Browse Items (150 total)

  • Collection: The Dean Hansell Collection of Historical Legal Instruments

1748 September 30

Release of an annuity of £5 per year from Alexander Chorley to Charles Chorley.

1869 May 18

Receipt for a dividend of $20.37 signed by (what appears to be) John Fullerton in Pittsburgh.

1743 July 9

Receipt stating that William Russell received the ten pounds due to him from Elizabeth (Michelson?), executrix of her mother, Ann Walker's, estate; Ann Walker, in turn, was the administratrix of her son, John Walker's, estate. John Walker seems to be…

1875 January 13

Receipt for William Redeker's purchase of lumber from Edw. Lyon.

1929 October 29-30

Receipt of payment for serving on a jury.

1690 March 21

A quittance from Toulouse for 620 pounds (livres) involving Guillemette d'Aubisson, the widow of François de Vabrés, Marquis de Castlenau; and Arnaud Caussade.

1690 February 24

A quittance from Toulouse for the sum of 500 pounds (livres) between Guillemette d'Aubisson, the widow of François de Vabrés, Marquis de Castlenau; and Antoine Vigniaux.

1686 November 15

A quittance from Toulouse for 1,500 pounds (livres) involving Guillemette d'Aubisson, widow of François de Vabrés, Marquis de Castlenau, made to the receivers (faite aux séquestres).

1858 November 8

Receipt for a credit of $29.99 from Amos Hoffman.

1842 March 24

Part of a quitclaim, or transfer of land, between Samuel Nevers and Samuel Plummer, both of Maine, and signed by Benjamin Nevers, Justice of the Peace.
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