Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law for the 1936 Summer Session
1936 February 17

Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law for the 1936 Summer Session

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Description: This special issue of the Bulletin (vol. XXXVI, no. 23) provides information on the 1936 summer session.

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Summer Session
1936 February 17


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN VOLUME XXXVI FEBRUARY NUMBER School Law Summer Session McKINLOCK MEMORIAL CAMPUS CHICAGO ENTRANCE TO LEVY MAYER HALL Northwestern University School Law Northwestern University Bulletin Northwestern University Chicago Illinois . Entered Chicago Illinois Act Congress Section Act THE SCHOOL OF LAW SUMMER SESSION LEON GREEN M.A. LL.B. Dean FACULTY Resident Members LEON GREEN M .A. LL.B. Dean Professor Law JOHN HENRY WIGMORE M.A. LL.B. LL.D. Dean Emeritus FRED Dow FAGG JR. M.A. J.D. Professor Law HAROLD CANFIELD HAVIGHURST M.A. LL.B. Professor Law NEWMAN FREESE BAKER A .M. LL.B . J.S.D. Professor Law SAMUEL EDMUND THORNE M.A. LL.B. Assistant Professor Law Librarian GERALD LEROY WALLACE B.S. LL.B. Assistant Professo Law STEPHEN LovE LL.B·. Profe Law NELL IE MAcN AMARA LL.B. Assistant Professor Law IRvING GOLDSTEIN LL.B . Instructor Trial Technique LEONARD KEELER A.B. Assist Professo Law Psychology CHARLES McCORMICK WILSON Research Engineer Instructor Police Science FRED EDWARD INBAU B.S. LL.M. Assistant Professor Law MAURICE EDWIN O'NEILL B.S. M .S. Microscopist ORIE LEON PHILLIPS J.D. Judge United States Circ Court Appeals Tenth Circuit VICTOR HEMPHILL B.S. LL.B. Judge Illinois Circuit Court Seventh Circuit WILLIAM EVERETT BRITTON A.M. J.D . Professor Law University Illinois MAX RADIN A.B. Ph.D. LL.B. Professor Law University California SUMMER SESSION Summer Session . ADMISSION ( ) Any School Summer School. ( ) Any Association American Law Schools Summer School. An . A School . DEGREES Degree Juris Doctor (J.D.). Juris Doctor . Juris Doctor ( ) Law School. ( ) ( ) Law School. Degree Bachelor Laws (LLB.). Bachelor Laws ( ) ( ) . . CURRICULUM Formal Class Room Studies . To . While . . These ' . Individual Studies . While . . Individual . Dean. Individual . They . Certain . . School. . Advanced Standing A . Clinic Work . . Inasmuch . Description Courses FIRST YEAR Criminal Law. Seven . A ' . Harno' Cases Criminal Law Procedure. MR. BAKER Torts. Nine . . . Gre ' Judicial Process Tort Cases. MR. GREEN SECOND THIRD AND FOURTH YEARS Aeronautical Law. Two . A . Zollmamz' Cases Air Law Selected Readings. MR. FAGG Bankruptcy. Four . Effect . Britton Cases Bankruptcy. MR. BRITTON Business Agencies II. Five . A . Douglas Shanks Cases Materials B Units Management . MR. FAGG Clinic. Civil Branch. Two Trial Technique. Two . MR. LovE Miss MACNAMARA MR. GOLDSTEIN Equity III (Quasi Contracts). Four . Reformation Rescission Restitution (Quasi Contracts) . A . Cook' Cases Equity ( .) / /. Ill. MR. RADIN Evidence. Laboratory Methods Scientific Proof. Two . Studies . MR. lNBAU MR. KEELER MR. W SON MR. O' NEILL Principles Judicial Proof. Two . An . Wigmore' Principles Judicial Proof ( .) . MR. WIGMORE Federal Procedure. Five . Jurisdiction . Dobie' Casrs Federal Procedure. JUDGE PHILLIPS Illinois Civil Procedure. Four . A Civil Practice Act Rules Supreme Court. JUDGE HEMPHILi. Insurance. Four . . Gob/ ' Cases Insurance. MR. HAVIGHURST Municipal Corporations. Four . Legal . Case . MR. WALLACE Negotiable Instruments. Five . Formal . Britton Cases Bills Notes. MR. BRITTO N Sales. Four . Sales ' . Llewellyn' Cases Mat Sa . MR. HAVIGHURST Taxation. Five . Genera . Magill Maguire' Cases Taxation. MR. WALLACE Individual Studies. . See . GRADUATE STUDIES Studies . See . AIR LAW INSTITUTE Air Law Institute . Individual Summer Session. SCIENTIFIC CRIME DETECTION LABORATORY Work Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory . See . LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Journal Air Law Northwestern University Press. Journal Criminal Law Criminology Illinois Law Review . Legal Publications Board. Selection Board . Membership Board Law School FEES
“Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law for the 1936 Summer Session,” PLRC Collections, accessed September 15, 2024,