Bulletin: The School of Law1902 May
Bulletin: The School of Law
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Description: Series I, Number 1 of Northwestern University Bulletin: The School of Law. The title was changing and it was a quarterly publication at this point.
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1902 May
1902 May
1902 May
SERIES BULLETIN NUMBER NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY EVANSTON CHICAGO SCHOOL OF LAW (UNION COLLEGE OF LAW) NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BUILDING LAKE AND DEARBORN STREETS CHICAGO MEMBER OF ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MAY ' (lQQi L .N . .OA' "HWC RNVti!!Vl '! IITl' W NORTHWESTERN UNIVEI SITY LAW SCHOOL STREET VIEW. ROSTRUM N LECTURE ROOM. CORNEK N FACULTY ROOM THE NORTH CORRIDOR. · WEST AISLE IN LIBRARY. CORNEK N THE STUDENTS' ASSEMBLY ROO . COURT ROOM. QUARTERLY BULLETIN SCHOOL OF OF LAW. CONTENTS OF No. MAY . THE PAGE FRONTISPIECE FLOOR PLAN OF THE NEW QUARTERS VIEW OF UNIVERSITY BUILDING IN CHICAGO VIEWS OF ROOMS IN THE NEW QUARTERS CALENDAR OF SESSIONS FOR PROSPECTUS OF THE BULLETIN FOR LI ST OF FACULTY APPOINTMENTS FOR THE PAST YEAR CHRONICLE OF LECTURE COURSES GIVEN DURING THE PAST YEAR ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW COURSES IN PRACTICE FOR THE YEAR LIST OF STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING THE PAST YEAR RULES FOR ADMISSION TO THE BAR OF ILLINOIS ALUMNI NEws Officers Alumni Association Meetings · Annual Banquet Alumni Association Reception Professor Hurd Commencement Exercises Recent Board Trustees Faculty School Library Equipment Description New Quarters Biographical Sketches Appointees Faculty Biographical Sketch Professor Hurd Historical Summary " Portraits Founder School First Dean Senior Professor President A Association CALENDAR. . Registration Day New Students. Registration Day Applicants Advanced Standing. Registration Day Students. . . Lectures Begin. T Recess. Lectures Christmas Re . Christmas Recess Ends Lectures . Lectures Close. Examinations Begin. First Semester Ends. Second Semester Begins. Lincoln' Birthday. Lectures Close. Examinations Begin. Commencement. PROSPECTUS OF THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN FOR . BULLETIN Law School School' . No. Table Contents. No. A Annual Banquet Alumni Association Commencement Day Graduating Class Faculty . No. A Alumni Association . No. A School . . Every Alumni Association BULLETIN. . LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY DURING THE YEAR .* DANIEL BONBRIGHT LL.D. Acting President University. EDMUND JANES JAMES PH.D. President " University ( ). JOHN HENRY WIGMORE (A.M. Harvard University LL.B. Harvard University) Prefessor Law Dean Faculty. HAR VEY BOSTWICK HURD (LL.D. Northwestern University) Prefessor Law. EDWARD AVERY HARRIMAN (A.B. Harvard University LL.B. Boston University) Prefessor Law. BLEWETT LEE (A. M. Harvard University LL.B. Harvard University) Professor Law. EDWIN BURRITT SMITH (A.M. Oberlin University LL.M. Yale University) Prefessor Law. JULIAN WILLIAM MACK (LL.B. Harvard University) Prefessor Law. HON. NATHANIEL CLINTON SEARS (A.M. Amherst College LL.D. Northwestern University Judge Appel· Court First District Illinois) Professor Law. CHARLES CHENEY HYDE (A.M. Yale University LL.B. Harvard University) Assistant Prefessor Law. ALBERT MARTIN KALES (A.B. Harvard University LL.B. Harvard University) Assistant Professor / Law * Arranged President Dean . IO THE LAW SCHOOL. SAMUEL ADAMS (A.B. Harvard University LL.B. Northwestern University) Professor Law. CHARLES GEORGE LITTLE (A.B. Amherst College LL.B. Northwestern University) Assistant Professor Law. HENRY SCHOFIELD (A.M. Harvard University LL.B. Harvard University · Assistant Corporation Counsel City Chicago) Instructor Law. LESTER LE GRAND BOND Lecturer Trade Mark Copyright. HON. PETER STENGER GROSSCUP (A M. Wittenberg College LL.B. Boston University LL.D. Knox Wittenberg Colleges Judge United States Circuit Court Appeals) Lecturer International Law. LOUIS LEE DENT (A.B. Harvard University) Lecturer Practice. ROBERT CLOWRY CHAPMAN (LL.B. University Michigan) Lecturer Telephone Telegraph Companies. CHARLES CLARENCE LINTHICUM (LL.B. Northwestern University) Lecturer Patents. CHARLES BYRD ELDER (LL.B. Northwestern University) Lecturer Extraordinary Legal Remedies. MITCHELL DA VIS FOLLANSBEE (A.B. Harvard University LL.B. Northwestern University) Lecturer Legal Ethics. FREDERIC BEERS CROSSLEY (LL.B. Northwestern University) Secretary Law School NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. CHICAGO. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. Persons . Age. They . . Preliminary Education. A . . . Time Entrance. No . Those . All . Illinois. ADVANCED STANDING. "Degrees " . SPECIAL STUDENTS. Persons . They . No Dean. THE LAW SCHOOL. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION. . FIRST YEAR CLASS. FIRST TERM. Contracts Three . Keener' Cases Contracts. Harriman Contracts. Mr. HYDE. Torts Two . Ames' Smith' Cases Torts. Professor WIGM RE Property ( ) (Including Personal Property) Two Gray' Cases Property Vols. II. Mr. KALES. Common Law Pleading Procedure One Andrews Stephen Pleading Ames' Cases Pleading. Professor ADAMS. Criminal Law Two . Clark Marshall Criminal Law. Professor HURD. SECOND TERM. Contracts ( ) Three . Mr. HYDE. Torts (continuedJ Two . Professor WrGMORE. Property(/} ( ) Two . Mr. KALES. Common Law Pleading Procedure ( ) Two . Professor ADAMS. Master Servant Tort One . Wambaugh' Cases Agency. Professor WIGMORE. SECOND YEAR CLASS. FIRST TERM. E Two . Thayer' Cases Evidence . Professor WIGMORE. Trusts Two . Ames' Cases Trusts. Professor MACK. Agency Two . Wambaugh' Cases Agency. Professor HARRIMAN. Commei· Paper Two . Huffcut Negotiable Instruments. Professor MACK. (Omitted .) Equity (/) Torts. Three . Keener' Cases Equity Vol. . Mr. SCHOFIELD. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Property (II) Two . . Gray' Cases Property Vol. V. Tiedeman Real Prop Professor SMITH. Eqttity Pleading Two . . Shipman Equity Plead Professor HURD. Sales Two . Williston' Cases Sales. Professor MACK. (Given .) SECOND TERM. Evidence ( ) Two . Professor WIGMORE. Trusts ( ) Two . Professor MACK. Comme Paper ( ) Two . Professor MACK. (Omitted .) Property ( ) ( ) One . Professor SMITH. Sales ( ) One . Professor MACK. (Given .) Wills Admbtistration One . Bigelow Wills. Professor SMITH. Equity (II) Specifie Performance. Three . Keener' Cases Equity Vol. II. Mr. SCHOFIELD. (Omitted .) Equity (III) Contracts. Three . Keener' Cases Equity Vol. III. Mr. SCHOFIELD. (Given .) Bankruptcy One . Professor MACK. Persons Domestic Relations One . Professor \.VIGMORE. (Given .) Contracts Three . Keener' Cases Quasi Contracts. Professor WIGMORE. (Given .) Bailments Carriers Three . McClain' Cases Carriers Beale' Cases Carriers. Professor WIGMORE. (Omitted .) Telegraph Telephone Companies One . Mr. CHAPMAN. Extraordinary Legal Remedies One . Mr. ELDER. 'FHE LAW SCHOOL. THIRD YEAR CLASS. FIRST TERM. Corporations Two . Smith' Cases Corporations. Professor ADAMS. Practice ( .) Two . Judge SEARS. International Law ( ) Two . Snow' Cases International Law. Professor WIGMORE. Suretyskip One . Ames' Cases Suretyship. Professor ADAMS Jurisdiction Federal Courts One . Curtis United States Courts. Professor ADAMS Conveyancing One . Gray' Cases Property Vol. III . International Law (II) On· Diplomacy . SECOND TERM Professor SMITH. American Treaties Mr. HYDE. Partnerskip T . Ames' Cases Partnership Mr. LITTLE. Practice ( ) Two . Judge SEARS. Conveyancing ( ) One . Professor SMITH Corporations ( ) Two . Professor ADAMS International Law (II) ( ) One . Constitutional Domain.) Three Law Vol. . Mr. HYDE. Law ( ) ( General Police Power Eminent . Thayer' Cases Constitutional Mr. SCHOFIELD. (Omitted .) Constitutional Law (II) (Taxation Contracts Commerce War .) Three . Thayer' Cases Constitutional Law Vol. II. Mr. SCHOFIELD (Given .) Constitutional Law . No ½ Secretary secondNORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Constitutional Law . COURSES OF LECTURES NOT COUNTED TOW ARD A DEGREE. Trade Marks Copyrights Six . Patents Three . General Review Thirty . Legal Ethics Four . Mr. BOND. Mr. LINTHICUM. Mr. DENT. Mr. FOLLANSBEE. SPECIAL TRAINING IN LEGAL WRITING SPEAKING AND PRACTICE. . . Thesis. Faculty . Any Faculty ISt. . Lee . . . Moot Courts Briefs. Moot Courts . Each . Application . Moot Court . . Practice Court. Practice Court . Court THE LAW SCHOOL. Court . Court . . Practical Work Clients. School Legal Aid Bureau. Bureau Bar . . School . Its Chicago . . . Public Speaking. . Such · ( ) Argument Debate. An Professor J. SCOTT CLARK College Liberal Arts. ( ) Voice Training. An Faculty Cumnock School Oratory. ( ) Parliamentary Practice An Professor JOSEPH W. ROBERT Robert School Parliamentary Law. Public Speaking . Towle . . Special Addresses Legal Practice. Bar NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. . These Eminent Domain Personal Injuries Municipal Ordinances Justices' Courts Special Assessments Criminal Courts Corporate Organization Insurance Policies Chattel Mortgage Foreclosures Juries Making Up Trial Record . . . Special Addresses Commercial Methods. · Chicago . . Board Trade Banks Railroads Stock Exchange Insurance Wholesalers Jobbers ( ) Exporters Importers Real Estate Loans . . SYSTEM OF STUDY AND INSTRUCTION . . . ' ' . . Law School. . Many ' THE LAW SCHOOL. School Bar . ' Legal Aid Bureau Practice Court ' . School . $ $ . LIBRARY FACILITIES. School' Library . ( ) ( ) English ( ) C< lUrse English Reports ( ) National Reporters Supreme Courts States Territories ( ) Official Reports Courts Illinois United States States . By Sept. American . Bllt Chicago Law Institute County Building School . Each Library. . Students Chicago Public Library NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. School ' Crerar Library · Newberry Library . PRIZES. . Towle Prize A Henry S. Towle Esq. Chairman Law School Committee Board Trustees . . Lee Prize A Blewett Lee Esq. School Faculty . . Callaghan Prize A Messrs. Callaghan . Company Chicago . . Callaghan Prize Arthur Thomas Galt A. B. Chicago. DEGREES. All University Commencement. On Oxford . . BACHELOR OF LAWS. Bachelor Laws Trustees University Faculty School. Such Faculty . Attendance Regular . Students ' . THE LAW SCHOOL. . Students ' . . Students ' ' Dean. II. R Candidates . III. Course Study All · . ' . Persons ' Dean Secretary . Four . A B C D . A C A C School . II. MASTER'S DEGR E E. Master' Arts Philosophy Science Letters A College Liberal Arts University Bachelor' Arts Philosophy Science Letters University Master' Bachelor Laws · Faculty Liberal Arts Faculty . NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. ( ) ( ) Bachelor Laws ( ) Faculty Law School. Students Master' College Liberal Arts Law School . Master' Law School . Faculty Liberal Arts Master' Constitutional Law International Law Administrative Law Roman Law Jurisprudence Legal History. GRADUATE WORK. School Bachelor Laws University . School • . . ( ) Constitutional Law. ( ) International Law . ( ) Practice Illinois . ( ) Conveyancing . ( ) General Review A examinaTHE LAW SCHOOL. Illinois. . . ( ) Original Research Faculty . Special Faculty . FEES. These ' School. . . A . . . Fees . . · A Public Speaking . . All . . Students . . A School. . A Bachelor Laws. . . No School . . Students . / NORTHWESTERN UNIVER S ITY. . No . . . . Any . A "' School . . Students School Secretary. Upon Secretary . • EXPENSES OF LIVING. School ' . Information School. School. LOW. AVERAGE. Tuition $ Board ( ) Room Washing Text Stationery $ ASSISTANCE TO STUDENTS. $ $ LIBE RAL. $ $ Five . These . Applications Secretary Law School. LIST OF STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING THE YEAR . RESIDENT BACHELORS OF LAW. Burr James Henry St. Charles. LL.B. Northern Illinois College Law. Childs Lester Coffeen Hinsdale. A.B. Beloit College LL.B. Northwestern University. Green Everett PaPish Chicago. LL.B. Chicago Law School. Hurlbut Harry Rogers Chicago. A.B. University Michigan L.L.B. Northwestern University. Jacobsen John U. Jr. Chicago. LL.B. Kent College Law. Koepke Charles Albert Chicago. LL.B. Northwestern University Langan John Frederick Chicago. LL.B. Chicago College Law. Lewis Arthur Gardner Chicago. A.B. Harvard University LL.B. Harvard University. Miller George Haven Evanston. LL.B. Northwestern University. Pearsons Harry Putnam E • . A.B. Northwestern University LLB. Northwestern University. Potter Edwin LL.B. University Michigan. THIRD YEAR STUDENTS. (Candidates · .) Adcock Edmund David A.B. Knox College. Anderson William France A.B. University Chicago. Ashton Edgar Lowell A.B. Ohio Wesleyan University. Buntain Cassius M. Clay A.B. Northwestern University. Cermak Jerome Jeremiah Cleveland Frank Clayton Ph.B. University Chicago. Davis Abel Dickinson William Reynolds A.B. Harvard University. Dietz Godlove Orth Galesburg. Chicago. Blanchester Ohio. Momence. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Gilman. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Falter Frederick William Fischer Edgar Bernhardt Frank Charles Sigmund Freeman Charles Yoe A.B. Princeton University Green Charles Henry Hadley Charles William B.L. Wheaton College. Haight George B.L. University Wisconsin. Hess Carl Hollock Roland Martin Holste Fred A.B. University Chicago. Honegger Peter Gottlieb Hoy Eugene Richard Jeffreys Ivor A.B. Oberlin College. Knowlton Clarence Elliot Lowrie Alfred Richard A.B. Yale University. Margolis Bernard Mauzy Amon McDonald John Peter McNulta Donald Moore Edward Coleman A.B. Yale University. Oppenheim Sidney Pines George Sergius Reed Clark Scammon Bh.B. University Chicago. Robinson Warner Hunt Rogers Roy Leon Smiley Edmund Pillsbury A.B. Yale University. Thomson Charles Marsh A.B. Washington Jefferson College. Thomsen Colditz Sandor Tompkins Alfred Foote Topliff Samuel A.B. Bowdoin College. Turnell Charles Allen Tyrrell Pierce Crawford Weinfeld Charles Witter James Franklin A.B. A.M. Hedding College. Weston Herbert Mantor Ph.B. University Chicago. Zabel Max William B.S. University Wisconsin. .. Chicago. Addison. Chicago. Evanston. Wheaton. Rockdale Wis. Chicago. Maco . Palatine. Chicago. Chicago. Rochester Minn. Elgin. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Moline. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Oak Park. Evanston. Kankakee. Elgin. Chicago. Ca . Chicago. Milwankee Wis. THE LAW SCHOOL. SECOND YEAR STUDENTS. (Candidates .) Baird James Arthur A.B .. Carthage College. Block Manfred Sickle B.L. University Wisconsin. Campbell Hilary Erskine Carrott Matthew Finlay A.B. Princeton University. Crilly Oliver Daniel A.B. Harvard University. Clark John Woodbury Crosby Emery William Daly Charles Lawrence Devine John Deering Thomas Gardiner Dietz Cyrus Edgar Dunbar David Owen B.S. Cornell College A.B. Columbia University. Eberhardt Alfar Maximilian Eschbach Jesse Ernes Ph.B. Otterbein College. Ewing Joseph Chalmers A.B. University Chicago. Fleming William B.S. Upper Iowa University. Frank Lee Julius A.B. University Chicago Guthman Roy Headen Thomas Moulton B.S. University Illinois. Hicks Aeden Rhodes A.B. Leland Stanford Jr. University. Johnson Charles Christian Kay Fred Hans Kahn Julius Maurice A.B. Northwestern University. Keating James William Keep Albert Knapp William Proctor Ph.B. Iowa College. Kropf Victor Gustav A.B. Washburn College. Kidder Royce Annan Kompel Morris B.L. Northwestern University. Lee Curtis Gilmore Elias A.B. Harvard University. Carthage. Platteville Wis. Chicago. . Chicago. Paw Paw. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Gilman Center Point Ia. C! . Warsaw Ind. Chicago. Sabula Ia. Chicago. Ohio. Shelbyville. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago P . Chicago. Chicago. Clticago. Chicago. Sterling. Clzicago. Chicago. Chicago. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Mergentheim Morton Adolph A.B. A.M. University Chicago. Mills Matthew A.B. Yale University. Murphy Edward James Mudge Dick Howard McClure V. K. Everett Ph.B .. De Pauw University. Matthews Jacob Scott A.B. University Michigan. Niles John Addison Odell Benjamin Franklin Jefferson Peckham John Judah A.B. Harvard University. Proctor Harold Peres Quinlan Thomas Ambrose A.B. A.M. St. Mary' College. Rogers Rowland Thumm Ph.B. University Chicago Rosenberg Hyman Rose Charles George Schafer Frank Boesher Swigert Harry Amos Shaw Joseph Lawrence A.M. University Wisconsin. Schoenbrun Leo Jr. A.B. University Chicago. Thomasson Nelson Jr. A.B. Princeton University. Todd Leroy Levi Weigel William Barton Chicag· . Chicago. Evanston. Edwardsville. Cloverdale Ind. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Geneva. Veroqua. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. El Paso. Council Bluffs Ia. Geneseo. Chicago. Chicago. Milledgeville. Plainview Minn. FIRST YEAR STUDENTS. (Candidates .) Barber Clayton Jackson Springfield. Ph.B. Illinois College Banning Walker Bates Alfred Ricker Bays Alfred William B.S. Knox College. Brown Thomas Baldwin Camp Wilbur Lee Campbell Herbert John A.B. University Michigan. Clarkson John Joseph Ph.B .. University Chicago. Clements Louis Comerford Frank Desalles Fischer Henry Fred Follett Otis William Oak Park. Evanston. Enfield. Chicago. Swan Iowa. RivePside. Chicago. Evanston. Chicago. Addison. Libertyville. THE LAW SCHOOL. Gillam Walter Lowrie A.B. A.M. Wooster University. Grover George Oliver Gualano Alberto Nicola Lyceum Vittorio Emmanuele College Naples Italy. Hagens Graddus Remley A.B. Central College. Hart Merwin Michael Hart Stephen Price Hinckley Francis Edward Johnson Alton Francis Keeley William Mort Kepler Louis Howard Ph.B. Cornell College. Kohlsaat Edward Christian A.B. University Chicago. Krueger Nathan Lindhout Dingnus Kloppenburg Louis George Lionel Manierre Louis A.B. Yale University. Manning Curtis Rockwell A.B. University Chicago. Mathiesen vVilliam Meek Marcellus Woltz Miller Albert Grant McAuley Henry Sayrs A.B. Yale University. McCord Downer A.B. Yale University. McKinney Marion Hayes Pfeifer Louis Rutter Rhea Barton A.B. Williams College. Spalding Raymond Sherlock Carl Garfield Smith Claude Frederick Trude Daniel Pearson Walsh Richard Wilson A.B. Yale University. Weese Han Earnest Welch Robert Leslie A.B. University Chicago. Wiles Russel S.B. University Chica!)"O Wozniak Peter Chicago Leland. Sycamore. Pella Iowa. Chicago. Austin Minn. Evanston. Chicago. Washington Iowa. Mt. Vernon Iowa. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago Heights. Chicago. C! . Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Highland Park. Chicago. Riverside. Danville. Chicago. Chicago. H Ind. Chicag· . Chicago. S ! Bend Ind. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. SPECIAL STUDENTS. Amory Edwin Parkinson Barnes James Church Friend Lansing Conner Benjamin Cohoon Dorr Charles B. Gibons William C. Harrington Howard Woodford Marx Harry S. Menke! Anthony Martin A.B. Williams College. Miller William Edwin ' B.S. University Chicago. McClure Robert Samuel A.B. University Chicago. Schrieber Frank Servis Howard H. Stafford Elmore Hurst Stockton Eugene Manning Timke Julius Wright Charles Yomaguchi Shun Chicago. Evanston. Aledo. Clticago. Berwyn. Princeton. Watseka. Chicago. Chicago. Galena Oltio. Chicago. Chicago. B . Rock Island. Highwood. Elm! . Chicago. Japan. THE LAW SCHOOL. HOLDERS OF ACADEMIC DEGREES . Colleges Number BReleopirte sCenotlelde. G . Bowdoin College Carthage College Central College Columbia University Cornell College De Pauw University · Harvard University Hedding College Illinois College Iowa State College Knox College L Stanford Jr. University Northwestern University Obe College Ohio Wesleyan University Otterbein College Princeton University St. Mary' College University Chicago University Illinois U ) U Vittorio Emmanuele College ( Italy ) Washburn Colleg Washington Jefferson College Wheaton College Will College Wooster University Yale U Tota! · ' Counted Total Total RECAPITULATION. R Bachelors L II Third Year R Students Second Year Regular Students First Yea Regular Students Special Students Total Holders Academic Degrees Percentage College Gradu ADMISSION TO THE BAR OF WISCONSIN. Graduates Law School Bar Wisc exan . RULES FOR ADMISSION TO THE BAR OF ILLINOIS. Inquiries Admission Bar Illinois N. W. Branson Secretary State Board Law Examiners Petersburg Ill. Illinois Supreme Court State State Board Law Examiners " Ottawa Chicago Springfield Mt. Vernon " " " State United States " Board Law Examiners Illinois ?. THE LAW SCHOOL. Board lawyers . All . Rule Board Law Examiners · Law School "Each State. A ' English Algebra Geometry Ancient History Physiology Rhetoric Physics Physical Geography Botany Bookkeeping Medireval Modern History English American History English American Literature Zoology English Composition . " English American History Literature (Latin ) . " " . University College " . State " . State NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. " . State ( ) ' " . State " . Illinois University College State President Secretary University College " . President Secretary University College ." Rule "An . Rule Supreme Court ." ALUMNI NEWS. OFFICERS OF THE RECENTLY FORMED BRANCHES OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. During Alumni A Branches A State Territory Alumni S Ulinois Cook County. A Secre Vice President Branch. Branches . Charles H . Blatchford Esq. General Secretary Association Alabama Arizona California Colorado .Vice President William H. H . Judson Bessemer Ala. Frede S . Nave Tucson Ariz. Georgia Ebeneze Wakely Val Dosta Ga. Idaho Albert J. Green Indiana Indian Ter. Iowa Kansas Moscow Idaho. • S Henry B. Wilkinson Ph Ariz. Theodore vV . Hubbard Parrott Bldg. San Francisco Cal. A. Lee Doud Ernest & Cramner Bldg. Denver Colo. James E . Babb Lewiston Idaho. Thaddeus M. Talcott Jr. South Bend Ind. Harry Campbell Sapulpa . T. Ba Gilbert Ceda R Ia. Theodore H. Mor Fairmont Ave. Wichita Kan . NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Kentucky Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska New Eng. New Jersey Vice President Hon. "William J. Bryan Lincoln Neb. Hon. Sewell W. Abbott Wolfborough N. H. New Mexico John H. Stingle Albuquerque N. M. New York Hon. E. H. Gary N. Carolina N. Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania S. Dakota Texas Utah Virginia vVashington New York City. • Secretary ]. Clyde Nelson Sharpsburg Ky Henry F. Metzger Sault Ste. Marie Mich. Hon. Homer B. Dibell Duluth Minn. Jacob A. Ha. New York Life Bldg. Kansas City Mo. Richard A. Harlow Helena Mont. Alonzo P. Tarbox Bennett Neb. William F. Poole Jr. Franklin St. Boston Mass. Oliver L. Brown Telephone Bldg. Newark N. J Andrew M. Adams Albuquerque N. M. William F. Myers Amsterdam N. Y. James L. Curtis Raleigh N. C. Edward R. Sinkler Grafton N. D. Joseph D. Kerr Hicksville Ohio. Claud J. Bryant Lawton Okla. Charles H. Glos Chamber Commerce Portland Ore Forest G. Moorhead Beaver Penn. John F. Whitlock Forest City S. Dak. Edward Vv. Hander Waco Texas. Robert N. Freeman Salt Lake City Utah. Clare E. Crawford Elmont Va. Francis W. Coler Bailey Bldg. Seattle Wash • THE LAW SCHOOL. Vice Presideut Wisconsin S John K. Fish Old Insurance Bldg. Milwaukee Wis. Wyoming Charl F. Mall Cheyenne Wyo. Dist. Col. Phillip E . Winter "A " South E Washington D. C. Hawaii Carl S. Smith Mexico Hon. Wm. A . McLaren Switzerlan A Independencia Mexico City Mex. Hilo H. . Joseph S. Kennard Lausanne Switzerland. BRANCHES IN JUDICIAL DISTRICTS IN ILLINOIS. JUD. DIST . NO. S · . Address. Aaron J. Gould Bone Gap III. . Hon. Wilbur M. Warnock Edwardsville Ill. · Cha H. Holt Salem Ill. . Frank C. Van Sellar Paris Ill. . Thomas N. Cofer Charleston III. . John A. Barber Farmers' Nat') Bank Bldg. Springfield III. . John D. Gray Ha Ill. . Conrad G. Gumbart Macomb Ill. IO Frank S. Fulton Observatory Bldg. Peoria Ill. II. William L. McMahan Lincoln III. ' Charles B. Campbell Arcade Bldg. Kankakee III. . Wellin H. Shay Streator Ill. . William J . Sweeney Rock ! Ill. . S W . Crowell Oregon Ill. . \\' M. Mercer Coulter Blk. Aurora Ill. . John E. Goembel E. State St. Rockfo Ill. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. MEETINGS ANNOUNCED FOR MAY AND JUNE. ANNUAL BANQUET OF THE ASSOCIATION. Annual Ban Alumni Association P.M. University Club Dearborn St. Chicago. President Association Frank Orren Lowden Esq. · . Officers . All School · . A Alumni . . RECEPTION TO PROFESSOR HURD. Professor Harvey B. Hurd University Club Chicago P.M. . Professor Hurd School Faculty Professor Emeritus. Smoke Talk. School Legislature. Dr. Nathan S. Davis Sr. Medical Jurisprudence School Hon. Stephen A. Douglas Tremont House Fernando Jones Esq. President Lincoln Tremont House. Law . . All . . COMMENCEMENT. Commencement Exercises University School Law Auditorium Theatre Chicago . All . THE LAW SCHOOL. RECENT ACTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ENLARGING THE FACULTY AND INCREASING THE SCHOOL LIBRARY AND EQUIPMENT. Board Trustees Dearborn Lake Trement House University . Law School ( BULLETIN) Board School. First $ ( ) School. School Faculty . With . Besides . While School' . BULLETIN. School' . Secondly Board $ Library School. American . With Chicago Law Institute Library English American . Thirdly Board Equipment Fund School. A BULLETIN. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW QUARTERS. School Northwestern University Building ( Tremont House) Dearborn Lake . University $ $ . Law School <! . ' ' . ' Chicago. • . Library . . . School . School School . School West. THE LAW SCHOOL. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF RECENT APPOINTEES TO THE FACULTY. Of Faculty School Louis MAY GREELEY Professor Law Conveyancing Chicago Harvard College Law School Harvard University Chicago . He " Privilege Witnesses Federal Courts " "Conditional Estates Fee Simple " . WILLIAM MEADE FLETCHER Professor Law Equity Pleading Practice Rappahannock Co. Virginia Episcopal High School Alexandria University Virginia University LL.B. . After Montana Colorado Chicago Hon. Loren Cone Collins. He "State Lands " "Taxation Franchises " "Equity " Equity Jurisprudence Pleading Practice. LEVI HARPER FULLER Professor Law Practice Iowa Upper Iowa University () B.S. Iowa State University LL.B. Since Chicago ' Corporations Practice Court. JoHN HENRY SHELDON LEE Asidstant Professor Law Crimes Criminal Procedure Kansas Harvard College A.B. Law School Northwestern University LL.B. Assistant State' Attorney Cook County. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PROFESSOR HURD. HARVEY BOSTWICK HURD Professor Law Crimes Equity Pleading Professor Emeritus Huntington Connecticut . Chicago . From Hon. Henry Booth Dean School Professor Law. Illinois . Mr. Hurd . He . Three Professor Hurd' State. He Chicago Drainage Canal Lake Michigan Mississippi River. He Commission Torrens Registration Land Titles Commission . Legislature Supreme Court State. Professor Hurd Juvenile Court Pennsylvania States . Doctor Laws Northwestern University. After School . School . His State. . THE LAW SCHOOL. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. Hon. Thomas Hoyne University Chicago Alleghanies. Two School . Hon. Henry Booth LL.D . Professor Dean School Dean Emeritus . Hon. Harvf' Bostwick Hurd LL.D. School Faculty. Though School . Northwestern University Union Coll Law. University Chicago College Law Northwestern University. Throughout School Chicago West. Illinois Board Trustees Faculty. Among Board Thomas Drummond Mark Skinner Hugh Dickey George Manierre Grant Goodrich Henry G. Miller Corydon Beckwith Oliver Horton . Among Faculty Hon. John M. Wilson Superior Court Hon. Lyman Trumbull Supreme Court United States Senator James L. High Esq. . More Ct School Illinois Chicago. Its States Territories New York California Alumni Association . Association Frank . Lowden Esq. Chicago. . Since School NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY West . School West. HON. THOMAS J OYNE Founder School. HON. HENRY BOOTH LL.D. First D School. !· ON. HARVEY B. H URD LL.D. Se Pro . FRANK . LOWDE N ESQ. President Alumni A .
“Bulletin: The School of Law,” PLRC Collections, accessed October 12, 2024, https://plrccollections.org/items/show/361.