Bulletin of the School of Law: Supplement1904 November
Bulletin of the School of Law: Supplement
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Description: A supplement to the quarterly Bulletin of the School of Law featuring a revised list of course offerings.
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1904 November
1904 November
1904 November
SUPPLEMENT SERIES III AUGUST NOVEMBER NUMBERII NOR THWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAG O E VANSTON BULLETIN OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW (UNION COLLEGE OF LAW) FOUNDED OFFICE OF PUBLICATION NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BUILDING LAKE AND DEARBORN STREETS CHICAGO PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CALENDAR OF SESSION . \ Yednesday . S · Registration Day New Students. Registration Day Applicants Advanced Standing. Registration Day Students. Lectures Begin. Thanksgiving Recess. Lectures Close Christmas Recess. Christmas Recess Ends Lectures Begin. Lectures Close. Examinations Begin. First Semester Ends. Second Semester Begins. V\Ta ' Birthday. Lectures Close. Examinations Begin. Commencement Day. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS Entered Post Office Chica . Ill. REVISED LIST OF THE FACULTY FOR .* EDMUND JANES JAMES Ph. D. LL. D. President University. JOHN HENRY WIGMORE (A . M. LL. B. Harvard University) Professor Law Dean Fq . HARVEY BOSTWICK HURD (LL. D .. Northwestern University) Emeritus Professor Law. CHARLES CHENEY HYDE (A. M . Yale University LL. B .. Harvard University) Associate Professor Law. ALBERT MARTIN KALES (A. B. LL. B. Harvard University) Associate Professor Law. SAMUEL ADAMS (A. B. Harvard University LL. B. Northwestern University) Professor Law Procedure Practice. JOHN HENRY SHELDON LEE (A. B. Harvard University LL. B. Northwestern University) Assistant Professor Law Crimes Criminal Procedure. CHARLES GEORGE LITTLE (A. B. Amherst College LL. B. Northwe• University) Associate Professor Law. HENRY SCHOFIELD (A. . LL. B. Harvard University) Professor Law. LOUIS MAY GREELEY (A. B. Harvard University) Professor Law Conveyancing Mortgages. *Arranged President Dean . THE LAW SCHOOL. LEVI HAR.PER FULLER. (B. S. Upper Iowa University LL. B. Iowa State Univenity) Professor Law Procedure Practice. FREDERIC CAMPBELL WOODWARD (A. M. Dickinson College LL. M. Cornell University) Professor Law. CHARLES CLARENCE LINTHICUM (LL. B. Northwestern University) Professor Law Patents. WILLIAM H. DYRENFORTH (LL. B. Northwestern University) Professor Law Patent Practice. OTTO RAYMOND BARNETT (LL. B. Northwestern University) Associate Professor Law Patents. MITCHELL DAVIS FOLLANSBEE (A. B. Harvard University LL. B. Northwestern University) Professor Law Procedure Practice. Lectursr Legal Ethics. EBENEZER WASHINGTON ENGSTROM (A. B. Northwestern University) Instructor Voice Training Forensics. HENRY LEE PRESCOTT (A. B .• LL. B. Harvard UniTersity) Instructor Forensics. JOSEPH ROBERT Instructor Parliamentary Law. CHARLES PICKARD Lecturer Trade Mark Copyright. CHARLES BYRD ELDER (LL. B. Northwestern University) Lecturer Extraordinary Legal Remedies !Judgments. HENRY CLAY HALL (B. S. Wabash College LL. B. Northwestern University) Lecturer Insurance. FREDERIC BEERS CROSSLEY (LL. B. Northwestern University) Secretary Law School Faculty. REVISED COURSES OF INSTRUCTION AS GIVEN IN . FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERM . C Three . Keener' Cases Contracts. Professor WOODWARD. Torts Three . Ames' Smith' Cases Torts. Professor VhGMOtiE. Property (!) Two . Gray' Cases Property Vols. II. ( Personal .) Professor KALES. Co Law Pleading Procedure Two . Ames' Cases Pleading Andrews' Stephen Pleading. Professor ADAMS. Crimes Criminal Proced· Two . Beale' Cases Criminal Law. Professor LEE. SECOND TERM . Contracts ( ) Three . Professor \Iv OODW ARD. Torts ( ) Two . Professor WIGMORE. Property ( ) ( ) Two . Professor KALES . Com·mo Law Pleading Proced ( ) One . Lectures . Professor ADAll!S. Master S Tort One . Wambaugh' Cases Agency. Professor WIGMORE. Dam. One . Beale' Cases Damages. Professor SCHOFIELD. SECOND YEAR. FIRST TERM. Evidence Two . . Trusts Three . Agency Two . Thayer' Cases Evidence Professor WIGMORE. Ames' Cases Trusts. Professor WooDWARD. \Vambaugh' Cases Ort Agency. Prnfoss@ · n NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Comniercial Paper Three· . Ames' Cases Bills Notes. Professor HYDE. Equity Jurisdiction Three . Ames' Cases Equity Jurisdiction. Professor SCHOFIELD. Property (JJ} Two . Gray' Cases Property Vols. III IV. (Acquisition . .) Professor KALES. Perso (Domestic Relatio ) Two . Smith' Cases Persons. Professor KALES. SECOND TERM. E ( ) Two . Professor Vv'rGMORE. RropertJ' (II) ( ) Two . Professor KALES. Equity Jurisdiction ( ) Three . Ames' Cases Equity Jurisdiction. Professor SCHOFIELD. Quasi Contracts Three . Keener' Cases Quasi Contracts. Professor WooDw ARD. [Given .] Sales Personalty Three . Williston' Cases Sales. Professor WooDw ARD. [Omitted .] Insurance (Fire Life} Two . Wambaugh' Cases Insurance. Mr. HALL. Equity Pleading Procedure Two . Fletcher Equity Pleading . Professor ADAMS. THIRD YEAR. FIRST TERM. Corporations Two . Smith' Cases Corporations. Professor LITTLE. Procedure Practice Illinois Two . Professor FOLLANSBEE. International Law ( ) Two . Scott' Cases International . Professor HYDE THE LAW SCHOOL. International Law (JJ) American Treaties Diplomacy . Two . Professor HYDE. Sttret· Two . Ames' Cases Suretyskip. Professor LITTLE. Aiixiliary Legal Remedies (Attachments Garnishment Execution .) One . Rood' Cases Attachments Judgments. Mr. ELDER. C Law Three . Thayer' Cases Constitutional Law. Professor SCHOFIELD. Property ( } Two . Gray' Cases Property Vols. V VI. ( Conditional .) Professor KALES. Admiralty M Three . Professor HYDE. Conveyancing One . Drafting . Professor GREELEY. Conflict Laws Three . Beale' Cases Conflict Laws. Professor HYDE. Code Pleading Proceditre One . Cases Code Pleading. Professor WOODWARD. Practice Court Two . Causes . Professor FULLER. *Patents Invention (!} General Survey. Five . Professor LINTHICUM. Parts II III . (/ } Patent Soliciting. Twenty . Professor DYRENFORTH. (III) Patent Law Practice. Forty . Professor BA RNETT. •These . equiValent vrQrk . . NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. SECOND TERM. Corporations ( ) Two ( .). Professor LITTLE. Bankrnptcy Two . vVilliston' Cases Bankruptcy. Professor WooDWARD. Constitutional Law ( ) Two . Professor SCHOFIELD. Carriers Three . McClain' Cases Carriers Beale' Cases Carriers. Professor HYDE. [Omitted .] Conveyancing ( ) One . Professor GREELEY. Mortgage$ Two . Kirchwey' Cases Mortgages. Professor GREELEY. Public Officers One . Professor SCHOFIELD. [Omitted .] Practice Co ( ) Two . Professor FULLER. Pateiits Invention ( ). Professor BARNETT. Property (III) ( ) Two . Professor KALES. Municipal Corporations Two . Smith' Cases Municipal Corporations. Professor ScHoFiELD. Partnership T\' . Ames' Cases Partnership. Professor LITTLE. E Legal R · (Mandamus Quo Warranto Habeas Corpus .) One . Mr. ELDER. Jurisdiction Federal Cottrfs One . Professor SCHOFIELD. . ( Constitutional Law Patents Invention) Conveyancing Property III n Property II. i ! ¥ THE LAW SCHOOL. COURSES OF LECTURES NOT COUNTING FOR A DEGREE. Trade Marks Copyrights Six . Mr. PICKARD. General Review Five State . . Mr. DENT. Legal Ethics Five . Professor FOLLAN SBEE. SCHEDULE OF HOURS. ' ' ' . Practice Court . SPECIAL TRAINING IN LEGAL WRITING AND SPEAKING AND IN THE PRACTICE OF THE LAW. . . Pleadings Common Law Pleading Code Pleading Equity Pleading . Corporations . Commercial Paper Carriers Insurance . . Conveyancing document . A ' States. Thorough ' . No Property II. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. . Practice Coiirt Procedure Practice . Practice Court . Court' . During . . . . While . A . . A Rules Practice Court . . Legal Tactics Bar . Bar r r . . Thesis Faculty . Any · Faculty . ! r · . . . Public Speaking . THE LAW SCHOOL. FOLLOWING ARE THE REVISED REGULATIONS FOR THE WORK IN PUBLIC SPEAKING AND MOOT COURTS IN . Public Speaking Moot Courts . . Persons . Forensic vVriting Speaking. Forensics Lectures Exercises Moot Court Public Debate Practical Legal Advice. First . . . Parliamentary Practice ( ) Elementary Course ( ) . . Voice Training . . Legal Arg mentatio Briefs P . M. Argumentation BrieJwriting . . Oral Forensics Oral Forensics Professor NORTHWESTERN UNIVBRSITY. Forensics. A \Iarch . (!) . II. . Moot Courts. Moot Court P. M. A B . . All . Each Professor . Professor Bulletin Board ( ) Professor . One . On Professor . Each . All . . . . Public Speaking . An Secretary' . . No ( Faculty) THE LAW SCHOOL. School . . Public Debate. A Towle Prizes Public Speaking . No School. III. . Legal Advice Cl . All Legal Advice Clubs Secretary School Secretary. Difficult Clubs . On ' Secretary Club Club Dean Professor P. M. Professor . . B Justice. After Chicago Bureau Justice University Branch Settlements Police Courts . Secretary School C . Superintendent Bureau. ( .) n . . PROPOSED REGULATIONS FOR REQUIRED WORK IN LEGAL HISTORY AND JURISPRUDENCE . Course A (First Year). Legal History Study Law. Materials ( ) Blackstone' Commentaries ( ) Introduction Sections Book Chapters S Book III Chapters Book Chapters Book III Chapters r Book IV NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Chapters Book II Chapters Book IV Chapter ( ) Wambaugh' Study Cases ( ) Woodruff' Introductory Survey ( ) Wilson' History Modern English Law. One . Course B ( Second Year). History English Legal System. Materials Pollock & Maitland History English Law Volume . History Bench Bar Modern Times. Materials Campbell' Lives Chancellors ( Lord Hardwicke). One . Course B B (Second Year ) . . History Leading Principles Law. Materials Pollock & Maitland History English Law Vol. II Sundry Essays Legal History ( . Secretary' Office) . History Bench Bar Materials ( ) Campbell' Lives Chancellors ( Sir Thomas More) ( ) Campbell' Lives Chief Justices ( Sir Edward Coke) Arnould' Life Lord Denman Autobiography Lord Campbell Twiss' Life Lord Eldon ( ) Brown' Life Rufus Choate. One . Course C (Third Year) . . General Jurisprudence. Materials ( ) Austin' Jurisprudence Holland' Jurispri Terry' Principles Law ( ) Lee' Historical Jurisprudence ( ) Maine' Ancient Law. One . . International Law. Materials International Law Curriculum. Two hour . . Roman Law. Materials Poste' Edition Gaius ( ) ' Edition Justinian ( ) Ledlie' Translation Sohm' Institutes Roman Law ( ) Muirhead' Private Law Rome ( ) Whitefield' Translation Salkowski' Roman Law ( ) . One . . History. Germanic Law. Materials ( ) Hensler' Institutionen Rech ( ) Brunner' Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte. One . Reg / . . ( ) C Course A Course B Course C . An THE LAW SCHOOL. . A . ( ) A . Course B. ( ) Course B B . ( ) Cred . ( ) Th Courses B B B C . ( ) A Course C Course School Course . ( ) No Courses ( C International Law .) . Courses Dean . ( ) Courses C Third Year. Students . School . Students Courses B B B C ( ) . (Net First Year Second Year Third Year .) NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. TUITION FEES. . A . Special ! . Patent Law . General Review . PRIZES. . Towle Prizes. A $ $ Henry Sargent Towle Esq. Chairman Law School Committee Board Trustees Forensic \Vriting Speaking ( .) . These . Towle Prize $ Sylvanus George Levy Ph. B. Towle Prize $ Warren Marcus Davis . "Resolved Duration Copyright Unlimited." . Callaghan Pri . A Messrs. Callaghan Company Chicago . Callaghan Prize Clayton Jackson Barber Ph. B. Springfield. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. Persons . . Age They . . Preliminary Ed" catio A . . . Time Entrance No THE LAW SCHOOL. . Those . All . Jaw Illinois. ADVANCED STANDING. " Degrees." SPECIAL STUDENTS. Persons . They . No Dean. DEGREES. All University Commencement. On Oxford . . BACHELOR OF LAWS. Bachelor Laws Trustees University Faculty School. Such Faculty follGw NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. . Attendance Regular . Students . . Students ' . . Students ' permissio '! Dean. ADV AN CED STANDING. II. All ' . III. Registration. Candidates . IV. Course Study. All ( ) . ' . Persons ' Dean. Secretary . Four . A B C D . A C A C School . II. MASTER'S DEGREE. Master' Arts Philosophy Science Letters THE LAW SCHOOL. A College Liberal Arts University Bachelor' Arts Philosophy Science Letters University Master' Bachelor Laws Faculty Liberal Arts Faculty . ( ) ( ) Bachelor Laws ( ) Faculty Law School. Students Master' College Liberal Arts Law School . Master' · Law School . Faculty Liberal Arts Master' Constitutional Law International Law Administrative Law Roman Law Jurisprudence Legal History. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS. Six . These . Applications Secretary Law School. RULES FOR ADMISSION TO THE BAR OF ILLINOIS. Inquiries Admission Bar Illinois N. W Branson Secretary State Board Law Examiners Petersburg Ill. Illinois Supreme Court State State Board Law Examiners " Ottawa Februrary Chicago Springfield Mt. Vernon " " State United States " Board Law Examiners Illinois Board THE LAW SCHOOL. . All . Rule Board Law Examiners Law School " Each State. A ' English
“Bulletin of the School of Law: Supplement,” PLRC Collections, accessed October 12, 2024, https://plrccollections.org/items/show/368.