Bulletin of the School of Law
1906 August-October

Bulletin of the School of Law

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Description: Series V, Number 2 of the quarterly Bulletin of the School of Law.

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1906 August-October
1906 August-October


SERIES V AUGUST OCTOBER NUMBER NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAGO EVANSTON BULLETIN OF THE SCHOOL OF (UNION COLLEGE OF LAW) FOUNDED LAW OFFICE OF PUBLICATION NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BUILDING LAKE AND DEARBORN STREETS CHICAGO PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY EVANSTON CHICAGO University Faculty LAW SCHOOL BUILDING. QUARTERLY BULLETIN OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW CONTENTS OF No. SERIES V AUGUST OCTOBER . PAGE . VIEW OF WEST AISLE OF LIBRARY. • • . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . • • • • • . • II. CHRONICLES OF THE LAW SCHOOL . Legal Bankers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Action Faculty Juris Doctor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual Banquet Alumni Association.. . . . . . . Commencement Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III. LIST OF ADDRESSES IN THE COURSE ON LEGAL TACTICS FOR MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS Copyright . Northwestern University. Entered Post Chicago. Ill . Second . CHRONICLES OF THE LAW SCHOOL. . LEGAL COURSE FOR BANKERs. Commencing Law School . Chicago Chapter American Institute Bank Clerks . . Institute Bank Clerks Eastern . . Contracts Bills Notes Corporations Trusts Agency Partnership Municipal Corporations Suretyship Bankruptcy . Contracts . An Contracts . Requirements ( ) American Institute Bank Clerks ( ) CHRONICLES OF THE LAW SCHOOL. . Students Law School . Should . Students Legal Course Bankers. $ $ $ $ . All $ . Students $ . . Hoyne Hall Law School . . . . Mr. John Williams First National Bank Chicago Secretary Law School Northwestern University Building Chicago. . FOURTH YEAR OR GRADUATE CouRSE. Faculty Law School Board Trustees University A. Lecture Courses. Any . B. Reading Courses. ( BULLETIN OF THE LAW SCHOOL. . .) . History Biography Bench Bar. One . (To Course B Prescribed ). . History English Legal System. One . (To Course BB Optional Reading . . History American Law. One . (A United States) . . Analytical Jurisprudence. One . (To Course C Prescribed Reading ) . . S. Primitive Law. One . (To Course C Prescribed Reading ) . . History Roman Law. One . (A Roman Law Roman Law ). . History Germanic Law. One . (To Course C Prescribed Reading ) . . Modern Continental Law Europe. One . (A European Continental ). . Comparative Legislation. One . (A Europe America). . Comparative History Legal Ideas. One . (A European European). . Legal Bibliography. One . ( ) . . Ecclesia. Law. One . (A European American) . . Constitutional Administr JJtive Law Continental Europe. (A Continental Europe). . Legal Ethics. One . (A ). . Principles American Law. (A United States). CHRONICLES OF THE LAW SCHOOL. . Parliamentary Law. One . (A . ( Bulletin Courses Prescribed Reading Secretary) . DEGREE OF . D. (luriS Do· ) . Juris Doctor ( ) Must A. B. Faculty Liberal Arts University ' Faculty Latin French German ( ) Must Bachelor Laws University . ( ) Must Fourth (Graduate) ( ) ( ) Lecture ( ) Reading Reading Faculty . Candidates . . ANNUAL BANQUET OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Alumni Association Mid Day Club First National Bank Building Charles H. Hamill ' . Addresses Glenn E. Plumb Professor Frederic C. Woodward Warren M. Davis ' Charles C. Linthicum ' Dean John H. Wigmore. President Edgar B. Tolman ' . BULLETIN OF THE LAW SCHOOL. First Vice President Mitchell D. Follansbee ' . Second Vice President William Rothman ' . Third Vice President Warren M. Davis ' . Secretary Albert Keep ' . Treasurer Samuel E. Knecht ' . . COMMENCEMENT EXERCISEs. University Auditorium Chicago . Hon. Stewart L. Woodford. Master Arts Science Letters Bachelor Arts Science Letters Doctor Medicine Bachelor Laws SO Phermaceutical Graduates Chemists Doctor Dental Surgery Graduates Music . Callaghan Prize Francis Reynolds Dickinson A.B. Chicago William Harrison Haight B.L. Cambridge Wis. Towle Prizes First James Jackson Forstall B.L. Laurence Alfred Cohen. Bachelor Laws Adams Cyrus H. Jr. Goldstine Isaac Oscar Anderson George Fridolf Haight William Harrison Becker John Richard Hinckley Francis Edward Bell Benj . S. Hunt Anthony Brothers William Vincent Johnston William Walter Burns William Cullen Kolb Theodore Candee Robert Krause Hugo Foster Capron William Jr. Lucius Albert Edward Cohan Benjamin Edward Martin Andrew Aloysius Collins Kenneth Prentice Mies Frank Peter Colton Chauncey Corey Moore Willis Samuel Cutting Robert Myron McCord Downer Davis Warren Marcus McKinney Fred Landin Dickinson Francis Reynolds McNeil Robert Lincoln Eddy Morton Hoit N Robert J. Engstrom Ebenezer Washington Peacock Ernest Finerty John F. Jr. Rich Ernest Paul Garnett Elmer Logan Ridgely Claude V. CHRONICLES OF THE LAW SCHOOL. Romans John Brown Rundall Charles Owen Secord Frederick Smietanka Alexander Michael Straus Ira E. Taylor David W . Thomason Samuel Emory Todd Leroy Levi Von Ammon Ernest Carl Warner George Raymond Winnen Victor Charles Wilcox Jesse Franklin Winston Garrard Bigelow Yates Robert Mortimer. III. LIST OF ADDRESSES IN THE COURSE ON LEGAL TACTICS FOR . FIFTH ANNUAL SERIES. All Hurd Hall Law School Northwestern University Building Lake Dearborn ' . All . No . . Oct. . Acq Retention Clientage. John S. Miller Esq. ( Peck Miller & Starr) . . Oct. . Selection Management Jury. James M. Sheean Esq. ( Calhoun Lyford & Sheean). . Oct. . Examination Witnesses. Amos C. Miller Esq. ( Lackner Butz & Miller). . Oct. . Preparation Case Trial Particular Reference Chancery. George A. Follansbee Esq. ( Follansbee McConnell & Follansbee). . Nov. . Lawyer' Mistakes S Physician. Archibald Church M. D. (Professor Medical Jurisprudence Medical School Northwestern University). . Nov. . Methods Keeping Using County Records. Abel Davis Esq. ( County Recorder Cook County) . . Nov. . Life Bene Insurance Practice. Charles J. Kavanagh Esq. (General Solicitor National Union) . . Nov. . Bankruptcy Practice. W. Tudor ApMadoc Esq. ( Peckham Packard ApMadoc & Walsh) . . Dec. . Practice Surety Indemnity Cases. Frederic F . Norcross Esq. (Attorney American Surety Co.). . Dec. . Practice Under Torrens System Land Titles. Charles G. Little Esq. (Examiner Titles Cook County). . Dec. . Practice Pleading Under Illinois Statutes. Keene H . Addington Esq. ( Keene & Addington' Supplement Illinois Statutes). Dec. . Dec. . . . Jan. . . Jan. . . Jan. . . Jan. . . Feb. . . Feb. . . Feb. . . Feb. . . Mar. . . Mar. . BULLETIN OF THE LAW SCHOOL. ( Christmas Recess. No Address). ( Christmas Recess. No Address). Ways Manners Legislature Law Making. Wm. H. McSurely Esq. ( Burley & McSurely Illinois State Assembly). Criminal Practice. Harry Olson Esq. (First Assistant State' Attorney Cook County). Methods Keeping Using Judicial Records. John H. Best Esq. (Chief Record Writer Circuit Court Cook County). Ways Manners Judges. Hon. Charles G. Neely ( Judge Circuit Court Cook County). • Appellate Court Practice. John A. Rose Esq. (General Attorney Chicago Union Traction Co.). Common Sense Examining Land Titles. Harrison B. Riley Esq. ( Secretary Chief Examiner Chicago Title Trust Co.) . Trial Assumpsit Suits. John G. Campbell Esq. ( Defrees Brace & Ritter) . Practice Before Masters Chancery. Thomas Taylor Jr. Esq. (Master Chancery Cook County). Art Writing Briefs Making Legal Arguments. Wm. K. Lowrey Esq. Trial Celebrated Criminal Case. Wm. S. Forrest Esq.
“Bulletin of the School of Law,” PLRC Collections, accessed October 22, 2024, https://plrccollections.org/items/show/374.