Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of Courses in the School of Law for the Academic Year 1947-1948
1947 April 14

Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of Courses in the School of Law for the Academic Year 1947-1948

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Description: The annual bulletin (vol. XLVII, no. 20) for the 1947-1948 academic year.

Dublin Core

1947 April 14


NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN VOLUME XLVII APRIL NUMBER ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES IN THE SCHOOL OF LAW FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR Northwestern University Bulletin Northwestern University East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois. Entered IO Chicago Illinois Act Congress Section ll Act . ANNOUNCEMENT OF COURSES IN THE SCHOOL OF LAW FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR PUBLISHED BY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHICAGO AND EVANSTON ILLINOIS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW ELBERT H. GARY LIBRARY AND LEVY MAYER HALL FOUNDING AND LOCATION T HE SCHOOL OF LAW Thomas Hoyne. Union College Law Northwestern University University Chicago. School Northwestern University Northwestern University School Law. School Chicago Campus Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Chicago Avenue ' Chicago' Loop . BUILDINGS Levy Hall Mrs. Levy Chicago . Elbert H. Gary Library Building Elbert H. Gary Class . A Mrs. Hortense Hirsch Mr. Mrs. Levy . Levy Hall Chicago Avenue. On Lowden Hail Governor Frank . Lowden School' . To Lincoln Hall . On ' Booth Hall Henry Booth School . Elbert H . Gary Library Librarian' . From . On Faculty Room ' Hoyne Hall Thomas Hoyne School Hurd Hall Harvey Bostwick Hurd . On . . On . . On . Lake Michigan School . OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY FRANKLYN B. SNYDER Ph.D. Litt.D. LL.D . L.H .D. President University WALTER DILL ScoTT Ph.D. LL.D. President University Emeritus FRED Dow FAGG JR. M .A. J.D. LLD. Vice President Dean Fncu/ HARRY L. WELLS B.S . Vice President Business Manager JENS NYHOLM M.A. University Librarian KENNETH F. BURGESS President Board Trustees BERTRAM J. CAHN Vice President PHILIP R. CLARKE Vice President GEORGE B . DRYDEN Vice President "JAMES F. OATES Secretary LESTER J. NORRIS Treasurer General Funds ROBERT A. GARDNER Treasurer Endowment Funds HAROLD H . ANDERSON *MRS. ROBERT R . BAKER RALPH A. BARD JAMES M. BARKER ALFRED W. BAYS EDGAR BLAKE JR. CARLETON BLUNT *ROBERT W. CAMPBELL OWEN L. COON WALTER J. CUMMINGS WESLEY M. DIXON \VILLIAM T. FARICY WADE FETZER "JOHN H . HARDIN THOMAS A. HARWOOD JOHN HOLMES CARL . JOHNSON JAMES R. LEAVELL JOHN} LOUIS BISIIOP JUNIUS RALPH MAGEE NATIIAN \VILL.IAM MACCHESNEY RE NTLEY G. MCCLOUD ARTHUR T. McINTOSH AUBREY H. MELLINGER •EDWIN S. MILLS WILLIAM A. PATTERSON HOLMAN D . PETTIBONE " IRWIN REW *THEODORE \ Y ROBINSON GILBERT H. SCRIBNER MRS. . A. SMOTHERS FRANK E. SrENCER C. CRANSTON SPRAY ELMER T. STEVENS *CIIARI.ES H. THORNE RAWLEIGJ \VAR NER RAnro ND C . \VIEBOLDT ELECTED BY THE CONFERENCES HARRY A. RREWER JOHN M . ELLIOTT \VALTER B . HEYLER AUBREY S. MOORE •Life Trustee. Deceased . H . CLIFFORD NORTI ICOTT \VILLIAM RAY PRESCOTT ERNEST F. TITTLE WILLIAM A. VAWTER II FACULTY AND STAFF FRANKLYN B. SNYDER Ph.D. Litt.D. LL.D. L.H.D. President University WALTER DILL Scorr Ph.D . LL.D. President University Emeritus FRED Dow FAGG JR. M.A. J.D. LL.D. Vice President Dean Faculties Profes. Law LEON GREEN M.A . LL.B. LLD. Dean Professor Law ALBERT KocouREK M .A. LL.B. Professor Law Emeritus ROBERT WYNESS MILLAR M.A. LL.B. Professor Law Emeritus HAROLD CANFIELD HAVIGHURST M.A . LL.B. Professor Law HOMER FRANKLIN CAREY M.A. LL.B. Professor Law WALTER VINCENT SCHAEFER Ph.B. J.D. Professor Law FRED EDWARD lNBAU NATHANIEL LOUIS NATHANSON BRUNSON MACCHESNEY WILLIAM WILLARD WIRTZ A.M. LL.B. Professor Law EDWARD CLEAVELAND SWEENEY WILLIAM ROBERT ROALFE LL.B. Professor Law Librarian WILLARD HIRAM PEDRICK NELLIE MACNAMARA LL.B . Assistant Professor Law Raymond Foundation JAMES ANDREW RAHL ELMER MARTIN LEESMAN LL.B. Professor Law STEPHEN LovE LL.B. Professor Law IRVING GOLDSTEIN LL.B. Lecturer Trial Technique Raymond Foundation ALBERT KEGAN WILLIAM WEBB BRADY DANIEL MERRICK SCHUYLER BA. J.D. Lecturer Trusts Future Interests ROBERT W. WALES ADLAI EWING STEVENSON ROBERT ScHWIN CUSHMAN ILLINOIS LAW LECTURERS HAROLD J . CLARK STANFORD CLINTON ROBERT L. DONIGAN LL.B. LpWELL HASTINGS OWEN RALL ELMER A . SMITH LL.B. HUBERT VAN HooK LL.B. EDwIN · . WACK PUBLICATIONS STAFF WILLARD H . PEDRICK Chairman Board Managers Illinois Law Review ROBERT H. GAULT Ph.D. Editor Journal Criminal Law Criminology ORDWAY HILTON FRED E. lNBAU Managing Director Journal Criminal Law Criminology American Journal Police Science MARIE D . CHRISTIANSEN Business Secretary Legal Publications GENERAL OFFICE STAFF CECILE DEPPE Secretary School SARAH BEARD MORGAN Secreta MARJORIE LEE Registrar GENEVIEVE Ko . KoL Secretary General Office Run DUNNING Seneta NANCY STALLWORTII Senetary CARL BRA NDSO Assis ELBERT II. GARY LIBRARY STAFF WILLIAM R. RoALFE LLB. Librarian DOROTHY SCARBOROUC! ELAINE E . TEIGLER DORIS GREENF. Cataloguer HELEN PmvELL Evn.YN HUSTON CALENDAR SEPT. Mondny Frirlay Registration SEPT. Monda)' Fall Nov. Thu Thanksgiving Day DEC. Christmas JAN. Classes JAN. Classes FF.R. !Wonrlay Salurday Examination FEB. \Vinter MAY Classes MAY Examination JUNE NINETIETH ANNUAL COM \IENCE IENT .JUNF. Summer Aue. Summer SCHEDULES AND HOURS Classes A.M . P.M. . A.M. .M. P.M. P.M. . By Dean ! . SCOPE OF PROGRAM T HE DEVELOPMENT Middle West . No . · Chicago processir . Attendant ' . These . They . Of . Government . Chicago Illinois . They . Their . . Of . Here . School Law Universi ' . To . . Its . Its . Its . Through Illinois Chicago . Its . Its . Its ' . ADMISSION New . Forms . An ' ( ) . . A ' . A . . Servicemen . Graduate Record Examination Carnegie Foundation Advancement Teaching . . Every . ." An University. . Chicago School . Dean Illinois . Dean School. Students . No . Auditors . PRE LEGAL STUDY Among • Graduate Record Examination Graduate Record Office West Street New York N. Y. A "Prospectus Student " . . . . Such studenL . While School Law . . Generally Bachelor Arts Science English . . . School . Association American Law Schools. . On . Students School Law Dean Law School. DEGREES Degrees Trustees University Faculty School Law. Before . DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR . Juris Doctor . ' ( ) School Law .* II. Juris Doctor ( ) ( ) School Law . Where ' Juris Doctor Laude mag Laude. DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS . Bachelor Laws ( ) ( ) School Law .• II. Bachelor Laws • ha . School Law . III. By Bachelor Laws ( ) School . ( ) School . ( ) School . ( ) ' . Bachelor Laws . . DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS Master Laws haYe . . A Master Laws ( ) School . ( ) Illinois Law Review. Review. ( ) . DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF JURIDICAL SCIENCE Doctor Juridical Science Scientiae Juridicae Doctor (S.J.D.) Juris Doctor Bachelor Laws School Juris Doctor. A Doctor ° Juridical Science ( ) School. ' . ( ) . . . ( ) Dean . ( ) . . Candidates . They . School . COMBINED DEGREES DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS OR SCIENCE . Bachelor Arts Science College Liberal Arts University ( University Register ) School Law School Law School Law College Liberal Arts. II. A ( ) ' School Law School Law Bachelor Arts Science . DEGREE OF BACHE LOR OF SCIENCE IN LAW Bachelor Science Law School Law ( ) Bachelor Arts Science ' School Law . APPLICATION FOR DEGREE Application Secretary School. . An ' . EXAMINATIONS Regular Group. They ' . . . Examinations . . No . Students Dean . No . GRADES Grades C (Fair) (Passing) D (Poor) A (Excellent) } B (Good) O F (Failure) F (Failing) A School. A . P F . Dean . Grades · . CURRICULUM GROUP UNIT PLAN* OBJECTIVES Group Unit Plan First . Second • Plan "Reconversion Legal Education " . Law Rev. ( ). . Third . Fourth . TIME Plan . While . . INSTRUCTION . . Courses . From . . Rearrangement . . Students . Methods Instruction. . . . Outside Lecturers. . All Group IV Chicago . Additional Content. Several Groups V VI VII . Here ½ . . Concentration Teaching Power. . . . Teachers . Considerations. There Group Unit . Among . Of . LIMITATION OF WORK Group Unit . No . A . A Dean schech . GROUP BASIC CONCEPTS Fall Term Weeks CONTRACTS ( ) ( ) MR . HAVIC.HURST Formation . Cases Readings. Exercises . CRJMINAL LAW ( ) (' ) MR. lNBAU Origins . Cases Lectures Readings. Exercise . . LFGAL BJBLJOGRAPHY (]) (J ) MR. ROAL.FE An . LEGAL INSTJTUTTONS ( ) ( ) MR. SCHAEFER MR. HAVIGHURST MR. GREEN Development . TORTS ( ) ( ) . MR. GREEN Protection ( ) ( ) Credit . ( ) Class . . Cases Readings. Exercises . Total Total GROUP II BASIC CONCEPTS Winter Term Weeks AGENCY ( ) (' ) MR. Scl lAEFER MR. SWEE NEY Consideration . . Cases Readings. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ( ) ( ) \'fR. JAVIGI IURST MR. NATHANSO N . Cases Readings. MOOT COURT ( ) ( ) MR. NBAU Preparation . PROPERTY ( ) ( ) \[R. CAREY \'fR. SCHUYLER . Introduction . Historical . Cases Readings. II . Conveyancing . Cases Readings. Total Total GROUP III BASIC CONCEPTS Summer Term Weeks FAMlLY L A\V ( ) ( ) \ R . NATHA NSO N \[R. NBAU Marriage [ . Case .Readings Lectures. FUTURE Jl\Tl RI STS ( ) (' ) MR . CAREY MR. Scl lUYLER Future Shelley ' . Cases R . RELATIONS ( ) ( ) MR. GREEN Protection . Cases Readings. WILLS AND TRUSTS ( ) ( ) MR. MACCHESNEY MR. WALES Administration ' . Cases Readings. Total Total GROUP IV PROCEDURES Fall Term Weeks ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGISLATIVE PROCESSES ( ) ( ) MR. NATHANSON . Cases Lectures Readings. CIVIL PROCEDURE ( ) ( ) MR. CAREY MR. SCHAEFER ( ) ACTIONS . Equitable . . Cases Readings. ( ) COURTS . Cases Readings. TRIALS ( ) EVIDENCE ( ) ( ) MR. INBAU ' . Cas Lectures Readings. ( ) TRIAL TECHNIQUE ( ) ( ) MR. GOLDSTEIN Methods . . Readings Exercises. LEGAL CLINIC Miss MACNAMARA Study Chicago Cook County Legal Aid Bureau United Charities . Required Legal Publications Board. Work Group IV. Total Total GROUP V CORPORATE INDUSTRY Winter Term Weeks ACCOUNTING ( ) ( ) \ R. BRADY Principles . Not . Groups V VI VII. CORPORATE RELATIONS ( ) ( ) MR. MACCHESNEY Relations S.E.C. Chapter X Bankruptcy Act. Cases Readings. EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS ( ) ( ) MR. WIRTZ Organization . ' . Cases Lectures Readings. TRADE RELATIONS ( ) ( ) MR. RAHL Principles . . Cases Lectures Readings. SEMINAR ( ) ( ) MR. MACCHESNEY MR. NATHANSON MR. WIRTZ MR. CAREY MR. SCHAEFER MR. RAHL Case . Total Total GROUP VI TRADE AND FINANCE Summer Term Weeks COMMERCIAL AND INVESTMENT PAPER ( ) ( ) MR. RAHL Notes Negotiable Instruments Law . Cases Readings. CREDIT INSTITUTJONS . Functions " . . Functions Joan Torrens System . Lectures. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ( ) ( ) MR. Sct·IAEFER \fR. CAREY Brokers' . Cases Readings. SALES AND CREDIT TRANSACTIONS ( ) ( ) MR. HAVIGHURST MR. CAREY . Cases Readings. SEMINAR ( ) ( ) MR. HAVIGHURST MR. CAREY MR. SCHAEFER MR. RAHL Study . Total Total GROUP VII GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES Fall Term Weeks CONFLICT OF LAWS ( ) ( ) \ R. MACCHESNEY Choice . Cases Lectures Readings. GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF BUSINESS ( ) ( ) MR. NATHANSON MR. WIRTZ Legal . Cases Lectures R . GOVERNMENT FINANCE ( ) ( ) MR. \ MR. PEDRICK Forms . Lectures Readings. TAXATION ( ) ( ) J\IR. PEDRICK MR. CusmIAN ( ) FEDERAL Federal . Cases Readings. ( ) STATE Typical . Cases Readings. SEMINAR ( ) ( ) (Student ) (Faculty ) Agriculture MR. SCHAEFER MR. PEDRICK Governmental National Bankruptcy Act Packers Stockyards Act Board Trade Grain Futures Act . Communications MR. NATHANSON MR. GREEN MR. RAHL Radio . F.C.C. . Insurance \ R. J IAVIGHURST Organization Jaws • . International Law Organization MR. MACCI IESNEY MR. STEVENSON A United Nations. Pa. MR. KEGA N Studies . Protection Health General Welfare MR. SCHAEFER MR. WIRTZ Federal . . Power System MR. MACCHESNEY MR. RAHL MR . J IAVIGHURST Power T.V.A. Public Utility Holding Company Act . Transportation MR. SWEENEY Aircarriers Railway Labor Act . Total Total GROUP VIII SPECIAL SUBJECTS Summer Term IO Weeks ( Group Summer Term. They . They ). HONORS THE ORDER Of THE COIF NORTHWESTERN CHAPTER Order Coif . Its . Each . Legal Publications Board School Order Coif. Francis A. Allen Newton P. Frye Jr. Ellis E. Fuqua Members Elected Emory S. Naylor Jr. Theodore L. Stansell Ervin F. Wilson Jr. FELLOWSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS PRIZES James Nelson Raymond Fellowship. $ Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Raymond Fellowship Fund Applications . Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Fund .. $ Northwestern University Mrs. Anna Coburn Fund School Law President University Dean School Law . Jacob Newman Scholarship Fund. $ Mrs. Minnie G. Newman )Ilemory Jacob Newman . ' Ware Scholarship. $ Mrs. Fannie M. Ware Lieutenant Manierre Barlow Ware Argonne Sector Battle { . Anna Louise Raymond Scholarship Fund. $ Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond School Law. Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Scholarship. A Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation . Rufus H. Sage Scholarship School Law. From Mrs. Ellen Sage $ . Catharine Waugh McCulloch Memorial Scholarship. A $ Mr. Frank H. McCulloch Class Catharine Waugh McCulloch Class Law School Chicago . Applicants Rockford College Catharine Waugh McCulloch . Elmer A. Smith Scholarship. A Mr. Elmer A. Smith Chicago . Legal Publications Secretarial Scholarship. A . ' School Law ' . Business Secretary Legal Publications. Applicants . University Scholarships. There University $ . MonitorshijJs. A . Compensation . Mah/ Ogden West Book Fune/. A Mahlon Ogden West Class School Law Dean. Lowclen Wigmore Prizes. Mr. Frank . Lowden Class $ . . Hyde Prize. $ Professor Charles Cheney Hyde School Law . Award .f ·Bar Association. An . University · . School Law . After School . Delta Rho Fraternity Scholarship CujJ. An Delta Rho Fraternity Junior Bar Association School . Appli. Dean School. LOAN FUNDS University . (See University Register.) Applications Dean School Law. Methodist Loan Fund \ H. Bovee Fund Ella lvI. Sullencler Fund James A. Patten Fund General Student Loan Fund Northwestern University Foundation Loan Fund Anna Louise Raymond Loan Fund TUITION FEES AND FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS T . TUITION FEES FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Bills Division Student Finance Abbott Hall . These . . Each Cashier' Office Abbott Hall. Each . Division Student Finance. . Financial Obligations. No University . A . Registration Un Director Student Finance . Withdrawals Refunds. Official School Law. Students . Students . Students . Students . . Student Finance Office . Rebates Faculty Staff Instructors.* Undergraduate ( ) University ( ) ( ) . A ( ) ( ) ( ) . ) . A . New Northwestern. A . . Application Student Finance Office Abbott Hall . Students Division Student Finance Abbott Hall . Rebate . Student Deposit Account. University Cashier' Office Abbott Hall . Students . There . General Expenses. $ . • University University University University . All . THE ELBERT H. GARY LIBRARY Elbert H. Gary Library Elbert H. Gary LL.B. LL.D. . United States United States Great Britain Canada Australia Anglo American . . Library English . European Roman Japanese Chinese . Theodore S. Chapman Robert . Farrell Mexican Latin American . A . Library . Library professionaJly Law School . PICTURES School' Great Britain United States . . Personal Europe · . . A British National Gallery Portraits London . . Library . THE JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Anna Louise Raymond Foundation $ . School Law United Charities Chicago Bar Association. Since Foundation Mrs. Raymond. School Law Legal Aid Bureau United Charities. School Legal Aid Bureau . Indigent . . . Foundation . Curriculum. Mrs. Anna Louise Raymond James Nelson Raymond Fellowship $ Fund . See Fellowships Scholarships Prizes. THE JULIUS ROSENTHAL FOUNDATION Julius Rosenthal Foundation l Julius Rosenthal Lessing Rosenthal Mrs. George Pick Charles H. Hamill Max Hart Harry Hart Mark Cresap Frank M. Peters Leo F. Wormser F. Howard Eldridge Willard L. King Magnus Myres Mrs. Joseph Schaffner Mrs. Otto L. Schmidt Chicago Honorable Julian W. Mack New York. Julius Rosenthal ( ) Chicago Librarian Chicago Law Institute . He Chicago School. Foundation $ Ugal p · . School Foundation Sir William Searle Holdsworth Vinerian Professor Law Oxford University. Antonio Sanchez Bustamente University Havana Permanent Court International Justice. John C. H. Wu Chief Justice Court Appeals Shanghai Law Codification Commission China. Jean Escarra. Faculty Law University Paris. · Charles Warren " Supreme Court United States History " . Walton Hale Hamilton Professor Law Yale University. H T. Lummus Associate Justice Supreme Court Massachusetts. Lon L. Fuller Professor Law Harvard University. United Nations United Nations. Mr. Adlai E. Stevenson. Leo Pasvolsky Director International Studies Brookings Institution Alger Hiss Director Office Special Political Affairs State Department Joseph E. Johnson Chief Division International Security Affairs State Department A. D. K. Owen (U. K.) Assistant Secretary General United Nations Economic Affairs John A. Tomlinson Chief Specialized Agencies Branch Division International Organization Affairs State Department Victor Hoo (China) Assistant Secretary General United Nations Trusteeship Dependent Area Affairs Philip C. Jessup Professor International Law Columbia University M. A. Pelt (Netherlands) Assistant Secretary General United Nations Conferences General Services. THE CHARLES CLARENCE LINTHICUM FOUNDATION Charles Clarence Linthicum Foundation Charles Clarence Linthicum ( ) LL.B. School . $ Mrs. Charles C. Linthicum Harvey S. Firestone Ollo R. Barnett Melvin M. Hawley Chicago . . . Prizes Stephen Davis New York. Subject " Law Radio Com ." Charles John Hamson London L. B. Davies Melbourne Australia Francois Poignon Montbard France. Subject "Scientific Property." Richard Spencer Chicago. Subject "A Complete Program Improvement United States Patent Law System." Leslie Bartell Davies Arthur Dean Melbourne Australia Stephen P. Ladas New York Marcel Plaisant Paris J. M. Bliss Surrey England. Subject "A Comprehensive Critique International Chamber Commerce Committee' Draft Convention International Protection Industrial Property." Jan Vojacek Prague Czechoslovakia Karl B. Lutz New York George Gehr Chicago Mario Chiron Rome Italy Edwin M. Thomas Washington D. C. Subject "A Survey Principal National Patent Systems ( Historical Comparative Points View)." Jean Van Houtte Brussels Belgium D. Goedhius Hague Netherlands Joseph Kroell Strasbourg France David Grant Arnold W. Knouth New York Hans Adolf Wulf Hamburg Germany. Subject "Carrier Liability National International Commerce." Laurence . Wood Chicago W. Houston Kenyon Jr. New York. Subject " Relation Between Patent Practices Anti Monopoly Laws Situation Past Present Trends Future Possibilities." Louis F/. Chicago. Subject "Trademark Trade Name Laws Americas Problem Their Practical Reconciliation." LEGAL PUBLICATIONS THE JOURNAL OF AIR LAW AND COMMERCE Journal Air Law Co Northwestern University Schools Law Commerce . Publication . . Members Edward C. Sweeney Professor Law Editor Stanley Berge Associate Professor Transportation School Commerce Harold W. Torgerson Associate Professor Transportation School Commerce Associate Editors. THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY Journal Criminal Law Criminology . Robert H. Gault Professor Emeritus Department Psychology Northwestern University . Department Police Science Mr. Ordway Hilton Examiner Questioned Documents New York City. School Law. THE ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW Illinois Law Review School . School University Chicago University Illinois. Board Managers Northwestern Legal Publications Board. THE LEGAL PUBLICATIONS BOARD Legal Publications Board Student Editorial Department Law School. School Law. Selection Board . Membership Board School Law . Junior Bar Association Legal Publications Board. Board. Board . S. Hiestand Arthur R. Seder Jr. Associate Editor Editor Chief Irving R. Gordon John P. Stevens Associate Editor Article Booh R Editor William P. Green Note Editor Theodore A. Groenke Note Editor William L. Niemann Legislation Editor Harold E. Penner Note Editor George B. Young Note Editor Edgar Vanneman Jr. Student Editor Air Law Commerce Grant F. Watson Student Editor Journal Criminal Law Criminology Sidney Waller Student Business Manager Claude G. Metzler Harold D. Nagel James A. Rahl Adviser Editorial Board BOARD OF MANAGERS Willard H. Pedrick Chairman Francis A. Allen Lloyd S. McClelland Harry L. Wells Harold J. Clark Nathaniel L. Nathanson Bernard M. Mamet Leon Green James A. Rahl Ervin F. Wilson Harold C. Havighurst Robert A. Sprecher Sydney G. Craig Nathan William MacChesney Walter V. Schaefer Louis G. Melchior And Officers Student Board JUNIOR BAR ASSOCIATION Junior Bar Association ' . Faculty School. All Association . Through Association School School. President Leonard Staisey Vice President Joel W. Townsend Secretary Walter Dahl Treasurer Adorea Goodman FRATERNITIES Phi Alpha Delta Phi Delta Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Eta Gamma Nu Beta Epsilon Tau Epsilon Rho Sigma Delta Kappa Kappa Beta Pi (Sorority) HEAL TH SER VICE Health Service University Medical School Jaw Medical Dental Schools. Students Medical School (Montgomery Ward Building) P.M. . . Passavant Memorial Hospital. All . Appointments . Students $ . . Student Health Service ( ) Initial X . ( ) Advice X University . ( ) Bed Passavant Wesley Memorial Hospitals Student Health Service. Stu Fall Term Winter Term Summer Term. (Free .) Excess . Students . Student Health Service . Student Health Service ( ) Surgeon' ' . ( ) Dental ( ). ( ) Special . Drugs Medical School . University University . ABBOTT HALL All School Abbott Hall. . Lake Michigan Lake Shore Drive Superior Street. Indiana . . . . On ABBOTT HALL · . . Athletic . A ' . Three School Law. Double . Rooms . All . Each . (Trunks .) Bed . Abbott Hall . ' Dining Hall . A $ . $ . . Student . . $ . . Before . Division Student Finance Abbott Hall. Rental . Bills Cashier' Office Abbott Hall. Because . Manager Abbott Hall Lake Shore Drive Chicago . UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE University Bookstore University Chicago Campus. Abbott Hall. . He ' . MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE Mr. Carl Brandso. . . No . EMPLOYMENT University Placement Bureau • . Application University Placement Bureau Wieboldt Hall East Chicago Avenue Chicago Illinois. LAW ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Presidenl Alexander H. Marshall First Vice President Bertram J. Cahn Second Vice President Otis Lowell Hastings Third Vice President Stanford Clinton Treasurer Theodore S. Chapman III Secretary James E. S. Baker BOARD OF DIRECTORS T Expiring Edward J . Metzdorf Laurence E. Oliphant Jr. Dale K. McAlpine Term Expiring Willis D. Nance Ralph D. Shanesy Robert A. Sprecher Term Expiring Douglass Pillinger Charles F. Martin Jr. Benjamin P. Epstein Term Expiring Harold J . Clark James G. Holbrook Lloyd S. McClelland T Expiring Edwin . Wack Cranston Spray THE NORTHWESTERN CENTURY FUND Northwestern University Alumni Foundationnow Northwestern Century Fund NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Chicago Evanston Illinois INDEX Abuott Hall Admission Alumni Association Bookstore Calendar Combined Degrees Curriculum Degrees Eiben H . Gary Library Employment Examinations Faculty Fees Expenses Fellowships Scholarships Prizes Financial Regulations Foundations Fraternities Grades Group Unit Plan Health Service Historical Note Honors Illinois Law Review Journal Air Law Commerce Journal Criminal Law Criminology Junior Bar Association Legal Clinics Legal Publications Legal Pu Board Library Limitation Work Linthicum Foundation Loan Funds \ Service Northwestern Century Fund Officers Trustees Pictures Pre Legal Study Prizes Publications Raymond Foundation Registration Rosenthal Foundation Schedules Hours Scholarships Prizes Scope Program Special Students Staff Summer Term Trustees Tuition Fees Financial Arrangements
“Northwestern University Bulletin: Announcement of Courses in the School of Law for the Academic Year 1947-1948,” PLRC Collections, accessed April 25, 2024,