battle . Anna Louise Raymond Scholarship Fund. $ Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond School Law. Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Scholarship. A $ Charles Clarence Linthicum . Elmer A. Smith Scholarship. A $ Mr. Elmer A. Smith Chicago . Th Rufus H. Sage Scholarship School Law. From Mrs. Ellen Sage $ . Northwestern University Press Secretarial Scholarship. A $ · . ' School Law ' . Business Manager Northwestern University Press. Applicants . University Scholarships. There University $ $ . Monitorships. A . Compensation . Mah/ Ogden West Book Fund. A Mahlon Ogden West Class School Law Dean . Lowden Wigmore Priu . Mr. Frank . Lowden Class $ . . Hyde Prize. $ Professor Charles Cheney Hyde School Law . Award Junior Bar Association. An · . University . · School Law . After School . Awarded Bruce Carson. Delta Rho Fraternity Scholarship Cup. · An Delta Rho Fraternity Junior Bar Association School . Not . Application Dean School. LOAN FUNDS University . (See University Register.) Applications Dean School Law. Methodist Loan Fund Mary H. Bovee Fund Ella M. Sullender Fund James A. Patten Fund General Student Loan Fund Northwestern University Foundation Loan Fund Anna Louise Raymond Loan Fund TUITION FEES AND FINANCIAL ARRAN GEMENTS . Matriculation Fee University. · . TUITION Undergraduate Tuition Full (IO ) Part Pai· tu t Auditor' Graduate Tuition FEES Health Service Fee Payable . . Graduation Fees Bachelor Science Law Bachelor Laws Juris Doctor Master Laws Doctor Juridical Science Continuation Registration Fee A School . Such $ . . Duplicate Diploma Fee Duplicate Transcript Record Reinstatement Fee Payable . Athletic Card To Cashier' Office . FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Bills. Division Student Finance Abbott Hall . These . Each Cashier' Office Abbott Hall. Each . Division Student Finance. . Financial Obligations. No University . A . Registration University Director Student Finance . ' Withdrawals Refunds. Official School Law. Students . Students ' . Students . Students . . Student Finance Office . Students . . Student Deposit Account. University Cashier' Office Abbott Hall . Students . There . General Expenses. $ . THE ELBERT H. GARY LIBRARY Elbert H. Gary Library Elbert H. Gary LL.B. LL.D. . · United States United States Great Britain Canada Australia ' Anglo American . European Roman Japanese Chinese . Theodore S. Chapman Robert . Farrell Mexican Latin American . A . Library . PICTURES School' Great Britain United States . . Personal Europe . . A British National Gallery Portraits London . Library . THE JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Anna Louise Raymond Foundation $ . School Law United Charities Chicago Bar Association. Since Foundation Mrs. Raymond. School Law Legal Aid Bureau United Charities. School Legal Aid Bureau . Indigent . . . Foundation . Curriculum. Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Raymond Fellowship $ Fund a . See Fellowships Scholarships Prizes. THE JULIUS ROSENTHAL FOUNDATION Julius Rosenthal Foundation { Julius Rosenthal Lessing Rosenthal Mrs. George Pick Charles H. Hamill Max Hart Harry Hart Mark Cresap Frank M. Peters Leo F. Wormser F. Howard Eldridge L. King Magnus Myres Mrs. Joseph Schaffner Mrs. Otto L. Schmidt Chicago Honorable Julian W. Mack New York. Julius Rosenthal Chicago Librarian Chicago Law Institute . He Chicago School. Foundation $ Jaw . School . Foundation Sir William. Searle Holdsworth Vinerian Professor Law Oxford University. Antonio Sanchez Bustamente University Havana Permanent Court International Justice. John C. . Hl Chief Justice Court . Appeals Shanghai Law Codification Commission China. Jean Escarra Faculty Law University Paris. Charles T / '· Supreme Court United States History " . ' Walton Hale Hamilton Professor Law Yale University. !'l Henry T. Lumnius Associate Justice Supreme Court Massachusetts. Lon L. Fuller Professor Law Harvard University. THE CHARLES CLARENCE LINTHICUM FOUNDATION Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Charles Clarence Linthicum LL.B. School . . Mrs. Charles C. Linthicum Harvey S. Firestone Otto R. Barnett Melvin M. Hawley Chicago . . Prizes Stephen Davis New York. Subject " Law Radio Communication." · Charles John Hamson London L.B. Davies Melbourne Australia Francois Poignon Montbard France. Subject "Scientific Property." Richard Spencer Chicago. Subject "A Complete Program Improvement lJnited States Patent Law System." Leslie Bartlett Davies Arthur Dean Melbourne Australia StefJhen P. Ladas New York Marcel Plaisant Paris J. M. Bliss Surrey England. Subject "A Comprehensive Critique International Chamber Commerce Committee' Draft Convention International Protection Industrial Property." Jan Vojacek Prague Czechoslovakia Karl B. Lutz New York George Gehr Chicago Mario Chiron Rome Italy Edwin M. Thomas Washington D. C. Subject "A Survey ( Principal National Patent Systems ( Historical Comparative Points View) ." Jean Van Routte Brussels Belgium · D. Goedlwis Hague Netherlands Joseph Kroell Strasbourg France David Grant Arnold W. Knau. New York Hans Adolf Wulf Hamburg Germany. Subject "Carrier Liability National International Commerce." Laurence . Wood Chicago W. Houston Kenyon Jr. New York. Subject " Relation Between Patent Practices Anti Monopoly Laws Situation Past Present Trends Future Possibilities." Louis Robertson Chicago. Subject "Trademark Trade Name Laws Americas Problem Their Practical ." NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PRESS Northwestern University Press Illinois Northwestern University . Its President Nathan William MacChesney. Its Board Directors Board Trustees Faculty University. Its . Communications Mrs. E. B. Watkins Business Manager. THE JOURNAL OF AIR LAW AND COMMERCE Journal Air Law Commerce Northwestern University School Law Northwestern University Press. On . (P .) THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY Journal Criminal Law Criminology . Robert H. Gault Professor Emeritus Department Psychology Northwestern University . Department Police Science Mr. David G. Monroe Northwestern University Traffic Institute. Northw. University Press School Law. THE ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW Illinois Law .Review School . School University Chicago University Illinois. Board Managers Northwestern Legal Publications Board. THE LEGAL PUBLICATIONS BOARD The Legal Publications Board Editorial Department Northwestern University Press. School Law. Selection Board . Membership Board School Law . Junior Bar Association Legal Publications Board. Board. Board Warren Krinsky Editor Chief Richard C. Yocom Comment Editor Edmund Hatfield Article Note Editor John L. Ketcham Book Review Editor Harold C. H Adviser Editorial Board BOARD OF MANAGERS Francis A. Allen Harold .J. Clark Leon Green Harold C. Havighurst Chairman Albert Kocourek Nathan Wiiriam MacChesney Robert W . Millar Nathaniel L. Nathanson Robert E. Nelson James A. Rahl Walter V. Schaefer Harry L. Wells And Officers Student Board JUNIOR BAR ASSOCIATION Junior Bar Association ' Faculty School. All Association . Through Association School School. ' President Richard C. Yocom Vice President Rita Jean Kucharski Secretary J Urban Treasurer Andrew J . O'Conor FRATERNITIES Phi Alpha Delta Phi Delta Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Eta Gamma Nu Beta Epsilon Tau Epsilon Rho Sigma Delta Kappa Kappa Beta Pi (Sorority) HEALTH SERVICE DR. HowARii L. ALT Director University Medical School Medical Dental Schools. Students Medical School P. M. A. M. . . Passavant Memorial Hospital. X . School Law. . Hospital . (Maximum $ . .) . Operating . . Anesthetic . . Medicine . . Laboratory . . Medical . Hospitalization ' . . Dental Dental School . ABBOTT HALL Abbott Hall Chicago Campus . Law School Aoor Levy Hall. Study Abbott Hall . Meals Abbott Hall Abbott Hall Law . Manager Abbott Hall Lake Shore Drive Chicago . BOOKSTORE MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE Law School Bookstore Lincoln Hall. University Business Office Abbo Hall. Mr. J. F. Chetlain. . Mr. Chetlain School. ABBOTT HALL . No . EMPLOYMENT University Placement Bureau . Application Mr. Morris J. Rogers University Placement Bureau <\' } East Chicago Avenue Illinois. LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President Robert W. Schupp First Vice President Bertram J. Cairn Second Vice President A. H. Marshall Third Vice President Otis Lowell Hastings Treasurer Theodore S. Chapman III Secretary Edwin . Wack BOARD OF DIRECTORS Term Expiring Theodore Schmidt Hubert Van Hook Gustave Wittmeyer Jr. Term Expiring Vernon R. Loucks Daniel M. Schuyler Jr. James G. Holbrook Term Expiring Stanford Clinton Drennan J. Slater Cranston Spray Term Expiring Edward J. Metzdorf Laurence E. Oliphant Jr. Dale K. McAlpine Term Expiring Willis D. Nance Ralph D. Shanesy Robert A. Sprecher LAW ALUMNI TRUSTEES A University School Law . Ed C. Austin Secretary Treasurer William V. Brothers Bertram J. Cahn Allen J. Carter George A. Mason Ernest Palmer Charles . Rundall Charles M. Thomson Frederick P. Vose THE NORTHWESTERN CENTURY FUND Northwestern University Alum' Foundation ( Northwestern Century Fund) Northwestern University. . "Every ." During $ University . All Century Fund University . University Not Responsible Personal Losses University University . REGISTER OF STUDENTS Alexander James Richard Berger Samuel Blakeslee William Walton Boisdeau Paul Burman Ira Mitchel Burns Ethelyn Marguerite Cahn Anabel Clay James Carleton Jr. Cuttone Leonard Emery Lois Elaine Farlow Forestine Anita Flick John Edmond Gentile Henry A. Gough Noreen Margaret Hallam David Milton Hatfield Edmund Jr. Hazlehurst Louise McNary Henderson Disraeli Rudolph Jr. Hoy Louise Carrol Hull Julius H. Izenstark Burton Lee Kellstedt James Paul Kern John Noel Jr. Ketcha John Lewis Kettenberg Lorene Lang Krinsky Warren Kucharski Rita Jean Levatino Jerome Lucas Donald Murray MacGreevy William Rockfield Maland Dorothy Carlene Kenilworth McCall Mary Estelle McCarthy Edward L. McClelland Lloyd Shaw Meyer John J. Miner Julius Howard Morton Mary Elizabeth Murray William John Jr. Obradovich Georgine O 'Conor Andrew Joseph Jr. Owens Joseph Charles Rogers John Robert Elgin Sarnow Raymond Stanley Schillinger Paul Schy Maurice Harold Spear Bernice Clarre Stern Sylvia Tisdahl Alfred Carl Toles Deborah Shepard Treacy William Powell Urban Jeanne Sophie Wagener Donald MacMillan Weingartner. Richard Allenson Wilson Ervin Fillmore Jr. Yocom Richard Calvert A .B. D ePauw University INDEX Abbott Hall Admission Alumni Association Alumni Trustees Application Degree Bobkstore Mimeograph Service Calendar Combined Degrees Curriculum Degrees Elbert H. Gary Library Employment Examinations Faculty Fees Expenses Fellowships Scholarships Prizes Financial Regulations Fraternities Grades Health Service Historical Note Honors Illinois Law Review Journal Air Law Commerce Journal Criminal Law Criminology Junior Bar Association Legal Clinics Legal Publications Board Library Limitation · Linthicum Foundation Loan Funds Northwestern Century Fund Press Officers Trustees Officers Law Alumni Association Pictures Pre Legal Study Prizes Publications Raymond Foundation Register Students Required Subjects Rosenthal Foundation Schedules Hours Scholarships Prizes Scope Program Seminars Special Students Staff Summary Courses Trustees Tuition Fees Financial Arrangements SCHOOL OF LAW Chicago Three Juris Doctor. Also Bachelor Laws. School Law Secretary School Law Northwestern University Chicago Illinois. Schools University Director Admissions Northwestern University Evanston Illinois.
“Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of Courses in the School of Law for the Academic Year 1944-1945,” PLRC Collections, accessed April 27, 2024,