Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of the School of Law for the Session 1941-1942
1941 January 27

Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of the School of Law for the Session 1941-1942

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Description: The annual bulletin (vol. XLI, no. 14) for the 1941-1942 academic year.

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1941 January 27


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN VOL. XLI JANUARY NO. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW FOR THE SESSION Northwestern University Announcement THE SCHOOL OF LAW Session LAKE SHORE DRIVE AND CHICAGO AVENUE CHICAGO ILLINOIS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY AND NATIONAL DEFENSE University prospectiYe " ? Should ? Should ? Should ? ?" To Northwestern University . University . . While University . . University President United States We . We . Young . They . President . . University University University . Northwestern University Bulletin Northwestern University East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois. Entered Chicago Illinois Congress Section Act . . . .. . . . LEVY MA YER HALL ABBOTT HALL T HE SCHOOL OF LAW Thomas Hoyne Henry Booth . Union College Law Northwestern University University Chicago. School Northwestern University Northwestern University School Law. School Chicago Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Chicago Avenue ' Chicago' Loop . Levy Hall Mrs. Levy Chicago . Elbert H. Gary Library Building Elbert H. Gary Library Elbert H. Gary Class . A Mrs. Hortense Hirsch Mrs. Levy . Calendar Schedules Hours Classes . . . . O . . . . . . . . . . . . By Dean . Officers Trustees University FRANKLYN Buss SNYDER Ph.D. LL.D. L.H.D. President Univermy WALTER DILL ScoTT Ph.D. LL.D. President Emeritus FRED Dow FAGG JR. M .A. J.D. LL.D. Vice President Dean Faculties HARRY L. WELLS KENNETH F. BURGESS President Corporation BERTRAM J. CAHN Vice President GEORGE B. DRYDEN Vice President EDWIN S. MILLS Vice President THEODORE W. ROBINSON Vice President JAMES F. OATES Secretary LESTER J NORRIS Treasurer General Funds ROBERT A. GARDNER Treasurer Endo'W? Funds ELMER S . ALBRITTON HAROLD H. ANDERSON MRS. ROBERT R. BAKER JAMES M. BARKER ALFRED W. BAYS EDWIN . BLOMQUI ST *ROBERT W. CAMPBELL HAROLD J. CLARK PHILIP R. CLARKE OwENL. CooN MARK W. CRESAP *FRANKS. CUNNINGHAM IRVING S. CUTTER WE SLEY M. DIXON WADE FETZER *MARTIN M. GRIDLEY *JOHN H. HARDIN JAMES R. LEAVELL NATHAN WILLIAM MACCHESNEY ARTHUR T . McINTOSH WALTER P. MURPHY MRS. GEORGE A. PADDOCK HOLMAN D. PETTIBONE IRWINREW ELMER T. STEVENS *SILAS H. STRAWN FREDERICK J. THIELBAR *CHARLES H. THORNE ERNEST L. WALDORF RAYMOND C. WIEBOLDT ELECTED BY THE CONFERENCES HARRY A. BREWER JOHN M. ELLIOTT AUBREY S. MOORE H. CLIFFORD NORTHCOTT • Life Trustee C. GORDON PHILLIPS C . E. POLLOCK ERNEST F. TITTLE WILLIAM A. VAWTER II Faculty School Law FRANKLYN Buss SNYDER Ph.D. LL.D. L.H.D. President University WALTER DILL Scarr Ph.D. LL.D. President Emeritus FRED Dow FAGG JR. M.A. J.D. LL.D. Vice President D Faculties JOHN HENRY WIGMORE M.A. LL.B. LL.D. Dean Emeritus LEON GREEN M.A. LL.B. LL.D. Dean Professor Law ALBERT KOCOUREK M.A. LL.B. Professor Law Emeritus ROBERT WYNESS MILLAR M.A. LL.B. Professor Law EDWIN FRANKLIN ALBERTSWORTH Ph.D. LL.B. S.J.D. Professor Law HAROLD CANFIELD HAVIGHURST M.A. LL.B. Professor Law NEWMAN FREESE BAKER A.M. LL.B. J.S.D. Professor Law HOMER FRANKLIN CAREY M.A. LL.B. Professor Law WALTER WHEELER COOK A.M. LL.M. LL.D. Professor Law WALTER VINCENT SCHAEFER Ph.B. J.D. Professor Law SAMUEL EDMUND THORNE M.A. LL.B. Associate Professor Law Librarian BRUNSON MAcCHESNEY NATHANIEL LOUIS NATHANSON Law NELLIE MACNAMARA LL.B. Assistant Professor Law Raymond Foundation CARL McGOWAN WILLIAM WILLARD WIRTZ ELMER MARTIN LEESMAN LL.B. Professor Law STEPHEN LovE LL.B. Professor Law IRVING GOLDSTEIN LL.B. Instructor Trial Technique Raymond Foundation RICHARD SPENCER RICHARD JOHNSTON JOHN HENRY WIGMORE M.A. LL.B. LL.D. Adviser Lecturer Public Professional Relations ALBERT KOCOUREK M.A. LL.B. Lecturer Jurisprudence Visiting Members Summer Session LEHAN KENT TUNKS Iowa WILLARD HIRAM PEDRICK Cincinnati WILLIAM WEBB BRADY Publications Staff HAROLD C. HAVIGHURST Chairman Board Managers Illinois Law Review HowARD C. KNOTTS ROBERT H. GAULT Ph.D. Editor Journal Criminal Law Criminology NEWMAN FREESE BAKER Managing Director Journal Criminal Law Criminology EMILY BARR WATKINS Business Manager Northwestern University Press Illinois Law Lecturers STUART BRADLEY Ph.B. J.D. Admiralty DANIEL D. CARMELL LL.B. Workmen' Compensation ARTHUR GOLDBLATT STANLEY GORDON J.D. Landlord Tenant ALBERT E. HALLETT JR. ]AMES G. HOLBROOK KEITH MASTERS THOMAS J. MATOUSEK LL.B. Land Title Registration FRANK E. QUINDRY LL.B. Aeronautical Law ELMER A. SMITH LL.B. Practice Before Interstate Commerce Commission GEORGE M. WEICHELT LL.B. Corporate Suretyship Credit Insurance General Office Staff CECILE DEPPE Secretary School DE LAMERE THOMPSON Assistant Secretary SARAH BEARD MORGAN THERESE CRAWLEY MARY PENTE IVA BRENNEMAN Elbert H. Gary Library Staff SAMUEL EDMUND THORNE Librarian DOROTHY SCARBOROUGH HOWARD HARRISON LAPH AM Ph.B. Assistant Librarian* MARJORIE PENDLETON • " . Scope Program THE CHARACTER . Middle West . . No . Chicago · . Attendant ' . All . Sustained . Of . Chicago State Illinois Chicago . Of . An . . · . . Its . School . . Its . . Through Illinois Chicago . Its . School . Its School' . Admission FIRST YEAR . Upperclassmen . An School ' ' . A . . An . A . Chicago School . An University. . Dean II Illinois . Dean School. No . Auditors . . Summer Term. Any Association American Law Schools . His . Pre Legal Study Among . Such . While School Law . . ' . Students . School Law . Association American Law Schools. . Degrees DEGREES Trustees University Faculty School Law. Before Degree Juris Doctor (Seven ) . Juris Doctor ' ( ) School Law . II. Juris Doctor ( ) ( ) School . Law . One . Where ' Juris Doctor . Degree Bachelor Laws (Six ) . Bachelor Laws ( ) ( ) Juris Doctor ' . II. By Bachelor Laws ( ) School . ( ) School . ( ) School . ( ) . Bachelor Laws . . Degree Master Laws. Master Laws . . A Master Laws ( ) School . ( ) Illinois Law Review. Review. ( ) . Degree Doctor Juridical Science. Doctor Juridical Science Scientiae Juridicae Doctor (S.J.D.) Faculty School Law Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws School Juris Doctor. A Doctor Juridical Science Juris Doctor ( ) School. ' . ( ) . . . ( ) Dean . ( ) . . Candidates . They . . School . Combined Degrees Degree Bachelor Arts Science. . Bachelor Arts Science College Liberal Arts University ( University Register ) School Law School Law Faculties School Law College Liberal Arts. II. A ' School Law School Law Bachelor Arts Science . Degree l Science Law. Bachelor Science Law School Law Bachelor Arts Science ' School Law. Application Degree Application Secretary School. . An ' . Examinations Regular . They ' . . . Examinations . No . Students Dean . No . Grades Grades A (Excellent) } B (Good) . C (Fair) (Passrng) D (Poor) F (Failure) F (Failure) A School. A . Illinois Law Lectures P F . Neither . Promotion Each Curriculum Formal Class Studies. . After . Individual Studies. Individual Dean. Seminar Studies. Seminar Dean . Required Subjects. Passing Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws ( ) All . ( ) Legal Ethics. ( ) Legal Clinic Civil ( Legal Publications Board). Inasmuch . Limitation Work. . Students . No Dean. No Dean. Any Dean . . First Year Business Agencies (Agency Partnership Corporations Organization Limitation Liability) Mr. Wirtz Three . A . Mathews Cases Materials Agency Partnership. Common Law Actions Legal Method Mr. Cook Three . . . Cook' Readings Forms A Common Larw Cook' Readings Legal Method ( ). Contracts Mr. Havighurst Three . A . Havighurst' Contract Cases. Criminal Law Mr. Baker Three . A . Harno' Cases Criminal Law Procedure. Moot Court Legal Bibliography Writing Mr. Baker Mr. Thorne Mr. McGowan One ( ). Procedure (Court Organization Administration) Mr. S Two . Evolution English American . McCormick' Cases Materials Court Organization Administration ( ) . Property Mr. Carey Three . Introduction . . Fraser' Cases Property. Property II Three . Kirkwood' Cases Conveyances. Torts Mr. Carey . Mr. Green Three . . Green' Judicial Process Tort Cases ( .). Second Year Administrative Law (Administrative Procedure Trade Regulation Labor Law Public Utilities) Mr. Nathanson Mr. MacChesney Three . Organization Public Utilitiesregulation Trade Regulationcontrol Anti Federal Trade Commission Act F Trade Unfair Practice Labor Relations Anti National Labor Relations Act Railway Labor Act . Gellhorn' Administrative Law . Business Agencies II (Private Corporations Organization Management Finance) Mr. McGowan Mr. MacChesney Three . An . Dodd Baker Cases Materials Business Associations . Constitutional Law Mr. Albertsworth Two . Internal Federal State . Albertsworth' Cases Constitutional Law ( ). Constitutional Law II Mr. Albertsworth Three . Relations Federal State ·" " " " " " United States Supreme Court . Albertsworth' Cases Comtitutional Law II ( ). Legal Ethics Mr. Love Required ' . Canons Professional Ethics . (See Illinois Law Lectures.) Procedure II (Common Law Equity Code Pleading) Mr. Millar Three . Common . Keigwin' Cases Common Law Pleading ( .) Keigwin' Cases Code Pleading. Procedure III (Trial Appellate Procedure) Mr. Millar Three . Jurisdiction Process Trial Judgments Appellate Proceedings. Under . ( Procedure II.) Sunderland' Cases Trial Appellate Practice . Property III (Trusts Wills Future Interests) Mr. Carey Three . . Carey' Cases Trusts Kales' Cases Future Interests ( .). Sales Credit Transactions Mortgages Suretyship) (Sales Vendor Purchaser Mr. Cook Mr. Havighurst Mr. McGowan Three . Sales . Cook' Cases Equity ( .) Sturges' Cases Credit Transactions ( .) Llewellyn' Cases Materials Sales . Third Fourth Years Business Agencies III (Liquidation Reorganization) Mr. Nathanson Mr. McGowan Three . Study National Bankn Act. Conflict Laws Mr. Cook Three . Jurisdiction Torts Contracts Agency Workmen' Compensation Carriers Property Family Law Foreign Judgments Foreign Corporations. Harper Taintor Cases Materials Judicial Technique Conflict Laws. Conveyancing Mr. Leesman Two . A . Instructor' Syllabus Abstracts. Criminal Law II Mr. Baker Two . A Jurisdiction . Special Federal . Harno' Cases Criminal Law Proceditre Federal Criminal Code. Damages Mr. Albertsworth Two . . McCormick' Cases Damages. Equity III (Quasi Contracts) Summer Sessions. Reformation Rescission Restitution (Quasi Contracts) . A . Cook' Cases Eqitity ( .) Vol. III. Evidence Mr. Schaefer Four . Real . McCormick' Cases Evidence. Federal Procedure Mr. Schaefer Three . Jurisdiction . Dobie Ladd Cases Federal Jurisdiction Procedure. Illinois Law Four . From . Twenty . State . They . Chicago Illinois . Admiralty Mr. Bradley Aeronautical Law Mr. Quindry Appellate Practice Mr. Hallett Chattels Mr. Kocourek Corporate Suretyship Credit Insurance Mr. Weichelt Interstate Commerce Commission Mr. Smith Landlord Tenant Mr. Gordon Land Title Registration Mr. Matousek Legal Ethics Mr. Love Marriage Divorce Legitimacy Mr. Goldblatt Probate Practice Mr. Holbrook Radio Law Mr. Masters Workmen' Compensation Mr. Carmell Industrial Law Mr. Albertsworth Two . Employer' ' ' . Each Illinois State Industrial Commission Commission. Albertsworth' Cases Industrial Law . Industrial Law Clinic Miss MacNamara One . Each Illinois Industrial Commission. He . Insurance Mr. Havighurst Two . . Coble' Cases Insurance. Legal Accounting Summer Sessions. Available . Principles . Legal Clinic Mr. Love Miss MacNamara Attorneys Legal Aid Bureau Three . Mr. Love Chicago Miss MacNamara. Legal Aid Bureau United Charities . Legal Publications Board . Board . Logical Ethical Problems Law Mr. Cook Two ( ). Open Legal Method. . Selected ( ) . Negotiable Instruments Mr. Baker Two . Anglo American Negotiable Instruments Act. Britton' Text Bills Notes. Patent Law Mr. Spencer Mr. Johnston Two . A . Spencer' Patent Law Cases. Procedure IV (Illinois Civil Procedure) Mr. Millar Three . Illinois Civil Procedure. Pleading Civil Practice Act . Instructor' . Profession Bar Mr. Wigmore One . Studies British American . Relations Mr. Green Two . . Green' Cases Injuries Relations. Taxation Mr. Wirtz Three . Property . Wirtz' Cases Materials Illinois Taxation ( ) Griswold' Cases Federal Taxation. Taxation II Mr. Wirtz Three . . Griswold' Cases Federal Taxation. Trial Technique Mr. Goldstein One . . . Goldstein' Trial Technique. Seminars . Such ' . Public Law Corporations . Public Law Corporate . Each student Dean . No . . . . Two ' General Office. Registration General Office. Aeronautical Law Mr. Wigmore Mr. Quindry One . Legal . Comparative Civil Procedure Mr. Millar A Germanic Roman Romano Canonical Continental Anglo American . Open . Engelmann Millar' History Continental Civil Procedure. . Constitutional Law Problems Mr. Albertsworth Second . Open Constitutional Law II . American Federal State . Corporate Finance Mr. McGowan Mr. MacChesney Securities Exchange Commission Public Utility Holding Company Act . Criminal Law Mr. Baker First . Supreme Court Rules U. S. Advisory Committee. International Law American (Public) Mr. Wigmore Part . General Principles International Common Law. Textbook . Part . International Controversies International Organization International Legislation. (Round .) Material U. S. Foreign Relations Correspondence International Claims Commissions Reports International Conferences Proceedings League Nations Proceedings World Court Reports. Jurisprudence Mr. Kocourek Science Law. A State Sovereignty Schools Jurisprudence J Analytics Classification. Labor Law Mr. Nathanson Study . National Labor Relations Act Railway Labor Act . Legal History Mr. Thorne A England Anglo Norman . Property Mr. Carey Mr. Schaefer Mr. Wirtz Current ( ) Real Reconstruction Finance Corporation Federal Housing Administration Federal Housing Authority Home Owners Loan Corporation National Mortgage Associations ( ) Federal Housing Authority Federal Housing Act ( ) . Public Control Business Mr. Havighurst Mr. MacChesney Mr. Nathanson Mr. Wirtz Subjects Anti . Substantive Interstate Commerce Commission Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission National Defense Program . Public Finance Mr. Wirtz Mr. McGowan Mr. MacChesney Mr. Havighurst Individual . Both . Subjects Social Security . First Semester Summary Courses FIRST YEAR Second Semester { Common Law Actionc Business Agencies Legal Method Contracts Contracts Moot Court Legal Bibliog Criminal Law Writing Moot Court Legal Bibliog Procedure Writing Property II Property Torts Torts SECOND YEAR Administrative Law Administrative Law Business Agencies II Business Agencies II Constitutional Law Constitutional Law II Procedure II Procedure III Property III Property III Sales Credit Sales Credit Transactions Transactions THIRD YEAR Business Agencies III Conveyancing Conflict Laws Criminal Law II Federal Procedure Damages Illinois Law Evidence Industrial Law Illinois Law Industrial Law Clinic Insurance Legal Clinic Legal Clinic Patent Law Logical Ethical Problems Profession Bar Negotiable Instruments Relations Procedure IV Taxation Taxation II Trial Technique Trial Technique SEMINARS Comparative Civil Procedure Aeronautical Law Corporate Finance Comparative Civil Criminal Law Procedure International Law Constitutional Law Problems Jurisprudence Corporate Finance Labor Law International Law Legal History Jurisprudence Property Labor Law Public Control Business Legal History Public Finance Property Public Control Business Public Finance Summer Session . Students . Registration . One . ( .) FIRST TERM SECOND TERM Summer Session Summer Session Hours Hours Equity III Business Agencies III (Quasi Contracts) Federal Procedure Insurance Legislation Legal Accounting Negotiable Instruments Legal Clinic Relations Relations Trial Technique Taxation II Honors T HE FACULTY Honor List . Credits ' Honor List . HONOR LIST Class William Mavor Trumbull Paul Monroe Hupp Robert Sprecher Russell Henry Cremona Charles Alston Jennings Class Marshall Forrest Jr. James Andrew Rahl Stephen Edward Ladd Howard Castle Order Coif Northwestern Chapter. Order Coif . Its . Each ' . Legal Publications Board School Order Coif. MEMBERS ELECTED Franklin Culver Stark Ruth Dick Cutter Robert Marks Donald Burdette Smiley Horace William Jordan Fellowships Scholarships Prizes James Nelson Raymond Fellowship. $ Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Raymond Fellowship Fund . Applications . Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Fund. $ Northwestern University Mrs. Anna Coburn Fund School Law President University Dean School Law . Jacob Newman Scholarship Fund. $ Mrs. Minnie G. Newman Jacob Newman . Ware Scholarship. $ Mrs. Fannie M. Ware Lieutenant Manierre Barlow Ware Argonne Sector Battle . Anna Louise Raymond Scholarship Fund. $ Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond School Law. Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Scholarship.A $ Charles Clarence Linthicum . Elmer A. Smith Scholarship. A $ Mr. Elmer A. Smith Chicago . Rufus H. Sage Scholarship School Law. From Mrs. Ellen Sage $ . Northwestern University Press Secretarial Scholarship.A $ . ' ' . Business Manager Northwestern University Press. Applicants . University Scholarships. There University $ $ . Monitorships. A . They $ $ . Mahlon Ogden West Book Fund. A Mahlon Ogden West Class School Law Dean. Lowden Wigmore Prizes. Mr. Frank . Lowden Class $ . . Hyde Prize. $ Professor Charles Cheney Hyde School Law International Law. Award Junior Bar Association. An First Year Class . University . School Law . After School . Awarded Marshall Forrest Jr. J A. Rahl. Delta Rho Fraternity Scholarship Cup. An Delta Rho Fraternity Junior Bar Association School . Awarded Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity. Application Dean School. Loan Funds University . (See University Register.) Applications Methodist Loan Fund Dean School Law. Application Methodist Loan Fund Mr. L. C. Hollister Wieboldt Hall Chicago. Methodist Loan Fund Mary H. Bovee Fund Ella M. Sullender Fund James A. Patten Fund General Student Loan Fund Northwestern University Foundation Loan Fund Anna Louise Raymond Loan Fund Tuition Fees Financial Arrangements . Matriculation Fee University. . Registration Fee (Summer Session) Payable University Summer Session. . $ . $ . Matriculation Fee. TUITION Undergraduate Tuition Full ( ) Part Auditor' Fee Graduate Tuition ( ) Summer Term Fees Full ( ) Part ( ) Part ( ) FEES Health Service Fee Payable . . Graduation Fees Bachelor Science Law Bachelor Laws Juris Doctor Master Laws Doctor Juridical Science Continuation Registration Fee A School . Such $ . . Duplicate Diploma Fee Duplicate Transcript Record Installment Fee Reinstatement Fee Payable . Athletic Card To Cashier' Office . Financial Regulations Bills. Division Student Finance Abbott Hall . These . Each Cashier' Office Abbott Hall. Each . Division Student Finance. . Installments. A Division Student Finance Abbott Hall . An Installment Fee $ . Installment Fee $ . . Financial Obligations. · No University . A . Registration University Director Student Finance . Withdrawals Refunds. Official School Law. Students Matriculation Fee. Students . Students . Students . . Student Finance Office . Student Bank. University Cashier' Office Abbott Hall . Pass . There . General Expenses. $ . Elbert H. Gary Library Elbert H. Gary Library Elbert H . Gary Library Building Elbert H. Gary LL.B. LL.D. . United States . United States Great Britain Canada Australia Anglo American . European Roman Japanese Chinese . Theodore S. Chapman Robert . Farrell Mexican Latin American . A . Library . Pictures School' Great Britain United States . . Personal Europe . . A British National Gallery Portraits London . Library . James Nelson Anna Louise Raymond Foundation Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Anna Louise Raymond Foundation $ . School Law United Charities Chicago Bar Association. Since Foundation Mrs. Raymond. School Law Legal Aid Bureau United Charities. School Legal Aid Bureau . Indigent . . . Foundation . Curriculum. Legal Clinics Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Raymond Fellowship $ Fund . See Fellowships Scholarships Prizes. Julius Rosenthal Foundation Julius Rosenthal Foundation Julius Rosenthal Lessing Rosenthal Mrs. George Pick Charles H. Hamill Max Hart Harry Hart Mark Cresap Frank M. Peters Leo F. Wormser F. Howard Eldridge Willard L. King Magnus Myres Mrs. Joseph Schaffner Mrs. Otto L. Schmidt Chicago Honorable Julian W. Mack New York. Julius Rosenthal ( ) Chicago Librarian Chicago Law Institute . He Chicago € School. Foundation $ . School Foundation Sir William Searle Holdsworth Vinerian Professor Law Oxford University. Antonio Sanchez Bustamente University Havana Permanent Court International Justice. John C.H. Wu Chief Justice Court Appeals Shanghai Law Codification Commission China. Jean Escarra Faculty Law University Paris. Charles Warren " Supreme Court United States History " . Walton Hale Hamilton Professor Law Yale University. Henry T. Lummus Associate Justice Supreme Court Massachusetts. Lon L. Fuller Professor Law Harvard University. Edwin D. Dickinson Dean University California School Jurisprudence. Hessel E. Yntema Professor Law University Michigan. Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Charles Clarence Linthicum ( ) LL.B. School . $ Mrs. Charles C. Linthicum Harvey S. Firestone Otto R. Barnett Melvin M. Hawley Chicago . . Prizes Stephen Davis New York. Subject " Law Radio Communication." Charles John Hamson London L.B. Davies Melbourne Australia Francois Poignon Montbard France. Subject "Scientific Property." Richard Spencer Chicago. Subject "A Complete Program Improvement United States Patent Law System." Leslie Bartlett Davies Arthur Dean Melbourne Australia Stephen P. Ladas New York Marcel Plaisant Paris J. M. Bliss Surrey England. Subject "A Comprehensive Critique International Chamber Commerce Committee' Draft Convention International Protection Industrial Property." Jan Vojacek Prague Czechoslovakia Karl B. Lutz New York Georg• Von Gehr Chicago Mario Chiron Rome Italy Edwin M. Thomas Washington D. C. Subject "A Survey Principal National Patent Systems ( Historical Comparative Points View)." Jean Van H Brussels Belgium D. Goedhuis Hague Netherlands Joseph Kroell Strasbourg France David Grant Arnold W. Knauth New York Hans Adolf Wulf Hamburg Germany. Subject "Carrier Liability National International Commerce." Prize Competition "Corporations Doing Business Foreign Country Existing Legal Administrative Restrictions Their Policy." No . Prize Competition " Relation Patent Practices Anti Monopoly Statutes Situation Past Present Trends Future Possibilities." Northwestern University Press Northwestern University Press Illinois Northwestern University . Its President Nathan William MacChesney. Its Board Directors Board Trustees University. Its . Communications Mrs. E. B. Watkins Business Manager. Journal Air Law Commerce Journal Air L Commerce Northwestern University School Law Northwestern University Press. On . Journal Criminal Law Criminology Journal Criminal Law Criminology . Professor Robert H. Gault Department Psychology Northwestern University Professor Newman F. Baker School Law . Department Police Science Mr. Fred E. Inbau. Northwestern University Press. Illinois Law Review Illinois Law Review School . School University Chicago University Illinois. Board Managers Northwestern Legal Publications Board. United States. Each . Northwestern University Press. Legal Publications Board Legal Publications Board Editorial Department Northwestern University Press. . Selection Board . Membership Board School Law . Junior Bar Association Legal Publications Board. Board. Board Robert A. Sprecher Editor Chief John H. Overbeck Jr. William M. Trumbull Comment Editor Comment Editor Thomas F. Geraghty Note Editor Donald G. Baird Thomas L. Cochran Harry Dumont J. Howard Hamstra J . Kenneth Baird Articles Book Reviews Jack Jacobs Note Editor Paul M. Hupp C. Alston Jennings William D. McFarland Howard A. McKee Perry S. Patterson Nathaniel L. Nathanson Adviser Editorial Board Board Managers Hugo Koranda Note Editor David E. Rice Marvin H. Ruttenberg Lucius S. Smith Edwin E. Warner Edwin F. Albertsworth Harold J. Clark Nathan William MacChesney Robert W. Millar Leon Green Harold C. Havighurst Chairman Albert Kocourek Willard H . Pedrick Franklin C. Stark Harry L. Wells And Officers Student Board Junior Bar Association Junior Bar Association ' Faculty School. All Association . Through Association School School. President J. Kenneth Baird Vice President Marvin H. Ruttenberg Secretary Raymond . Clutter Treasurer Joseph C. Owens Fratemities Phi Alpha Delta Phi Delta Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Eta Gamma Nu Beta Epsilon Tau Epsilon Rho Sigma Delta Kappa Kappa Beta Pi (Sorority) Health Service DR. HOWARD L. ALT Director University Medical School Medical Dental Schools. Students Medical School . . . . . . Passavant Memorial Hospital. X . School Law. Following . Hospital . (Maximum $ .SO .) . Operating . . Anesthetic . . Medicine . . Laboratory . . Medical . Hospitalization ' . . Dental Dental School . Bookstore Mimeograph Service Law School Bookstore Lincoln Hall. University Business Office Abbott Hall. Mr. J. F. Chetlain. . Mr. Chetlain School. . No . Abbott Hall All School Abbott Hall. Chicago Campus . . Students Dean . Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Superior Street. Indiana . . . On . . . A . Two ( ) School Law. Both . Double . Single . All . Each . (Trunks .) Bed . Abbott Hall . $ $ $ $ . . Before . Division Student Finance Abbott Hall. Bills ' Cashier' Office Abbott Hall. . Write Manager Abbott Hall IO Lake Shore Drive Chicago . Law Alumni Association Officers President Cranston Spray ' First Vice President Bertram J. Cahn ' Second Vice President Edward J. Metzdorf ' Third Vice President Robert W. Schupp ' Treasurer J. Dean Vail Jr. ' Secretary Stanford Clinton ' Board Directors Term Expiring Henry Barrett Chamberlin ' John T. Jarecki ' Drennan J. Slater ' Term Expiring Franklin L. Velde ' Carl R. Latham ' Harold J. Clark ' Term Expiring Robert . Farrell ' Alexander H. Marshall ' Edward C. Sweeney ' Term Expiring Theodore Schmidt ' Hubert Van Hook ' Gustave Wittmeyer Jr. ' Term Expiring Otis Lowell Hastings ' Vernon R. Loucks ' James G. Holbrook ' Law Alumni Tmsteee A . University School Law . Edwin C. Austin ' Secretary Treasurer William V. Brothers ' Bertram J. Cahn ' Allen J . Carter ' George A. Mason ' Ernest Palmer ' Charles . Rundall ' Charles M. Thomson ' Frederick P. Vose ' John H. Wigmore Northwestern University Alumni Foundation Northwestern University Alumni Foundation . Northwestern University. "Every ." During $ University . All Foundation School University . University Not Responsible Personal Losses University University . . Register Students Ader Marshall Harold Albaum Joseph H. Allen Francis Alfred Amberg Thomas Hickson Anastos Themis Nickolas Anderson Allan Mills Andrews Thomas Haw Applebee A. Wadsworth Ashton Raymond William Baer Isadore Ben Baird Donald Garman Baird James Kenneth Barber Richard Read Barrett Alice Lillian Barrett Thomas Sullivan Bates Alben Frederick Jr. Beguelin Robert Cross Belshaw James William Bernays William Richard Black Robert Winslow Bland Leonard William Boehm George Miles Booth Betty Bortz Vernon O. Braun Elmer Buehler E. Marvin Buge William Rene Bulkeley Lewis Edwards Jr. Bullinger Leo Charles Burkoff Stanley Thomas Byrnes James Patrick Callaghan Thomas Andrew Jr. Callahan Don Callas Peter Louis Cantwell Louis Yager Carr Charles Thomas Castle Howard P. Cedar Merwyn Eugene Childers Thomas Hamilton Clement James Wheeler Clinton Thomas Leonard Jr. Clutter Raymond Orion Cochran Thomas Leroy Taylorville Collins George William Coney Jack Arthur Cooper John Alexander Costello Raymond Joseph Costytion William Craig Sydney Gordon Cremons Russell Henry Croessmann Dwight Ward DuQuoin Cullen Livingston James Jr. Currie Donald William Curtis Robert McNown Cutler John Alden DeKoven Seymour Samuel Dickerson George Hamm Jr. Dienner John Astor Jr. Dillon William Richard Dower Robert Kane Dubbs John William Jr. Dubbs Joseph Allan Duffy Thomas James DuMont Harry Easterberg John Challen Edelman Frank Albert Eichner Bernard David Elliott Robert Felix Ettelson Jerome Lawrence Ewalt Harry Alvin Falk Louis Theodore Jr. Fink Richard Joseph Finkelstein Milton Frazer Edmund James Frazer George Enfield Jr. Friedman Tully Frosh Stanley Benjamin Frye Newton Phillips Jr. Glencoe Funk Albert Peter LaCrosse Wis. Gamelson Lyndon Clitherall Minn. Gauthier George Arthur Geraghty Thomas Francis Jr. Gill Harry R. Jr. Goggin J . Edward Good William Daniel Gooder David MacDonald Gottner Robert Earl Gover Alex McGowin Grubb Paul Nuzum Jr. Grunewald Reigh Gumbart James Conrad Hamstra John Howard Hanna John P. Geneseo Hanscom Daniel Herbert Hanson Merle Leroy Hasterock John Jay Hatton Edward Henry Hecht Kenneth Lloyd Heilbron Edward Henry Hendee James William Hennessy Edward Joseph Jr. Henning William Clifford Herrmann George III Hickey Richard Henry Jr. Hildebrandt Thomas George Hilton Homer Jr. Hinkle William Hallam Hodges William Scott Hoffman David Holman David Holman Marvin Holmes Floyd Clarence Howard John Mack Howard Theodore Barksdale Hunter Robert Shannon Hupp Paul Monroe Hussey John Joseph Jr. Isherwood Bruce Jacobs Edward Jacobs Jack Jacobson Ralph Edward Jasper David Westwater Jennings Charles Alston Jensen Carl Morse Jensen Walker Allen Johnson Edwin Lester Johnson George E. Q. Jr. Johnson Pierro Constantine Johnson Ralph Edison Jordan William R. Kaufmann Charles Leonard Keinigsberg Marvin Lee Kellner Herbert Lee Kephart Dall Ira Kersting Robert Edward Killips Danforth Kneibler Arthur Reed Jr. Knusman Theodore Joseph Kobayashi George Takeo Koranda Hugo Kupeck Leon Albert Ladd Stephen Edward Lambros Theodore Peter Lange Milton Louis Langworthy Thomas Earl Leahy Thomas Aquinas Leishman Walter Bruce Levaccare Lucien Durso Levin Daniel Gerson Lieberman Kalman Shutan Litt Harry Dean Long John James Lowe Spencer We MacDonald Robert Dean Mahin Amy Ruth Makin Phillip Stelio Mandler Martin Mann Donald Nathaniel Marks Kenneth Jack Marshall Albert Scott Martin Charles T. Mathison Grace Matzner Sidney Jay McFarland William David Evanston McIntyre James Coombs McKee Howard Alexander McLendon Arthur Glenn McMahon Henry George Meissner John Francis Melchior Louis Gustav Michal Richard Walter Mitchell Robert Stanley Mudge Dick Howard Mullenix Albert Berry Mulvany Mark Delance Murphy John Joseph Naylor Emory Spencer Jr. Nelles Morton Abbott Nelson Robert E. Nelson Warner Victor Nickel Henry Carlyle O'Brien George Miller Oliff Hershel Ori Nello Orin Overbeck John Henry Jr. Owens Joseph Charles Parker Russel Robert Patterson Perry Smith Pavlik Rudolph Michael Portnoy Jack Burton Posner Richard Phillip Power Ellsworth Comstock Powers Thomas A. Prather James Edgar Pree Edward George Quebbeman William Arthur Raffel Edwin Rahl James Andrew Raschke Walter Carl Reeder William George Jr. Reid Ross Reiffman Oscar Victor Rice David Eugene Rice William O. Rodgers Sherwin Robert Rodman Karl M. Rosen Glenn Wilford Rosengard Benjamin Rosenthal Homer Stanley Royal Lewis Armstrong Ruttenberg Marvin Hilton Ryan Jack Thomas Rydstrom Jean Frederic Sampson Marshall David Sax Leonard B. Schwaba Joseph Robert Schwass Wallace George Scranton Kenneth Eugene Searle Franklin Pryce Silberg Jerome Simpson David Lee Simpson Wendell Kohl Sissman Jerome David Smith Henry Raymond Smith Lucius Simms Jr. Snyder Franklyn Bliss Jr. Solari Joseph George Solberg LeRoy Alfred Sprecher Robert A. Stead William Reed Stansell Theodore Leonidas Stevenson David Douglas Stewart John Wellington Stickler Paul Stiles James Fuller III Stock John Peter Stouffer Ralph Edgar Jr. Stronach William Charles Sulewski Frank George Swerdlin Sanford Morton Taecker Henry Robert Jr. Tanner Leonard Roscoe Jr. Tatarsky Robert Taylor Arnold Teevan John Montague Thonander Robert Victor Tomaso Lucille Elizabeth Townsend Joe William Trogdon Robert . Paris Trumbull William Mavor Ushana Albert Joel Vanderpool Robert John Vent Thomas Goodman Vogel John Cabell Walsh John Joseph Walsh Neil Edward Walter Howard LeRoy Wandell David Warner Edwin E. Warnholtz Werner Ernest Otto 'Watson Grant Franklin Weiner George Abraham Weissmiller Robert Waldo Welsh Richard James Wilson Richard Orrin Winn William Sidney Younger Evelle Jansen Hastings Nebraska Zeman Frank John Zimmerman Milton Francis Zygmuntowicz Joseph Anton Abbott Hall Admission Index Alumni Association Alumni Trustees Application Degree Book Store Mimeograph Service Calendar Combined Degrees Curriculum Degrees Dormitory Elbert H. Gary Library Examinations Faculty Fees Expenses Fellowships Scholarships Prizes Financial Regulations Fraternities Grades Health Service Historical Note Honors Housing Quarters Illinois Law Review Journal Air Law Commerce Journal Criminal Law Criminology Junior Bar Association Legal Clinics Legal Publications Board Library Limitation Work Linthicum Foundation Loan Funds Northwestern University Alumni Foundation Northwestern University Press Officers Trustees Officers Law Alumni Association Pictures Pre Legal Study Prizes Promotion Publications Raymond Foundation Register Students Required Subjects Rosenthal Foundation Schedules Hours Scholarships Prizes Scope Program Seminars Special Students Staff Summary Courses Summer Session Curriculum Trustees Tuition Fees Financial Arrangements Visiting Faculty Summer Session Abbott Hall Thorne Hall School Law School Commerce Medical Dental Schools CHICAGO CAMPUS
“Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of the School of Law for the Session 1941-1942,” PLRC Collections, accessed October 12, 2024,