Circular of Information for 1901-1902

Circular of Information for 1901-1902

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Description: This issue was part of an early series of bulletins whose title was likely a carry-on from the days of the Union College of Law Circular of Information.

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NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATION BUILDING LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO ILLINOIS CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION J FoR APRIL • NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATION BUILDING LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO ILLINOIS . CALENDAR. TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY . • WILLIAM DEERING President Board. THE HON. OLIVER HARVEY HORTON LL.D. First Vice President. THE ION. H. H. C. MILLER A.M. Second Vice President. FRANK PHILIP CRANDON A.M. Secretary. EDMUND ANDREWS M.D. LL.D. JOSEPH FL NTOFT BERRY D.D. MERRIT C. BRAGDON A.M. M . D. JOHN PATRICK BRUSHINGHAM D.D. CHARLES BUSBY. BURNS DERBY CALDWELL. THE HON. LORIN CONE COLLINS JR. A.M. CHARLES BOWEN CONGDON. THE REv ALFRED EDWIN CRAIG. NATHAN SMITH DAVIS M.D. LL.D. NATHAN SMITH DAVIS JR. M.D. THE HoN. WILLIAM A. DYCHE A.M. THE REV. ARTHUR EDWARDS A.M. D .D. WILLIAM ALDEN FULLER. HENRY HOWARD GAGE. THE HON . LYMAN JUDSON GAGE. THE HoN. ELBERT HENRY GARY. NORMAN WAITE HARRIS. THE REV. GEORGE . HICKEY . HARLOW NILES HIGINBOTHAM. JAMES BARTLETT HOBBS. THE HON. HARVEY B. HURD LL.D. JOHN BALDERSTON KIRK. JOHN RICHARD LINDGREN. FRANK"O. LOWDEN NINA GREY LUNT. DAVID McvVILLIAMS. THE REV . FRANK WARR EN MERRELL PH.D. JOSIAH J. PARKHURST. JAMES HENRY RAYMOND A.M . ALEXANDER HAMILTON REVELL. HENRY WADE ROGERS LL.D. ROBERT DICKINSON SHEPPARD D.D. MRS. MARY R. SHUMWAY. DR. . A. SPENCER GUSTAVUS "FRANKLIN SWIFT. HENRY SARGENT TOWLE LL.B. MILTON HOLIDAY WILSON FA CUL TY · DANIEL BONBRIGHT LL.D. Acting President UniversdJ' HON . PETER STENGER GR SSCUP (A.M. Wittenberg College LL.B . Boston University LL.D . Knox Wittenberg Colleges Judge U.S. Circuit Court) Dean Professo · Law. HARVEY BOSTWICK HURD (LL.D. Northwestern University) Professor Law. EDWARD AVERY HARRIMAN (A.B. Harvard University LL.B. Boston University) Professor Law. JOHN HENRY WIGM RE (A.M. Harvard University LL.B. Harvard University) Professor Law. BLEWETT LEE (A.M. Harvard U LL.B. Harvard University) Professor Law. EDWIN BURRITT SMITH (A.M. Obetlin University LL.M. Yale University) Professor Law. JULIAN WILLIAM MACK (LL.B. Harvard University) Prqfessor Law. HON. NATHANIEL CLINTON SEARS (A.M. Amherst College LL.D. Northwestern University Judi Appellate Court First District Illinois) Professor Law. FRANK ORREN LOWDEN (A.B. Iowa State University LL.B. Northwestern University) Professoi· Law. CHARLES CHENEY HYDE (A.M. Yale University LL.B. Harvard University) T Law. LOUIS LEE DENT (A.B. Harvard University) Tutor Law. ALBERT MARTIN KALES (A.B. Harvard University LL.B. Harvard University) Tutor Law FACULTY. JOHN HENRY SHELDON LEE (A.B. Harvard U LL.B. Northwestern University) Tutor Law . · ROBERT CLOWRY CHAPMAN (LL.B. University Michigan) Tutor Law. LESTER LE GRAND BOND L Trade Jlllarl Copyrig hLs. SAMUEL ADA\ S (A.B. Harvard University LL.B. Northwestern University) L F J spr de . * Arranged President Oean . ' NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. ASSOCIATION BUILDING CHICAGO. ANNOUNCEMENT. Northwestern University Faculty Instruction THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS THE MEDICAL SCHOOL THE LA SCHOOL THE SCHOOL OF PHARMACY THE DENTAL SCHOOL THE WOMAN'S MEDICAL SCHOOL THE SCHOOL OF Music THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY. Departments University Chicago Evanston Illinois. Medicine Law Pharmacy Dentistry . College Liberal Arts Evanston . Law School Alleghany Mountains. Union College Law . Law School . Its NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. . Special Illinois . Law College Liberal Arts. . SCHOOL ACCOMMODATIONS. Law School Association Building La Salle . ' . . Law School . School . Court House Law Institute . Young Men' Chr. Association Chicago L School. Association School . A Asso Secretary Association. THE LAW SCHOOL. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. Persons . Age. They . . Preliminary Education. A . . . Time Entrance. No .. . Those J anμary . All . Illinois. ADVANCED STANDING. "Degrees." SPECIAL STUDENTS. Persons . They .. No Secretary. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION . FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERM. / Contracts Three . Keener' Cases Contracts. Harriman Contracts. Professor HARRIMAN. Torts Two . Ames' Smith' Cases Torts . Woodruff' Cases Domestic Relations. Professor WIGMORE. IO NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. ·Real Property (/) One Wl! . Tiedeman' Text Cases Real Property. Professor SMITH . ../ Common Law Pleading Two . Perry Pleading. Professor HURD. / Procedure One . Professor HURD. / Personal Property One . Smith Personal Property. Professor HURD. SECOND TERM. Contracts ( ) Three . Professor HARRIMAN . Torts ( ) Two . Professor WIGMORE. Real Property ( ) ( ) Two . Tiedeman' / Cases Real Property. Professor SMITH. Master Servant One . Wambaugh' Cases Agency. Professor WIGMORE. / Criminal Law Two . Clark Marshall Criminal Law. Professor HURD. First . SECOND YEAR. FIRST TERM. / Evidencec Two . . Thayer' Cases Evidence Professor WIGMORE. Trnsts Two . Ames' Cases Trusts. Professor MACK. J Agency Two . Wambaugh' Cases Agency . Professor HARR IMAN. / Commercial Pape Two . Huffcut Negotiable Instruments. Professor MACK. (Given . Omitted .) Equity ( ) Torts. Three . Keener' Cases Equity Vol. . Mr. LEE. Real Property ( ) Two . Tiedeman' T Cases Real Property. Gray' Cases ' Property Vol. V. Professor SMITH. ./ Sales Two . \Villiston' Cases Sales. Professor MACK . (Given . Omitted .) THE LAW SCHOOL. ../ Contracts Three . K. ' Cases Quasi Contracts. Professor WrGMORE. (Given . Omitted .) Bailments Carriers Three . McClain' Beale' Cases Carriers. Professor WIGMORE . (Given . Omitted .) SECOND TERM. / Evidence ( ) Two . Professor WIGMORE. Real Property ( ) ( ) One . / Professor SMITH. Commercial Paper ( ) One . Professor MACK. (Given " . Omitted .) Sales One . Williston' Cases Sales. Professor MACK. (Given . Omitted .) Wills Administration One . Bigelow Wills. Professor SMITH. Trusts ( ) Two . Professor MACK. · / Equity (II) Contracts. Three . Keener' Cases Equity Vol. II. Mr. LEE. (Given . Omitted .) Equity (III) Specific Performance . Three . Keener' Cases Equity Vol. II. Mr. LEE. / . (Given . Omitted .) Bankruptcy One . . Professor MAc K. Persons Domestic Relations One . Mr. (Given . Omitted .) Equity Pleading· One . Shipman Equity Plead . Professor HuRD. Co Laws One . Mr. (Given . Omitted . .) T Telephone Companies One . Mr. CHAPMAN . • NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Corl'Stitutional Law . No ½ Secretary · Constitutional Law . THIRD YEAR. / Ittternational Law International Law. FIRST TERM. (!) Two . Snow' Cases Professor WIGMORE. Corporations Three . Smith' Cases Corporations. Professor HARRIMAN. / Practice ( .) Two . Judge SEARS. S retysl One . Ames' Cases Suretyship. Mr. ADAMS. Co ci Two . Gray' Cases Real Property Vol. III. Professor SMiTH Mr. KALES. EC ND TERM. Partnership Two . Ames' Cases Partnership Professor HARRIMAN. V Practice ( ) Two . Judge SEARS. Corporations ( ) One . • Professor HARRIMAN. Intenzational Law (Il) Two . American Treaties Diplomacy. Mr. HYDE. / Constitutional Law (£) (Taxation Contracts Commerce War .) Three . Thayer' Cases Constitutional Law / Vol. II. Professor LEE. (Given . Omitted .) Constitutional Law (II) ( Police Power Eminent Domain.) Three . Thayer' Cases Constitutional Law Vol. . Professor LEE. (Given . Omitted .) Federal J One . States Courts. Curtis United Mr. ADAMS. Regular THE LAW SCHOOL. Jlfoot Court Once . Members Faculty . cred . All ma . COURSES NOT COUNTED TOW ARD A DEGREE. Legal Ethics Two . Judg GROSSCUP. Trade Copyrights Si . Mr. Bo . General Review Thirty . Mr. DENT . SYSTEM OF STUDY AND INSTRUCTION. . . . . Law School. . MOOT COURTS AND THESES. . Moot Courts. . NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY . . . Each . Application . . Tlzeses. Faculty . Any Faculty . . . Thesis begμn . PRIZES. . T! Callag! Prize A " Messrs. Callaghan Company Chicago . Caltaghan Prize John Ambrose Gearon A.B. Chicago. LIBRARY FACILITIES. By School Law Institute Chicago Court House School. · United States States Union English Scotch Irish reJ?Orts . Institute $ $ $ . Students Public Library THE LAW SCHOOL. School John Crerar Library . They Newberry Library . Law Institute Law School . English American . DEGREES. All University Commencement Oxford . . BACHELOR OF LAWS. Bachelor Laws . Attendance Regular . Students ' . . Students ' . . Students ' Committee Admissions. II. Registration Candidates . III. Examinations All ' . Persons ' NORTHWESTERN UNIVE RSITY. Committee Admissions. Four . A B C D . A C A C . II. MASTER'S DEGREE . Master' Arts Philosophy Science Letters A College Liberal Arts University Bachelor' Arts Philosophy Science Letters University Master' Bachelor Laws Faculty Liberal Arts Faculty . ( ) ( ) Bachelor Laws ( ) Faculty Law School. Students Master' College Liberal Arts Law School . Master' Law School . Faculty Liberal Arts ' Master' Administrative History. THE LAW SCHOOL. Constitutional Law International Law Law Roman Law Jurisprudence Legal GRADUATE "WORK. School Bachelor Laws . School . . ( ) Constitutional Law. ( ) Federal Jurisprudence. ( ) International Law . ( ) Practice Illinois . (S) Conveyancing . ( ) Genernl Review A Illinois. . . ( ) Alfoot Courts Moot Court · . ( ) Original Research Faculty . Special Faculty . FEES. These School. . thirty NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. . A . . . Fees su . . . . All . . Students . . A School. . A Bachelor Laws. . . No ! School . . Students . . No . . . Any . . A School . . Students School Secretary. Upon Secretary THE LAW SCHOOL. . . EXPENSES OF LIVING. School ' . A School. School. LOW AVERAG E . Tuition $ Board ( ) IIO Room Washing Text Stationery ASSISTANCE TO STUDENTS. $ $ LIBERAL. $ S $ Three . These . Applications Secretary Faculty. School Secretary Faculty Northwestern University Law School Association Buildin L Salle St. Chicago Illinois. MONDAY. Real Property (II). SECOND YEAR. Evidence. Carriers. · • ' Personal Prop FIRST . YEAR. Contracts. THIRD Corporations YEAR. Suretyship. SCHEDULE FOR FIRST HALF YEAR. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Equity ( ). Trusts. Equity ( ). Agency. Commercial Paper. Agency. Carriers Evidence. Torts. Procedure. Real Property ( ). Pleading. Contracts. Pleading. International Corporations International Law (IJ. Law ( ). Practice. Conveyancing. Practice. FRlDAY Trusts. Commercial Paper. Carriers. Torts. Contracts. Corporations Conveyancing. SATURDAY Real Property (II). Equity ( ). N > < > < Cz ..... < < < MONDAY . S E COND Eq (III). YE A R . Evide . THIRD . YEAR. . F RST R Prope ( ). Y EAR . Contracts. Co . T HI RD P . Y EA R . Constitutio Law ( ) SCH E DULE FOR SECON D HALF Y EAR. TUESD AY . WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. Will . Comm R Pape . Prope (II). Equity Plead . Trusts. E . '· Criminal Real L . Prope ( ). T . Mast Contracts. Criminal L . Servant. International Co . Fed L (II). P . Juri . Practice. Constitutional Law( ). P . F RIDAY. Equity (III). Tru . Torts. Co . C . P . Co L ( ) . SATURDAY Equity (III). Bankruptcy. Inte Law (II) . .. "' > J () N THE LAW SCHOOL. RESIDENT BACHELORS OF LAW. Bain Foree La Grang· . LL.B. Kent College Law. Beers Arthur Ed Cllicago. Ph.B. University Chicago LL.B. Northwestern University. Borgmeier Adolph John Chicago. LL.B. Northwestern University . .J Eryant Claud Joseph Oswego Kan. · LL.B. Kansas City Law School. Condee Ralph W Clticago. LL.B. Northwestern University. Earle George C! LL.B. Northwestern University. Egan Joseph Francis Clticago. LL.B. Chicago College Law. Fegtly Sam Ma Yevada Ia. Ph. B. Northwestern University LL.B. Northwestern University. Gertner Frederick Evanston. LL.B. Chicago College Law. Goodman Charles C! · . A.B. University Chicago LL.B. Northwestern University . · Gray Charles Harry Clticago. LL.B. Northwestern University. Higgins John Foley Clticago. LL.B. Chicago College Law. Jung William · Clticago. LL.B. Chicago College Law. King William Joseph C! · . A.B. St. Mary' College LL.B. North· University. Letton Harold Willis Clticago. LL.B. Harvard University. McKee David Clay CJ . LL.B. Chicago College Law. McKenna Philip C! . LL.B. Chicago Law School. Milligan David Anahabald S! Ue. LL. B. Chicago Law School. Morley Walter Kelly C! . LL.B. Northwestern University. Napheys Horace Kisterb Clticago. LL.B. Northwestern University. • .. THE . LAW SCHOOL. Noxon Gilbert LL.B. Chicago College Law. O'Connor John LL.B. Kent College Law. Schaffner \ Ya) LL.B. Northwestern University. Senseman Thomas Lu LL.B. Northwestern U . Van Dersiice Walter John LL.B. Chicago College Law. \ Yamsley Doty Herman LL.B. Chicago College Law. Wollner Rudolph LL M. Chicago Law School. Wright Charles \Villiam .B.S. Northwestern University LL.B. College Law. Young Nelson Lyman LL.B. Northwestern University. C! . C! . Chicago. Chicago. Clrcago. Clncago. C! . Oak Park. THIRD YEAR STUDENTS (Candidates .) /.Amory Edward Parkinson ' / fBaldwin George Benjamin )('. C /' A.B. Lawrence University. Bollinger Arthur fBryant John Morrison Jr. " / Burchell Francis William { () Childs Leste Coffeen . A.B. Beloit College. Don .Colby Elhanan Wayne ' C! . . / /Vis. Chi' ' . Clncago. C! . Hinsdale. Newark. Libertyville. '. 'Cook Raymond Capron . Woo R. ! . A.B. Brown University C.E. Brown UniV" . Coy Iarry • A.B. University Chicago. D eLanv Miss Emma · A.B. Vassar College . ./ Demerath Nicholas Jay Froelich Edmund Walter \ /+Galt Arthur Thomas ' tJ A.B. Yale University. {Garrett James Ralph y . Gilbert Barry A.B. Northwestern University. · Gould Aaron "Joe / Hale William Browne A.B. Yale University. • ? Ham Edward Randolph " A.B. Dartmouth College. • ' ' . .. .. C! . C! . Ohio. .C! . Chicago. Macomb . Evanston. Bone Gap '• Chica. . Ke. . Fall .M. . ... ' .. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. Hamilton George Henry B.S. Olivet College A. B. Harvard University. / Iartington IIe .. a '!' ./ ?Hopkins Richard Joseph V ' Hunter Joseph Andes ¥ ' Hurlbut Harry Rogers ·A.B. University M ch \. David Henry O ' / A.B .. Lake Forest University . ./ Kropf Oscar Armien ./ A.M. Washburn College. J .. Lederer Charles William O VI Ph.B. University Chicago. / tLuby Clarence Joseph + · B.L. Wisconsin University. tMalo Stephen Charles «> Meyer Sidney Bachrach ' . S/ > .Miller George Haven (} /tMoorhead Forest George C> / .rNeff George . . / Oggel E. Christian . / B.S. Iowa State College. / Otis William Kitchen () !y A.B. Harvard University. / Pattc ' ' jli a / 'Rawlins Edward William . / "\Richards Louis . O J Ph.G. Northweitern University. > Pich Patil Shurtleff Walte Henry Steele Robert King A.B . Toronto University. \... Y / .Street Norman Arthur Q A.B. Yale University. Swett Frank Wentworth ()+ ) • J '>"'TrumAb.Bu. U Dniovenrasiltdy oSfh Cuhritcl . / Upton Edward Clark XO A.B. Yale University. ... Waltz Merle Bowman A.B. Wesleyan University (Connecticut). Clifton Trask . . > B.S. Northwestern Normal College. V' tvVatson George Balderston A.B . University Chicago. / Lewis Ferney A. B. University . Watseka. Watseka . Garden CitJ• JCan. Rockford. Chicago. Lake Forest. Chicag· . Chiwgo. Hurley IYis. Miljord. Chicago. Evanston. Fredonia Pa. C! . Orange City £ . Chicago. Chicago. Evanston. Richards. Oak Park. Austin. Chicag· . Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Lowell. Chicago. Champaig· . • THE LAW SCHOOL. SECOND YEAR STUDENTS. (Candidates .) Anderson William France Chicago. A. . University Chicago. A Edgar Lowell · A.B. Ohio Wesleyan University. Buntain Cassius M. Clay A.B. Northwestern University. Cassell Ralph Joseph .C Jerome Jeremiah Cleveland Frank Clayton Ph.B. University Chicago. Davis Abel Dickinson William Reynolds A.B. Harvard University. Dietz Godlov Orth Dobyns Fletcher A.B. Harvard University. Falter Frederick William Fischer Edgar Bernhardt Frank Charles Sigmund Freeman Charles Yoe A.B. Princeton University. Green Charles Henry Hadley Charles William B.L. Wheaton College. Haight George Ives B .L. . University Wisconsin. Harris Morton Holloch Martin Roland Honeyger Peter Gottlieb Hoy Eugene Richard Jeffreys Ivor A.B. Oberlin College. John Stuart A.B. Amherst College. K Clarence Elliott Lowrie Alfred Richard A.B. Yale University. McDonald John Peter Margolis Bernard L Mauzy Amon · ) Mercer William Moffett ' B.S. East Paw Paw Illinois Seminary. Moore Edward Coleman A.B. Yale University. Oppenheim Sidney Pfirshing George Ph B. University Chicago / { / '. / Blanchester Ohio. Englewood. Kalamazoo Mich . Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Gilman. Chicago. Chicago. Addison. Chicago. Cleveland Ohio. Freeport. Wh . Rockdale Wis. Aurora. Macomb. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Chicag . Rochester Minn . Elg· . Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Aurora. Moline. Chicago. Chicago NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY . Robinson Warner Hunt Rogers Roy Leon Smiley Edmund Pillsbury A.B . Yale University. Stafford Elmore Hurst Thomsen Von Colditz Sandor Thomson Charles Marsh A.B . Washington Jefferson College. Tompkins Alfred Foote Topliff Samuel A.B . Bowdoin College. Turnell Charles Allen Webber Bernard Porter Weinfeld Charles Willis Oliver Perry Chicago. Geneva. Chicago. Rock Island. Chicago. Chicago. Oak Park. E . Kankakee. ¥ . Chicago. Elgin. FIRST YEAR STUDENTS. (Candidates .) Adams Alfred Stephen Baird James Arthur A.B .. Carthage College. Banning Samuel Walker A.I . Dartmouth College. Beckwith Howard Warren Billings Josiah Quincy • Block Manfred Sickle B.L. University Wisconsin. Czarmecki Anthony Campbell Hilary Erskine Christianson Chester Eugene Clark John vVoodbury Conigisky Joseph Perl Crosby Emery \V' 'Daly Charles Lawrence Devine John Deering Thomas Gardiner Dietz Cyrus Edgar Dunbar David Owen B.S. Cornell College A.B. Columbia University. Eberhardt Alfar Maximilian Eder Edward John Eschbach Jesse Ernest Ph B .. Otterbein College. Ewing Joseph Chalmers A. . University Chicago. Frank Lee Julius A.B. University Chicago. Chicago. Carthage. Chicago. Lake Geneva Vis. Rockford Ia. Platteville Wis. Chicago. Chicago. Norway Ia. Paw Paw. Peoria. Glenbeulah Vis. Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. Gilman Center Point Ia. Chicago. Crown Point Ind. Warsaw Ind. Chicago. Chicago. THE LAW SCHOOL. Glos Edmund Homer Guthman Roy Gorrell Warren Holste Fred A.B. University Chicago. Hopkins James Stolp Johnson Charles Christian Kay Fred Hans Keating James William Keep Albert Kompell Morris B .L. Northwestern University. Lester Irwin B.S. University Chicago. Lee Curtis Gillmore Elias A.B. Harvard University. McClure Everett Ph.B. De Pauw University. McGrath George Mergentheim Morton Adolph A.B. A.M. University Chicago. Mills Matthew A.B. Yale University. Murphy Edw. James Murray Charles Edward N e Arthur Sheridan Niles John Addison Odell Benjamin Paull Walter Fleming Peckham John Judah . A.B. Harvard University. Quinlan Thomas Ambrose · A.B. A.M. St. Mary' College. Riddle George McClelan Rosenberg Hyman Rose Charles George Schafer Frank Boeshar Swigert Harry Amos Schoenbrun Leo Jr. A.B . University Chicago. Thomasson Nelson Jr. A.B . Princeton University. \Veber Rudolph William Weigel William Burton Weston Herbert Mantor • St. Ckarles Ill. Okio. C! . Palatine. Aurora Ill. Ckicago. C! . Chicago. C! . C! . Ckicago. Ckicago. C! . Cloverdale Ind. Blue Island. Fort Vayne Ind. Buena Park. Evanston. Ckicago. Munising Mic! . C! . C! . Chicago. · Geneva Ill . Chicago. Ckicag· . Blue Island. Chicago. El Paso Ill. Council Blziffs . Chicago. Ckicago. C! . Plainview Min . Ckicago . NORTHWESTERN · uNIVERSil'Y. SPECIAL STUDENTS. (Not .) Bowman Louis Bradley Herbert Cudahy Joseph Michael Fithian Sidney Breese Fuller Edward Markle Gregg Robert Jaffray James Robert Langan John ! Dudley Woodbridge Mosser Ed. A.B. Muhlenberg College. Owens Jacob Elsworth Patterson Stewart A.B. Yale University. Schreiber Frank Sumner William Thompson Tracey Clarence Wallbrecht Max vVeinberg Morris Chicago. C! . ·Chicago. Vewtou. C! . C! . Belt· . Auburn Par/.·. Chicago. C! . Chicago. C! · . C! . • Emden. • Chicago. Hanover Germa . Chicago. ' 'HE LAW SCHOOL HOLDERS OF ACADEMIC DEGREES. Colleges Number Represented. Graduates . . Amherst College Beloit College Bowdoin College . Brown University Carthage College Col. University Cornell College Dart College De Pauw University East Paw Paw Illinois Seminary. . . Harvard University · Iowa State College Lake Forest UniversitY Lawrence University Muhlenberg College . Northern Indiana Normal College Northwestern University Oberlin College Ohio Wesleyan University Olivet College Otterbein College · Princeton University St. Mary' College " Toronto University . .. University Chicago University Illinois University Michigan University Wisconsin Vassar College . Washburn College • Washington Jefferso College Wesleyan University (Connecticut) Wheaton College Yale University TotaL Counted twice Total Total • NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY . RECAPITULATION. Resident Bachelors Law Third Year Regular Students Second Year Regular Students First Year Regular Students • Special Students Candidates Degree Total Holders Academic Degrees Percentage Co Graduates • APPENDIX. ADMISSION TO THE BAR IN WISCONSIN. Graduates Law School Bar Wisconsin . ADMISSION TO THE BAR IN ILLINOIS Inquiries Admission Illinois N. W. Branson Secretary State Board Law Examiners Petersburg Ill. (Suprem Court Illinois Rule ) R ULE . There Stale Board Law Examiners ' Appell Court State <> · State . Every · Board Law Examiners. Each ) . . Exam State Ottawa T Ma Chicago Springfie Septembe Mt. Vernon . Such . Each NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. State United States . . exan . Each State State United States } State . Every State Board Law Examiners State . Such Secretary THE LAW SCHOOL . . • . . Any . Every State State. Such State . Such State ' State · . State . RULES ADOPT ED BY TH E STATE BOARD O F LAW EXAMINERS JANUARY . RuLE . All Secretary Supreme Court NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY . '
“Circular of Information for 1901-1902,” PLRC Collections, accessed July 27, 2024,