Northwestern University School of Law: Chronicles of the School
1929 August 29

Northwestern University School of Law: Chronicles of the School

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Description: This special bulletin features the arrival of Frederick Dow Fagg, Jr., to the faculty; the Air Law Institute, the Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory; and the appointment of Abner Leon Green as Dean of the Law School.

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Chronicles of the School
1929 August 29


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW CHRONICLES. OF THE SCHOOL A New Professor Air Law Institute Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory A New Dean A NEW PROFESSOR Frederick Dow Fagg Jr. . Mr. Fagg Californian Redlands University A. B. . During World War Air Corps. After Harvard University Economics History M.A. Economics . Accepting Northwestern University Instructor Economics Law School J.D. He California Assistant School Commerce University Southern California. Air Law Albert University Konigsberg Germany Col. W. Jefferson Davis San Diego Professor Fagg . K Air Law Institute Albert University Northwestern University. He San Diego Chicago . Professor Fagg Law School Trusts Quasi Contracts Persons Transactional Instruments Office Briefs Faculty Committee Registration. Air Law Institute . Professor Fagg' " International Air Navigation Conventions" University Southern California Law Review . THE AIR LAW INSTITUTE Air Law Institute Northwestern University. Its " United States America". Insititute Northwestern University . Its ( ) ( ) United States England France Germany Italy United States . Later . . · Suggestions Alumni. Air Law Institute Daniel Guggenheim Foundation Aeronautics Chicago Col. Robert R. McCormick ' Chicago Tribune. Earle vV. Reynolds People' Trust Savings Bank Edward D'Ancona ' Elias ' M. L. Emrick . Reed Landis Chicago ( Reed Landis Advertising Co.) George A. Mason ' ( Northwestern University) ' Board Directors. An Advisory Board . Managing Director Professor Fagg Air Law Institute Konigsberg ( Europe) c Air Law Institute America. Institute . Institute Amercian Bar Association . Communications Managing Director Air Law Institute McKinlock Campus East Chicago A Chicago lllino . THE SCIENTIFIC CRIME DETECTION LABORATORY Scientific Crime Detection La· Northwestern University. Its Mr. Burt A. Massee ( Colgate Palmolive Peet Co.) Coroner' St. Valentine' Day Chicago. Having Col. Calvin Goddard Mr. Massee Chicago . ( ) inYestigations . No United States. A Mr. Luke Seattle Washington Pro Hinrichs Berkely California Prnfessor J. M. Mathews Madison Wis. Mr. Robert Faessler Wilkesbarre Pennsylvania . Laboratory University. Board Directors Mr. Massee Mr. Walter A. Olson M . Dana Pierce ( Underwriters' Laboratory) Mr. J. H. Wigmore . Chicago . A University Committee Messrs. Crossley Wigmore (Law School) J. P. Simonds (Medical School) R.H. Gault ( Psychology). Col. Goddard Managing Director Europe London Paris Berlin Vienna Ro' Lausanne Lyon. An Assistant Managing Director . Laboratory North Side . Laboratory . Its . Coroner Cook County Commissioner Police Chicago State' Attorney Cook County. A NEW DEAN On Board Trustees University . Dean Law School . Board ABNER LEON GREEN Yale University Dean Professor Law. LETTER FROM THE RETIRING DEAN . My Leon Green Nearly President University Faculty ( ). University . . President Trustees University . President Faculty Law • . Our ( ) Texas Bar fortuna . Your . Your . And ( ) Alumni Bar . Faculty Alumni . And Faculty Alumni Faculty . ( ) American . ( ) · Faculty . Assuring Northwestern Yours JOHN H. WIGMORE LETTER FROM THE NEW DEAN . Dear Dean Wigmore Faculty School President Board Trustees Northwestern University . . . Probably . . . With Law School • . Your . . . . · . . . . . And . And . . Your . . While . . ' . . Wi . . . John Henry Wigmore . Very LEON GREEN Mr. Green . Born Louisiana B.A. Ouachi College Arkansas . After Texas University Texas LL.B. . Meantime Austin Texas Austin Dallas Forth Worth . University Texas Law School. Faculty . During Texas Law Review . He Texas Bar Association. His Civil Procedure Agency Criminal Law Procedure Torts Domestic Relations Damages Oil Gas. Dean Law School University North Carolina Yale University. North Carolina Yale Faculty Law. M. A. Yale University. During Yale University Torts Procedure Torts Procedure . His Northwestern University Torts Criminal Law. He American Texas Bar Connecticut Bar Association American Law Schools.
“Northwestern University School of Law: Chronicles of the School,” PLRC Collections, accessed July 27, 2024,